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Person or Entity

Standard of Care

Experts and Professionals


The same skill of one ordinarily skilled in the particular work which he attempted to do.
Uniform standard of care for men and women. Diligence of a good father of a family.
The doctor must use at least the same level of care that any reasonably competent
doctor would use to treat a condition under the same circumstances.
The highest degree of practicable degree of prudence, thoughtfulness, and vigilance, and
the most exact and reliable safeguards consistent with the conduct of the profession, in
order that human life may not constantly be exposed to the danger flowing from the
substitution of harmful medicines to harmless ones.
That degree of skill, care and knowledge ordinarily possessed by other nurses under the
same circumstances.
That provided by the Code of Professional Responsibility
The standard to be applied is that of an ordinary accountant skilled in the knowledge,
science skill and practice of accounting rendering his professional services for his or her
An independent auditor hired by a client and on whom the client reposed his trust and
confidence is expected to perform precisely those functions and apply the appropriate
procedures in accordance with generally accepted auditing principles.
A bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care,
always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship.
The owners of resorts to which people generally are expressly or by implication invited
are legally bound to exercise care and prudence in the management and maintenance of
such resorts.
Impliedly warrants that the premises, appliances and amusement devices are safe for the
purpose for which they are designed. Theaters are also expected to exercise due
diligence in complying with the National Building Code and the Revised Fire Code.
Such power companies are to be responsible for the maintenance of its operations and
the wires, lines, grids, etc. used thereof.
Such person has the duty to take exceptional precautions to prevent any injury being
done thereby.
The guard and his security agency are liable for the formers negligence in handling his
The party that provides service in a contract of towage is required to observe the due




Independent Auditors
Resort and Swimming Pool Owners

Electric and Power Companies
Firearms Dealer
Security Guard and Agency

Common Carriers


diligence of a good father of a family

The diligence required of a stevedore is the diligence of a good father of a family.
They are bound to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods and for
the safety of passengers transported by them according to all circumstances of each
: Train operators must exercise due diligence not only in the performance of its
contractual duties under the contract of carriage but they must also exercise due care in
the maintenance of their facilities and equipment.

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