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to have an adequate, albeit incomplete, typeset copy of the Malleus Maleficarum,

both as
an accessible historical resource and to know some of the ongoings that History
when dogma enters the realms of Individual Freedom, effectively suffocating the
Experience to be nothing but a shella Qlipphotic piece of excremental waste. It
is thus my
ethical duty and honor to make sure in this Digital Age we have as complete a
version of the
Malleus Maleficarum possible: translators credited rightfully so are included in this
document. I chose to offer my LaTeX skills to reduce the over 700 page html
version down
to 431 pages currently. As the completion of the translation comes to its
culmination, so to
will this PDF version. Regarding the use of S MALLCAPS and Italic glyph
enhancements, I
have made the concerted effort to make it clear that all D EIFIC references, in all
cited, are in smallcaps and that Latin, Greek, Germanic and other languages cited
in italic.
Also, I have italicized the references to Saints.
I have taken the liberty of structurally combining passages to give it a more
presentation, so if any part of this tomb seems to drain your eyes feel free to send
me feedback
and I will be sure to address those issues and when it seems to make sense
the layout and produce the changes in subsequent revisions. I also took it upon
myself to
apply all footnotes to their proper placeat the foot of the page notedreplacing
the need
for a separate web page for each footnote. This leads to a much more readable
All typos, and other extraneous grammatical errors are welcomed critiques and
will be included
in subsequent revisions to reflect a more correct edition. I have also taken the
to utilize small cap font substitution with the Palatino Type 1 Font that Adobe

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