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Why do you want to work in retail?

I want to work in retail because this is an opportunity to look outside the box and out side my line of
work, it is a learning experience that not many have not had. Coming from a marketing industry this
gives me a chance to see what business is and how it works. Being hands on with product, price, and
consumers and general running of business from the front line is the reason and objective I have set
to fulfil

What’s makes you suitable for this retail job?

As I have stated I have come from marketing field and would like to grow my insight in different
fields I may not be the most experienced but defiantly one that is willing to learn and grow with the
brand. Retail has something to it that opens door to ideas concepts and goals that would have just
been that if not given the chance to develop them nourish them and be inspired to fulfilled

How would you deal with an angry customer?

From past experience I will go about it two ways depending on the level or intensity

First speaking calmly I will ask what the problem is and how I can help. Depending on the request I
will either offer to refer it to my manager or if they would like to talk to seniority. In a case where
they ask to speak to a manager I will then call my manager explain what is going on and how the
customer feels and then hand over the matter. If the manager is not in store and I can’t get through
to head office I will gladly give them contact details and who to ask for and log a complaint if that is
not an option I will kindly offer to continue trying to reach my manager as well as offer them a seat
as they wait

Second if it is a situation is one I feel can resolved without my manager or supervision I will first keep
calm and speak calmly as to not aggravate the customer any further, Ask what is the problem (I
ordered something online and don’t like how it looks in real time) be empathic to the client and how
they feel and say how would like me to help you (Me: OH I see and understand) offer a options or a
number of solutions to the problem ( Me: well I can help you by having you try on different product,
Touch and feel try a different size, exchange etc.) what would you like to do or what option do you
feel will work best or most comfortable with?) They will state and I will go ahead and confirm it with
my manager or head office if it is ok to go ahead with the request and process it like wise this will
happen after I have explained our processes and store policies

Why should we hire you and not one of the other applicants?

Simply because I have the potential to be moulded or mentored in to something better. Like I stated
in a previous question I may not be the most experience in retail but I have the learning ability to
turn negatives Ito positives, with the learning abilities I will be about to learn to treat the brand like
it were my own or that of my family Understanding that this is what will my step out of my current
situation to a better one, Understanding that opportunity to grow in with in the brand,
Understanding that ideas and skills learnt can be applied as well as added to other to create
something unique and out of this world.

Though it is all about experience but also being given the opportunity to show off so off the talents
that may not be seen facially e.g. I did fine art and abstract art painter, sculptor and story writer
Describe the time where customer wasn’t happy and what did you do to change it?

On two occasions I have been able to deal with unhappy customer as I stated in how I can deal with
an angry customer the first was unhappy online client that came into the store. I greeted them and
asked how I can help they told me the issue but then it was something I could not handle at my level
I went ahead and called my store manager that in store at the time and she went ahead and handled
it appropriately as I continued to deal with other customers in store away from the angry customer
so as to not to kill the confidence they had in the product. Secondly another one came in unhappy
that the product she had bought was slightly damaged I went ahead and ask how I could help and
gave her a few options on what she would like to do she asked to have the item exchanged for one
that is not damaged. Which I did and went ahead to check all the similar products for such
imperfections to avoid a similar problem.

How do you adapt to a constantly changing environment?

As a student of business few of the subjects I learnt was interpersonal skill, communication,
organisational behaviour and Project Management. In these I leant that change is constant and
inevitable and one has to embrace change because change will not change for you. I am one of
outgoing nature and trying out new things is one that I do well, I believe that try something once
before you can judge it and you can determine to go on with it or not. Because of this ii adapt to
change easily and in most cases gladly even if ii don’t like it. E.g. moving to a new home I may not
like the idea but if that is what has to be done looking at the circumstance I will do it and learn to
love it...

A co-worker is rude to customers, what would you do?

Simply set in and ask my co-worker if I can help deal with the customer apologise to the customer
for what transpired then deal with them. Then once the customer has left the store I will pull my co-
worker and tell them that they were rude and ask what is the issue if it personal ii will ask them to
cool off and if they feel they can’t handle others I will gladly help till they are able to do so

What is most important A good product or friendly fast service?

I feel all work independently. Even if the product is bad customers will buy because of the friendly
and fast service. Being friendly to persons will be the determining factor for return customers even if
the service is slow and product is good. Slow service is also what will determine if the person will
return or not thus they work interdependently. One cannot work without the other

What would you do if you saw someone stealing?

