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1 Two smart boys who are tall are playing

kites in the park.

Two smart boys who are tall are playing at
the park.
Two smart and tall boys are flying their
kites at the park.
A boy wearing a cap is playing with some
marbles with his best friend.
Sarah with the pony tail haired is sitting
on a wooden bench under a shady tree.

A girl with her hair in bunches, is sitting on

wooden bench under a tall shady tree.

1. The picture shows that the people at the

The picture shows that the people are at
the park.
2 Two boys are flying the kites while the
two girls are talking on the bench.
3 The two boys are playing marbles

Two girls are sitting on the bench under

the shady tree while talking to each other.
Two girls are sitting on the bench and they
are talking to each other.
Two boys with straight hair, are flying kites
in the park.
One fine morning Ali and his friends go to
the park which is located near their house.

Two girls sit on the bench under a big

shady tree.
Two girls are sitting on a bench under a
big shady tree.
A boy holds a rope and he wears T-shirt
and a pair of shorts.
A boy who wears a T-shirt and a pair of
shorts, holds a string.

A boy who wears a cap , is playing

Safik is squatting on a desk.
Two boys are flying kites.
Two boys are flying their beautiful kites in
the park.
Two boys are flying their beautiful kites
because it is a windy day.

1.There are two girls and six boys

at the park.
2.Two girls are sitting on a bench
under a shady tree.
3.Two boys wearing T-shirts,are
spinning the tops happily.
4. There are trees and bushes
in the park.
5.Two boys are kneeling opposite
each other and they are playing marbles.

1. There are some people doing their own

activities in a big and clean park.
2.Two pretty girls are sitting on a bench under a
big shady tree.
3. Two little boys are playing some marbles
happily while kneeling on the ground.
4. Two boys are flying their beautiful kites in the
park during the windy day.
5.Two handsome little boys are playing their
own tops on the ground happily.






Flying top-spinning marbles women


1.There are eight people in the picture.


There are six children and two adults in the picture.

Two women are sitting on a bench under a tall shady tree.
The two boys wearing T-shirts, are flying kites in the park.
The two boys who are kneeling on the ground, are playing marbles.
The boys wearing a pair of shorts and trousers, are playing
6. The boys wearing a pair of shorts and trousers, are spinning the

What to do?

Look at the words given in the boxes.

Use the words that you know.
Do you know which are nouns and verbs?
Use simple present tense or simple
present continuous tense.

Lets give a try.

Nouns are people , plants\trees , animals,
flowers and objects.
Example : people
There are many people in the picture.
There are two adults and six children at the
Example : kites
The two boys are flying the kites because it
is a windy day.

Question 2 ( Paper 2 )

What to do ?
Read and understand the instruction.
Choose the one that you like.
Look at the criteria given.
Example : orange juice
Criteria :aluminum tin, 300ml.,RM1.30,
Fresh orange and sugar, a free packet of
tissue with every 6 tins of drinks

Give reasons:
Aluminum tin : light and easy to put in the
bag , easy to open , recycle , make a
pencil holder
300ml. : enough for me
RM1.30 : reasonable, affordable, have
enough money in my purse/wallet to buy
two tins.

Fresh orange and sugar : refreshing drink,

Favourite flavour , orange contains vitamin
C good for health

I would choose orange juice because it is

my favourite drink. It contains vitamin C
so it is good for health. It is a nutritious
and refreshing drink. It could quench my
thirst. It is packed in aluminium tin which is
light and easy to take to picnics or
schools. It is very easy to open and it
could be recycled.


1. Baca arahan.
2. Tengok gambar.
3. Baca perkataan2 yg. diberi.
4.Bulatkan kata kunci.
5. Bina ayat simple dan compound.
6. Guna creativity utk. menjadikan cerita
7. Guna perkataan baru atau canggih.

What to do?
1. Read the instruction.
2. Read the given words.
3. Circle the keywords present tense or
past tense
4.Insert the appropriate words.
5. Write sentences .
6. If you can write a story, that would be

Question 3

Hamid - ^ going - home -^ friends - burgers

One day, Hamid was going home. He saw his

friends buying burgers.
^ teacher Puan Mawar saw ^ looking ^ gave
- money

His teacher, Puan Mawar, saw Hamid looking

at his friends. She gave some money to Hamid.

Third paragraph
a burger he
^ happy ^ quickly - bought ^ ^ ate

Hamid was happy. He quickly bought

a burger. He ate the double cheese
burger happily.

