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Sumatran Rhino

Endangered animals are animals which their existence are threatened.

There are a lot of endangered animals in the world such as Rhinos, Tiger,
Elephant, Bear, and many other animals that are endangered. We have to
save those animals from extinction, so that our next generation still can
see and know those animals. One endangered animal that will be
discussed is rhino in specific Sumatran rhino.
Sumatran rhino that has scientific name Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis
are critically endangered based on WWF organization. Up to this moment
there are less than 200 Sumatran rhinos that are still alive. This 3.3 5
feet tall and 6.5 13 feet long animal lives in dense highland and lowland,
tropical and sub-tropical forest. They are only live in Peninsular Malaysia,
Sumatra, and Borneo. Sumatran rhino weights approximately 1320 2090
pounds. There are some reasons why Sumatran rhino endangered; the
main reason is because of their horns. There had been an increased
demand on the rhinos horn in 1970s. The horns are used in traditional
Asian medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Then, forest
conversion and subsequent disturbance keep pushing the Sumatran
rhinos towards extinction. In addition, Sumatran Rhinos are very
vulnerable to extinction because, is there are no single Sumatran rhino
population is estimated to have more than 75 individuals.
So, can we do something to make Sumatran rhino still exist until our
next generations? The answer is yes, the easiest thing that we can do is
not buy rhino horn products because, if buy rhino horn products it will
make the seller wants to sell more that can kill more rhino. Selling and
buying rhino horn products are also illegal so, we can get punishment if
we get caught. We also can use and support the use of sustainable wood,
paper and palm oil. By using certified forest products, we help protect
Sumatran rhino habitat by limiting forest conversion to oil palm
plantations and illegal logging.

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