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Janilla S.


Reaction Paper
Last Friday, June 19, 2015 we attended a seminar and the preacher is Ms. Nilda
Costimiano. It is all about Avon, since we already attended the same seminar last
semester Ms. Costimiano asked if we continue selling avon products few answered no
but some still continues selling, small talks and we started on the phase two wherein it
is all about having your own business. Having this kind of business is not that hard all
you have to do as Ms. Nilda said we should determine our goal and it will inspire and at
the same time motivate you to reach success and also we have to be focus. In by that
there are five (5) steps to selling success, approach customer is the first and foremost in
the steps by approaching customer by having a good communication. In real world we
Marketista really must develop our communication skill. Second step is determine your
customers needs, focus on the needs and wants of your customer and be sure that the
product youre referring to them will satisfy them so third step is presenting and selling
the benefits since you satisfy their needs and wants. Fourth step is answering the
questions and overcoming the objections, we can avoid customers to ask if this product
is helpful or it is safe so you should be prepare for that kind of questions. And lastly is
closing the sale. This tips are really helpful and I think that selling Avon products is one
way fo me to have a skill on selling products, for me to have an experience like this that
I will use in the future or in the corporate world. I just suggest that let us register in the
nearest Avon branch since I know Mrs. Santos goal is for us to have experience
because from Quezon City going to Recto is hard to get P.Os of my customer and I
cant afford the cost of transportation, its just an opinion for an easy way to have orders
from customer as soon as they want it. So back to Ms. Costimiano, she told us about
her life and I found it admiring from being security guard up to what she is right now, she
can even go to different places. To be able to experience that kind of thing I should be
strive harder and I already determined my goals and Im trying to be focused.

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