Hamid - ^ going - home -^ friends - burgers

One day, Hamid was going home from school. He
saw his friends buying burgers at Pak Lahs stall. He was
hungry and he wanted to buy a burger but he did not have any
money.He had lost his money, so he was sad.
^ teacher Puan Mawar saw ^ looking ^ gave
His teacher, Puan Mawar, saw Hamid looking at his
friends. She was sorry for him and decided to help . She took
out some money and gave it to him. He refused to take it but
Puan Mawar insisted. Finally, he accepted gladly.

a burger he
^ happy ^ quickly - bought ^ ^ ate

Hamid rushed to the burger stall.He was as happy as

a lark because he could buy a burger for himself. He
quickly bought a double cheese burger which is his
favourite. When he reached home , he shared it with his
brother. He told his mother that Puan Mawar gave him
the money. His mother asked him to return the money
the next day. She said that Puan Mawar is a generous
and kind-hearted teacher. He ate the burger with his
brother happily.

1`.A girl is carrying a pail of water.

2 A boy is wiping the car.
3 A man is washing the tyre.
4. A boy is standing beside the car.
5. A man is squatting near the car.

A girl is carrying the pail of water.


1.There is an adult and two children in the house

2.They are washing the car using two pails of
water , a brush and a piece of cloth.
3.The girl with a pony tail , is carrying a pail of
4. The boy wearing a T-shirt, is wiping the car.
4. The boy who wears a T-shirt, is wiping the car.
5. The man is squatting and he is washing the tyre.

The man who squats near the car

is brushing the tyre.
The boy who stands near the car, is
wiping it using/with a piece of cloth.

Question 1
1. There are two children and an adult in the
house compound.
2. A man is washing the tyre with a brush.
3. A boy is wiping the car with a piece of cloth.
4.The girl who wears a pair of slippers,
is carrying a pail of water and she is walking
towards the car.
5. There is a big and beautiful car in front of the


The boy is standing in front of the ticket

counter and he wears a cap.
The man who wears a pair of spectacles,
is putting his hand in the pocket.
A girl with a pony tail is buying some
A boy who wears a cap, is standing in front
of the ticket counter.

A man who wears a pair of spectacles,

is standing behind the girl.
A man with a pair of spectacles, is
queuing up between a boy and a girl.

A boy is holding a water tumbler of drink

in his left hand and a bottle of water
in his right hand.
A boy who wears a T-shirt, a pair of
trousers and a pair of slippers, is standing
on the stage.

1 There are three adults and four children

at the cinema.
2 The man who is standing behind the
counter, is selling popcorn, sweets and
coke at the cinema.
3 The girl with a pony tail , is holding a
paper cup of popcorn.

I would choose camping because the cost

is not expensive and I could afford it. I
could ask the money from my parents.
The activities are campfire and singing
competition. They are interesting,
challenging and exciting. I love singing ,so
I could take part in the competition. I have
never stay in a tent , so it would be a great
and wonderful experience for me.


coloured pencils

Petua soalan 2
1. Alasan
2.Struktur compound guna conjunctions
e.g. and, so, but, because etc
3. think out of the box- alasan2 yg
berkaitan, yg lain dari yang lain
4. spelling

I would choose Kiddy colored pencils

because I think my friend likes them. The
price is RM 10.90 which is reasonable and
affordable. I could ask the money from my
parents. There are 18 pieces therefore my
friend could choose from this wide range
of colors. The colors are bright and
interesting so my friends pictures would
look nice.

Encik Zain- family stopped fallen tree- road

One day,Encik Zain and his family were going to the
beach.They stopped because a tree had fallen across the
road.There was a heavy storm the previous night. He could
not carry the fallen tree because it was heavy.
Boys came help- carried sideTwo boys saw the incident and came to help. Encik
Zain and the boys carried the tree to the side of the road.
They were exhausted and rested for a while. They wanted
to go home.
Thanked- gave- money- journey
Encik Zain thanked the boys because they had
helped him.He gave some money but they refused politely.
Encik Zain insisted and finally they accepted gladly.Encik
Zain and his family continued their journey. It was an
unforgettable incident for them.

Siti is sweeping the floor with a broom.

A woman who is wearing a scarf is sewing

1 The boy is in front of his father to play a

2The boy is in front of his father is playing
a ball.
3 The boy is in front of the man is playing
the ball.
4. The boy is in front of the man and he is
playing with a ball.
6. The boy is playing with a ball in front of
his father.
7 The boy who is sitting in front of the
man, is playing with a ball.

1. A girl with a pony tail, is sweeping the

floor using a broom in the bedroom.
2. A cute boy is holding a ball and he is
sitting opposite his father.
3. The man is playing with his son and he
is sitting behind his wife.
4. The woman wearing a blouse and a
long skirt, is sewing a curtain .
5. The bed is located near the window and
there are two pillows on it.



Question 1(Paper 2)

Read the ten words in the boxes.

Look at the picture.
List the nouns and the verbs.
Write what you see in the picture.
Write in simple present tense or simple present
continuous tense. (throughout the 5 sentences)
You can also write in simple past tense or simple
past continuous tense. (throughout the 5

Lets try

1.There are four people in the picture.

