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KNOCKOUT First Certificate

Test 3
Paper 1 Part 1
You are going to read an article about tea. Choose from the list AH the sentence
which best summarizes each part (16) of the article. There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Tea can be more than just a drink.

Methods of making tea vary.

There are reasons for its taste and appearance.

There are some dos and donts to tea drinking.

There is a confusing range to choose from.

It is not easy to find a high quality cup of tea.

It is considered by many to be a luxury.

Tea drinking has interesting origins.


Tea was first drunk many centuries ago by the

Chinese. The story goes that some leaves from a
tea bush fell by chance into the boiling water in a
philosophers pot. In the past, tea was affordable
only by the rich, because of the high cost of
importing it. Wealthy households would lock it
securely away in sturdy tea chests to prevent theft.

It is estimated that on average, Britons drink per

capita five cups of tea per day. Some would
complain, though, that it is becoming increasingly
hard to get a decent cuppa. Many cafes and
restaurants serve up a lukewarm and tasteless
liquid, and many British homes have adopted the
more convenient tea bag, in preference to
brewing loose tea leaves in a pot.

There are many ways of making and drinking tea,

depending where you come from, and each
person will tell you that their way is the only
correct one. In the north of England, the tea goes
into the cup, followed by the milk. In the south, it
is the other way round. On the Continent you are
likely to be served lemon, rather than milk with
your tea, and in the East you may find a touch of
a spice such as cardamom added.

There are some well known conventions to tea

drinking. For example, dipping a biscuit into your
cup is considered common, as is drinking from
the saucer, or blowing on hot tea to cool it. And
particular situations require a cup of tea when
someone is feeling tired or unwell, has received
some bad news or a nasty surprise, it is often the
first comfort offered.

The bitterness and colour comes from the tannin

(also found in red wine), and oils are added to give
subtle flavours. Tea is good news for
weightwatchers; a cup without milk or sugar
added has only four calories. Perhaps surprisingly
though, tea has twice the caffeine content of
coffee, which accounts for its stimulating effect.

This doesnt mean that a cup of tea cant be the

perfect accompaniment to something far more
indulgent. Just over 150 years ago, the tradition of
taking afternoon tea began. Sandwiches and cakes
are served with a pot of tea, an occasion to bring
out the best china and silver spoons. High tea is a
meal in itself, with bread and butter, cold meats and
a generous helping of cakes.The famous cream tea,
from the west of England, comes with warm
scones, jam and the local thick clotted cream.

There is an almost bewildering variety of teas

available nowadays, both in loose leaf and bag
form.Teas from India tend to be strong and dark,
while those from China are more delicate and

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lighter. Earl Grey is pale with a gentle perfume

and considered by many to be the most
sophisticated cup.

KNOCKOUT First Certificate

Paper 3 Part 1
For questions 110, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C
or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: 0

A robbed

B stole

C kidnapped

Airport robber
gets 20 years
The leader of a gang of thieves who
5 million from a Belgian airport
was yesterday (1) to 20 years in
prison.The High Court in Brussels heard that
Ricky Cools, aged 35, had remained in the
country after the robbery had taken
(2) because of his (3) of flying.
The court was told that the gang had
(4) themselves as security guards in

D ransomed

order to gain access to the airport and

(5) the crime. Once inside the
restricted area, they had (6) a security
vehicle, firing several warning (7) from
their automatic weapons.They then
(8) the cash and ran to a waiting light
aircraft, which immediately left the country.
Cools, however, preferred to walk through
the airport terminal to the railway station. He
was later (9) on a train bound for
Amsterdam, after he was recognised by police
(10) closed circuit television at the

A sentenced

B convicted

C assigned

D persecuted

A part

B notice

C off

D place

A fright

B fear

C worry

D concern

A wrapped

B served

C disguised

D uncovered

A make

B commit

C stalk

D attend

A blackmailed

B smuggled

C burgled

D attacked

A shots

B bangs

C crashes

D blasts

A planted

B enveloped

C seized

D overtook

A detained

B prosecuted

C suspended

D hijacked

B seeing

C watching

D viewing

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10 A looking

KNOCKOUT First Certificate

Paper 3 Part 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word
given. Here is an example (0).

Nowadays there is a constant increase in the number

of food-related illnesses.
The number of food-related illnesses

I wouldnt enjoy my dinner so much without a glass

Ive never eaten such a good meal.

of wine with it.



This is the eaten.

I wouldnt enjoy my dinner so much a

The gap can be filled by the words best meal

Ive ever so you write:

glass of wine with it.


There arent any good restaurants in this village any

more, are there?

best meal Ive ever

The meal wont be ready in time unless we raise the

There restaurants in this village, didnt




The meal wont be ready in time the

she told him.


My grandmother I know.


Nobody I know cooks as well as my grandmother.


I will make the dinner only if you do the shopping,

I will you do the shopping, she told him.


Chocolate can be good for you but you must not eat
too much of it.

I only eat there because I dont have time to cook at



Chocolate can be good for you too much


of it.

I I had time to cook at home.

Paper 3 Part 4
For questions 110, read the text below and look carefully at each line.
Some of the lines are correct but some have a word which should not be
there. If a line is correct, put a tick () at the end of the line. If a line has
a word should not be there, write the word at the end of the line. There
are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

As I have said in my last letter, Ive been playing a

lot of tennis recently, and I think Im actually starting
to get more better! At the weekend I went to the
sports centre, which just round the corner from here,
and played for hours against Lisa. She was the school
champion before three years ago, and I never thought I
could to beat her, but on Sunday I nearly did. Ive
got a new racquet, so now I can hit the ball much
harder than I had used to with the old wooden one.
I have been doing more of training recently, too,
and I feel myself a lot fitter. Above all, though, I can
now put the ball almost exactly where I want, which
really surprised Lisa!



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Improving at tennis

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