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Autumn Glow

Size 52" x 75"

13--1 1/4 oz. Skeins Black.
9--1 1/4 oz. Skeins Scarlet.
11--1 1/4 Skeins Cardinal.
22--1 1/4 Skeins Maroon.
Each square measures about 7 inches. 70 squares
(7 x 10) are required for Afghan illustrated.
Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 or No. 6.
With Black, ch 3 and work 7 sc in first st of ch,
join in ch.
The chain at beginning of row counts as 1 sc.
2nd Row. Ch 4, sc in same space (corner), 1 sc in
next sc, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next sc (2nd corner), 1
sc in next sc, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next sc (3rd
corner), 1 sc in next sc, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next
sc (4th corner), 1 sc in last st, join in 1st corner
3rd Row. Ch 4, sc in same space, * 1 sc in each
sc at side, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in corner, repeat from
* twice, 1 sc in last sc on last side, sl st in corner
loop to join.
Repeat 3rd row having 2 more sts at sides each
row until there are 11 sts between corners, break
Attach Scarlet in corner loop, ch 4, sc in same
space, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, yarn over 4
times, pick up entire center sc on 3rd row of Black
and work off all loops on needle 2 at a time, this is
referred to as a treble treble, (tr tr), skip the sc in
back of tr tr and work 1 sc in each of the next 6
sc, 1 sc in corner, ch 3, 1 sc in corner and repeat
from * all around, join in corner with a sl st.
Next Row. Ch 4, sc in corner, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, work a tr tr over 3rd st in
4th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, sc in next sc, work a tr tr over 5th sc in

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4th row of Black, skip the sc in back of tr tr, 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, 1 sc in
corner, ch 3, 1 sc in corner, repeat from * all around, join in corner loop, break yarn.
Attach Cardinal in corner loop, ch 4, sc in same space, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc,
work a tr tr over 3rd st in 5th row of Black, skip the sc in back of tr tr, 1 sc in each of
the next 3 sts, 1 tr tr over 7th sc in 5th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1
sc in each of the next 6 sc, 1 sc in corner, ch 3, 1 sc in corner, repeat from * all around,
join in corner loop.
Next Row. Ch 4, sc in same space, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, work a tr tr over 3rd
st in 6th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1 sc in each of the next 5 sts, 1 tr
tr over 9th sc in 6th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1 sc in each of the
next 6 sc, 1 sc in corner, ch 3, 1 sc in corner, ch 3, repeat from * all around, join in
corner loop, break yarn.
Attach Maroon in corner loop, ch 4, sc in same space, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc,
work a tr tr over 3rd st in 7th row of Black, skip the sc in back of tr tr, 1 sc in each of
the next 7 sts, 1 tr tr over 11 sc in 7th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1 sc
in each of the next 6 sc, sc in corner, ch 3, sc in corner, repeat from * all around, join in
corner loop.
Next Row. Ch 4, sc in same space, * 1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, 1 sc over 2nd st in
7th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1 sc in each of the next 9 sts, 1 tr tr
over the 13th st in 7th row of Black, skip the sc in back of the tr tr, 1 sc in each of the
next 6 sc, sc in corner, ch 3, sc in corner, repeat from * all around, join in corner loop.
Next Row. Work 1 sc in each sc and 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in each corner, break yarn.
Work 69 more motifs.
Sew or crochet the motifs together matching sts and having 10 rows of 7 motifs.
EDGE. Attach Maroon in corner and work a row of sc all around Afghan, working 3 sc in
center st of each corner, and 2 sc in each corner loop of motif at joinings.
2nd & 3rd Rows. 1 sc in each sc, 3 sc in center st of each corner.
4th Row. Slip st to center st of corner, * ch 4, 2 tr c in same space, skip 3 sc, sc in
next sc, repeat from * all around.

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