2. They are in the bedroom.
3. Siti is sweeping the floor.
4. Her brother is playing with a ball.
5. Her mother is sewing a dress.

Lets try again

1. There are two adults and two children in
the bedroom.
2. Puan Salma and her husband are
sitting on the bed.
3. Their daughter , Siti, is sweeping the
4. Siti wears a T-shirt and skirt.
5. Puan Salmas husband and son are
sitting on the bed near the window.


coloured pencils

Question 2b(Paper 2)

1. Read the instruction.

2. Make a choice.
3. List the criteria.
4. Give well organised reasons.
5. Write good and compound sentences.

Lets try.
I would choose Elephant watercolors
because they have beautiful and bright
colors. They are packed in a box. I could
put it in my bag. It is easy to carry to
school because it is light. The price is
RM8.50 . It is reasonable and affordable. I
do not have enough money in my coin box
to pay for it ,so I could ask the money from
my parents. It would not be a problem for
them because they have just gotten their
salary. The free gift is a painting brush. I
already have one therefore I could give it
to my sister.

Lets try
I would choose Kiddy coloured pencils
because they are easy to take to
school.They are packed in an aluminium
box which is light and can be put in my
school bag. There are 18 colours
therefore I would have a better range of
colours to choose from. The colours are
bright and attractive which would make my
picture beautiful.

Want a simple one?

I would buy Kiddy coloured pencils
because they have nice colours. The price
is RM10.90. It is reasonable and
affordable. The free gift is a sharpener. I
could give it to my sister. I like the Kiddy
coloured pencils.

One Saturday morning, Farid and his friend,

Halim woke up early in the morning and
took their bath. They had breakfast
together. After that, they went to a stream
near their house . They cycled slowly to the
stream because it was a breezy afternoon .
It made their journey less tiring. They wore
caps because it was a hot and blazing day.
Farid and his friend brought their nets and
plastic bags. They also brought two bottles
of mineral water and some sardine
sandwiches. Upon reaching the place, they
parked their bicycles under a shady tree.
Then, they looked for a suitable spot to
catch fish.

They went to the stream to catch the fish. After a

while Farid caught some fish. He put them into
the plastic bags. The boys were very delighted.
Later, they decided to go home. They packed
everything and cycled home. When they
reached home, they put the fish into small
bottles. They feed the fish everyday. They also
change the water regularly. They enjoyed
watching the fish swim as graceful as swans in
the bottles. It was an unforgettable experience
for them.

rained Zainal sister home

It was a hot blazing day. Zainal and his sister,
Julia, were walking home from school.
Unfortunately, suddenly it rained cats and
dogs. They ran as fast as lightning to find
shelter. They were wet and shivering. The
road was very slippery.

Fell injured leg asked help

Julia fell on the road and her left leg was
injured. Zainal was very shocked and he
calmed his sister. At first Julia cried because
she was in pain. Later , she stopped crying .
Luckily their best friends were passing by.
Zainal shouted for help loudly.

Friends came took thanked

Their friends came and took Julia to the clinic
nearby for treatment. Julia thanked them for their
kindness. It was an unforgettable incident for
Their friends came and took Julia home. Upon
reaching home, her parents were surprised to
see their daughter limping.They invited her
friends in. They thanked them for their help.They
served hot milo and some cookies. It was
indeed an unforgettable incident for Julia.

Last Saturday, Johan and his friends went for a

picnic near a river. They brought some food and
drinks . They had permission from their parents.
It was a hot day so they wore T-shirts which
absorbed sweat. It was a windy afternoon as
they walked to the place. They enjoyed the
afternoon breeze as it made their walk less tiring
under the hot sun. When they reached there,
they saw some children swimming as happy as
larks in the river.

They immediately looked for a place to put

their things. At last they found a place and
it was under a big shady tree. They
changed their clothes and then they swam
in the river. While they were swimming,
they felt hungry. They decided to eat first.
Suddenly they heard a boy shouting for
help. They were shocked and quickly went
towards the boy. They saw the boy
drowning in the river.

Johan quickly jumped into the river and saved

the boy. He pulled the boy to the river bank. He
was saved and he thanked Johan . He was
grateful because he was saved from drowning.
Johan and his friend took the boy to his home.
When they reached the boys home, his parents
were shocked to see him. Johan and his friends
narrated the whole incident to the boys parents.
His parents were grateful to them. They gave
some money to them as a reward. Johan was
delighted that he was able to be of help.

I would buy T-shirt B because it is

beautiful and attractive. The price is RM
30.00 . It is reasonable and affordable. I
could ask the money from my parents. My
brother likes blue because it is bright. It
does not fade easily therefore my brother
could wear it for several years.

