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The Animal



In the next performance we are going to talk about animals that

exist on our planet, their rank, their features and qualities.

The animals showed here are the most commons animals in the
world, we can not show all the animals that exist because it
would be impossible see all of them.


Animal kingdom

Classification of animals

















Animal kingdom
The animal kingdom is estimated to contain about 10
million species.
The defining characteristics of an animal include the fact
that is multicellular organism, that its cell walls are not
rigid and that it gets its food by eating other living
things, rather than by processes such photosynthesis.
Animals can range from being tiny creatures which are
only a collection of a few cells, to giants like blue whale.

There are more than 4,000 different species of mammals. The
smallest is the hog-nosed bat, which weighs 0.05 ounces. The
largest is the blue whale, which can be 100 feet long and weigh 150
tons. But whether they live in land or water, all mammals share
some common characteristic.
All they are vertebrate (which means, they have backbone and
They are endothermic. Also known as warn-blooded, endothermic
animals regulate their own body temperature which allows them to
live in almost every climate on Earth.
Have hair on their bodies.
Produce milk to feed their babies. This allows them to spend more
time with their young and teach them important skills they need to
survive on their own.


There are five main groups of reptiles: turtles and tortoises; lizards;
snakes; crocodiles and alligators; and the tuatara. Many reptiles
spend most of their time on land, but some spend a great deal of
time in the water.Reptilespeciescan be found in all types
ofhabitatexcept polar ice andtundra.
1. Are vertebrates (which means they have abackboneorspine)
2. Are ectothermic. Also known as cold-blooded, ectothermic
animals cannot regulate their own body heat, so they depend on
warmth from sunlight to become warm and active. If they get too
hot, they have to find shade or aburrowto help them cool down.
3. Are covered with scales
4. Have lungs for breathing


Birds are the only animals that have feathers, which are made
ofkeratin, just like your hair and fingernails. Abirds wings have the
same bones as a human arm, but they are arranged differently. Some
of the bones in abirds skeleton are hollow. This makes thebirdlight
enough to fly. There are more than 9,800 known types of birds.
1. Are vertebrates (which means they have abackboneorspine)
2. Are endothermic. Also known as warm-blooded, endothermic animals
regulate their own body temperature which allows them to live in
almost every climate on earth.
3. Have feathers
4. Lay eggs with hard, waterproof shells. The parent birdsincubatethe
eggs until they hatch, and care for their young.


Insectsare the most diverse and important group of animals on land. There are
more species of insects than all other land animals put together. Insects live in all
habitats and occupy any microhabitat you can imagine. They can be predators, prey,
parasites, hosts, herbivores, or decomposers.
All insects have bodies which are divided into three sections: the head, thorax, and
abdomen. In some insects these sections are fused together so they may be hard to
tell apart, and some baby insects (called immature) do not have all three sections
until they become adults. Nearly all insects have a pair of antennae on their heads.
They use their antennae to touch and smell the world around them.
All insects lay eggs. There are two ways that insects grow: complete or incomplete
metamorphosis. Insects that havecomplete metamorphosishave babies that look
very different from the adults and often eat very different foods than adults.
Butterflies and beetles are some of the groups that have complete metamorphosis.
The babies are called larvae. Caterpillars and maggots are examples of insect larvae.
Insects that haveincomplete metamorphosishave babies that look like small
adults with no wings. They usually eat the same kind of food as the adults do.
Grasshoppers is kind of insect that have incomplete metamorphosis.

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