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Maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources for

teacher and student use in technology - rich learning environments During
this course we had students use MinecraftEdu and complete two units which
were three weeks long. One was called Givercraft and the other was called
Survivalcraft. In Givercraft we had students read the book The Giver and
complete three scenarios. The first scenario required students to create the
setting of the text using MinecraftEdu. Students were expected to cite from the
text using signs in the game. The second scenario students were building
memories they were finding in hidden chests. The last scenario, students created
an alternate ending to the story. Students were asked to build in MinecraftEdu
and explain their reasoning on their wiki page.

In Survivalcraft we had the students read two books. One of the books
was Lord of the Flies and the other was The Maze Runner. Students were asked
to build in MinecraftEdu and complete certain scenarios. They were put into
creative and survival mode in the game. With The Maze Runner, students
created a maze and had another class solve it. Students had to build a
community and team up with each other to survive during The Lord of the Flies.
After each week, students were required to write their explanation about their
week and reasoning for what they built in MinecraftEdu on their class wiki page.

In an online learning environment its important to have multiple digital

tools and resources for students to use. Teachers who completed the online
training could contact our team through Google Community, Google Groups and

a Google hangout if needed. We completed our first training with these tools.
After we sent a survey to assess our training, we realized teachers were asking
for an asynchronously training rather than face - face. From the results of the
survey our class decided to change our plan and create an online training course
to complete.

We created our training on a weebly website. The training website had

multiple tutorial videos for the teachers to watch. Each member of the class had
a different section to complete for the training. In each section we provided
information on what the teacher would need to know to be successful in

The sections included a getting started page, which showed the teacher
how to complete the training. It also included a study guide for the teachers to
download and reference back during Survivalcraft. We also had challenges for
the teachers to complete and upload their work to the Survivalcraft Google
Community. The challenges gave us a way to assess the teacher's progress
within the training and make sure they understood the expectations and
requirements for Survivalcraft. The challenges were also a way for our team to
assess if teachers completed the training and understood the material.

In an online learning environment its important to consider using tools

students and teachers know how to use (Shaw,2015, paragraph 8). We also
created a needs assessment to find out which technology tools teachers knew
and what specific teacher tools they knew how to use in MinecraftEdu. We found

from the survey that teachers knew how to communicate while in MinecraftEdu,
but needed more training on the teacher tools such as freezing, muting students,
teleporting and creating stations for their classroom. From our assessment we
were able to create a training that was successful to online learners.

3.c. Coach teachers in and model use of online and blended learning,
digital content, and collaborative learning networks to support and extend
student learning.
When designing an online course for students, its important to know the
planning and teaching strategies. Such as how information will be presented and
what activities learners will be expected to do, cannot begin until the objectives
and evaluation plan have been prepared (Moore and Kearsley, 2011). Its also
important to think of the students background knowledge and provide a needs
assessment to complete. This will give insight on what information students need
from the course.
Usually instructors use an Understanding By Design format when
designing their unit or course. While creating the Survivalcraft Online Training for
our teachers, we were constantly collaborating on our design and goal for the
project. We met via google hangouts, emailed each other and reviewed each
others work using the Quality Matters Rubric.
We also had during Givercraft a web conference style training for the
teachers involved and a study guide for them to reference (Shaw, 2015,
paragraph 9). Students who take an online course have an easier time forgetting

about their assignments or not setting enough time to complete assignments or

interact with the class. As an instructor its important to let students be informed
about the following
1. confirm technical requirements - this allows students know the
requirements to succeed in the course. Those who dont have access to
the tools needed to in the course will be well prepared before it starts and
can find assistance.
2. connect with Instructors early - Allow the students time to ask questions
about the course and give them advanced time to prepare for the course.
3. create a schedule - Create a calendar of assignments and due dates for
the students to look through in advance. Inform students to set a schedule
of their own so they do not miss any due dates.
4. stay organized - Inform students to use the calendar for due dates, keep
up on their work and dont get behind and communicate with their
instructor if they are going to miss a class meeting or due date.
5. Have a consistent workspace - Keep the same work area, so its easy for
the student to study and concentrate on their work. Its also a space that
other personal know not to distract you when working on your assignment
or meeting with your peers (Lyte,2013, paragraph 3).
Its important for the instructors to Interact with the students and make sure they
understand the content, expectations and requirements of the course.
Teachers need to:
1.Provide opportunities for students to ask questions to the whole group.

2. let students interact with each other and learn from one another.
3. Complete assessments on students interaction and completion of
assignments (Shaw, 2015, paragraph 9).
Its important to use many different types of tools and mobile devices
(Shaw, 2015, paragraph 9) throughout the course. Also give the opportunity to let
students participate with each other through blog posts. This will let them
respond and reflect on their own learning from one another.
Its important for instructors to stay continually educated and evolve with
the changing educational landscape (Lancaster, 2014, paragraph 3). Things are
changing all the time. Its important to stay up to date with the new tools,
understand how to use them and be able to integrate them into the course.

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