It has a pocket therefore my brother could

keep his wallet and car key in it. He could
also put his pen. He is slender , so
medium would be just nice for him. The
free gift is a face towel. I could use it to
wipe my face especially after my physical

I would choose shirt C because I think my brother

likes it. The price is RM 40.00 which is reasonable
and affordable. I could ask the money from my
parents. It is made of silk. It is comfortable. It is
beautiful and soft. It is suitable to wear on hot
I would choose shirt C because I think my brother
likes it. It is beautiful, gorgeous,attractive and
stylish. The price is RM40.00 which is reasonable
but I could not pay for it , so I could ask the money
from my parents. They have just got their salary
therefore it would not be a problem to them. It is
made of silk, so it is soft and comfortable to wear
on hot days. My brother could wear it to work ,
meeting or formal occasions. I hope it would be a
perfect gift for him.

I would choose stamp collecting because it is

great to collect stamps. It is an interesting,
exciting and enjoyable hobby. It is an indoor
activity so I could relax myself. I could get the
albums from the shop which is far away from
my house but it is not a problem for me. I could
ask my mother to drive me there. She is always
free because she is a housewife. The cost is
very low so I do not have to spend a lot of
money.I can learn more about other countries
through the pictures on the stamps.

There are two ladies are talking while

sitting on the bench.
There are two ladies sitting on the bench
while talking to each other.
There are two women sitting on the bench
and they are talking to each other.

1 Zamri who wears jersey number ten and

his friends are playing football at the park.
2. The girl who wears her hair in bunches,
is playing with her friend happily.
1. The boy wearing jersey number ten is
running after the ball in the park.

There are two girls playing with the hoops

happily near the flowers.
A girl with her hair in bunches, is playing
with the hoop happily with her best friend.
The sun is rising and it is shining.
The sun is setting and it shows that it is
getting late.
Two women are sitting on the bench under
the shady tree.

4. A man is riding his bicycle and he is

waving to the woman.
5. The boy wearing jersey number ten is
the first who runs after the ball.

A boy is brushing his shoes with a brush

and he is sitting on a stool.
Ahmad washes his dirty school shoes
using a brush and a bar of soap outside his
A boy is sitting properly on a stool and he is
holding a brush and a shoe.
The boy who wears a T-shirt and a pair of
shorts , is washing his shoes with a brush.
The running water flows down into the pail.

The boy who wears a cap is sitting on the chair.

The boy with a cap is sitting on the chair.
The boy who wears jersey number seven
is behind the boy with jersey number three.
The boy who wears jersey number ten is running
after the ball.
The boy with jersey number ten is the first who
runs after the ball.
Two women are sitting on the bench under the
shady tree.
This is a beautiful black leather handbag.

There are three adults and six

children in the picture.
2. The woman with the baju kurung, is sitting on
the bench under the shady tree.
3. The four boys are running after the ball in the
4. A big rattan basket is between the two
5. A man is cycling and he is waving to the
6. A man is cycling while waving to the woman.
7. While the man is cycling, he is waving to the

1. There are three adults and a boy at the clinic.

2. The man with the moustache is standing in
front of the counter.
3. Two posters are pasted on the wall behind the
4. The nurse is holding a file near the table.
5. The boy wearing the striped T-shirt, is having
a stomachache.

Get the answers!

1. I saw the policeman ..the thief.

A. chased B. chasing
2. I heard Siti . on the radio.
A. sang
B. sing
3. I smelt something in the kitchen.
A. burning
B. burnt
4. I felt someone . behind me.
A. stood B. standing

Take or bring or send?

Rajan took his friends out of the jungle.

Siti brings along her book to the library.
Shell take me to the airport.
Ask the hotel worker to send the parcel to
the office.


He is proud of himself.
He thanked Ali/him for..
He was thankful to Ali/him.
He was thankful for saving/helping..
He pitied Hamid/him.
He felt sorry for Ali/him.
They pitched the tents together.


We are having a picnic at the waterfall.

We are swimming in the water.
She rides on her bicycle.
She cycles to school.
They went by car/bus/lorry/truck
They cycled to the waterfall.
They walked to the night market because it is
just a stones throw away from their house.
Ali is my neighbour, his house is just a stones
throw away.

As fast as lightning!
He ran as fast as lightning to buy a burger
because the stall was closing.
He ran as fast as lightning and won the

Find The Errors

One day, Ali and her brother go to the
They decide to bought some vegetables ,
fruits and meats.
They saw a little kiten played under the
fishs stall.
After bought the things needed, they
returned back home.

Find The Errors

One day, a boy, named Ali is walking to a

shop. He sees a small kitten into the drain. He
pitied for the kitten so he decides to take it
home. Upon reaching her home, Puan Suzie
his mother was waiting for her. He quickly
shows the kitten to her mother. She feel sorry
for him. Ali bags her mother allowed he to keep
a kitten as his pet. She agrees to his idea. Ali is
very happy and thanked to his mother.

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