In a store that has security footage is an added advantage. If I saw a person stealing from a distance I
will inform the security who will deal with the matter. If no security is at the shop it will inform my
manager and I will pull the customer aside and we will report to the authorities as any case
procedure. There after we will write up an incident report and wait for further instructions

Drunk customer comes in to the shop, what would be your reaction?

Depending on the level of drunkenness I will treat the person kindly. If they are unruly drunk I will
call the security to help me take the person out the store. In the case that the person is unruly I will
go ahead talk to them and walk with them as I would any customer keeping in mind they are
unpredictable and anything can happen. I will signal the security and make sure I try by all means to
get them to the door or if they do buy they are assisted as quickly as possible to get them out.
Where the person walks in with their drink I will offer too put their drink down out of sight of others
walk with them if they are shopping process the sale quickly call the security show them the door
give the drink to the security who will then know what best to do with them..

What are the important traits a candidate needs to succeed in a sales job?

Curtesy, Kindness, a knowledge of one’s product, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills,
creativity Empathy, Focus, Responsibility, Optimism

What are target oriented sales?

Sale made towards reaching target or set objectives

What is the one thing would like most about a sales job

Meeting and interacting with different people. I enjoy and love the fact that I talk to different
people from all works of life

Do you think that you have the potential to sell products which others are unable to?

To an extent yes. If I set my mind to seeing where my co-worker has gone wrong with a customer
and applying that to my sales skills also by learning to read a customer as they walk in the door so
change tactics to suite the customer

How would you rate your expertise in the retail field?

Average! I don’t have the experience others have but I am a consumer and understand to an extent
what certain people want and need. Also from business management back ground where product
development, pricing and market strategies that looked at consumer behaviour I am able to say I am
comfortable with my knowledge in the retail field and always learning

Explain the special skills and qualities you have which would make you perfect in this job?

Artistic eye for detail and certain forms in terms of combination of clothing and prints. Out of the
box thinker creating ideas that are novel using old techniques. Have a flare for colour and print and
have worked with many. Able to speak a number of African languages and love to learn from new
people that I meet. Have a natural flare for marketing and conferencing (events)

How do you deal with a customer in a stressful situation?

If I am in a stress situation I have learnt to calm down using breathing and concertation techniques.
Where I see I am becoming anxious and uneasy I step back from the situation ask a colleague to step
in and help me while I go and compose myself and back again ( Naturally I revert to silence till I am

How will you motivate you team in to achieve targets in a tight deadline?

Different Incentive from money to gifts and hampers, men, Appraisal, performance charts that
encourage team to do better, Mentor Programs that encourage teams to play boss and manager for
a day or impersonate the manager they like while encouraging them to build their management
style, bigger responsibility rewards, team builders destination selection etc.

What aspects are important in sales?

Product, Price, Marketing, Visibility, Consistency, I can/I will do it attitude, Assertiveness,
Determination, Passion, Flexibility, adaptability, Change, Respect and Vision

How would you compare your products technology with that of your competitors?

Well what we use in the manufacturing of the garments that we have I cannot say much as I don’t
know what is being used As for what technology we have in the store I personally we can do better I
terms of invoice print out this will help us in assisting customers faster System Declutter where
products that have been discontinued are removed from the system as at kill on time spent looking
for product or scrolling down to get to product sku, stock room set up where we have a shelving
system of some sort helps in stock take and less hazardous as one that to go up a small ladder and
bring down a heavy box and pick through those to find the size. Declutter measures where items
that are not in use in the store should not be kept in store as they just take up space and a prone to
damage. A barcode reader with memory where each employer has a code and is able to do stock
take electronically with ease.

Suppose you met a celebrity customer?

Treat them like any other client that I have served unless there is a given protocol to be followed. I
will treat the customer with the same energy, respect, courtesy keeping in mind who they are still
(Diplomacy as I represent a brand that requires one to compose themselves in a certain way). Help
as I would any other customers and adhere to requests offer advice and best as I can without being
over bearing. Answer questions with interesting facts yet keeping it discreet. Respect that they
represent a brand but also may just want to be treated like other individuals. Then Like any other fan
out there I would ask for an auto graph and picture just for bragging rights

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