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Stake holders should think for

Written by Waqar Butt
Our State faced many deplorable incidents of terrorism the
most crucial one was of 16th December 2014 when the
terrorists whom should not be called human, invaded
students of APS Peshawar and stopped little flowers from
flourishing killed 139 childrens and 9 members of staff.The
injury which is not healed.On 31st January 2015 Shikarpur
incident took place 60 people assassinated it was said to be
sectarian attack a suicide bomber entered the Imam Bargah
blasted him self.Provincial Government wasn't capable to
provide aid facilities to injured people,Khurshid Shah
Opposition leader in NA criticised federal government that
Shikarpur is also the part of Pakistan Prime Minister should
also pay attention there. Nawaz Sharif must be showing
diligence for all over the country He says that Will not sit
with comfort till the end of every terrorist in
Pakistan.Chaudhry Nisar says "Reaction on Zarb e Azab is
seen and more reaction may come so we should not be
doing political point scoring on this".National Security Plan
should be made vigorous and all provincial government shall
be coordinating with each other and provinces would be
having a strong strategy by cooperation with federal
government.21st amendment was approved with 2/3rd
majority in Parliament firstly many member objected but
then agreed.Pakistan Peoples Party disagreed at first but
became the part of approval of this resolution after spending
their Political Party Foundation Day.Claiming that they didn't
remained a party who empowers military but they hadn't got
the proper ideology that military courts will be dealing only
terrorists.The Regime of PMLN's Government is full of failure
repeatedly same mistakes were did.In International Market

Crude oil prices became very low from few months but our
government noticed it few days back because of Public
fueling aggression about inflation to calm down People
pressure Prime Minister started continuity of passing
notification of descended price of Petroleum Items. Petrol
Crises were observed for four days. Delinquency of Ministry
of Finance and Minstry of Petroleum apparently the reason
although Shahid Haqqan Abbasi said including him all the
government is responsible for this.The lacking of Petrol
ended and Electricity shortfall happened and all the country
assumed dusk.State Minister for Electricity said subversion
was did at transmission lines,This adversity finished in one
day and electricity stablized in the whole country thereafter
sources claimed that now electricity dearth might be faced
in coming days and we are already suffering from 14 to 16
hours loadshedding.Paucity of Planning leads to inadequate
resources,Covetous ministers become the reason of
exigency for poor people they must be doing something else
except toadying their leadership.Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf
Chairman showing his bizzare posture continuosly claiming
that a sportsman never gets tired he met CEC Sardar Raza
Khan who gave him a favor and ordered tribunals for more
proper inquisition of the constituencies which are having
allegations of rigging.CEC also met with Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif and made his point clear that proper
investigation should be done.If PMLN leadership had formed
judicial comission being in the limitation of constitution their
worth shall be reached on higher ranks if they are not proved
beneficiary of rigging.Imran said many people immaculate
and when they fail to reach to his expectation he demoralize
them and put serious allegations.Political foes are doing
extortion of poors and their malice statements about each
other did not welfare Destitute or middle class man.Their
grudge isn't fulfilled but in all this public go through from

huge stress.Political Leaders are never mortified of their

blame game policy.All the matters will be in apple pie order
only when the elite will think for poor or middle
class.Evolution in behaviour of stake holders will take place
melioration.Stake holders flatterers exaggerate and instigate
their abhorrence for political opponents.PTI boycotts to sit in
National Assemby but taking part in senate election seems
weird they have the mandate given by public they should
venerate it otherwise public will be disappointed from them
and will not vote them.Stake holders should consolidate and
think for Pakistan,Maulana Fazal ur Rehman who is a
controversial personality is made chairman kashmir
commitee who excluded his responsibility about kashmir
affairs but takes advantage and get paid for his
designation.Firstly we should reclaim Pakistan from the
people who are involved in sabotage.Kashmir pertaining to
throat of Pakistan but before endeavoring for their freedom
we should make Pakistan privileged. Our MotherLand's Army
is enough able to extirpate enemies we also did successful
ra'ad cruise missile experiment on 2 feb 2015 our voyage
towards progress is started and will eradicate every callous
terrorist from our land.May Allah bless us serenity and finish
our abound tensions and always let us to walk on the way of
mustaqeem (Aameen).

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