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Name: Daniel Rodriguez and Robert Paredes

Final Project Proposal Form

AMH 3341 U.S. Food History
Final Project Basic Requirements

Create an online exhibit about food in social, cultural, or historical context

Exhibit must include a substantial written component

Exhibit must include images, including maps if appropriate

Topic : To document, analyze and replicate recipes from major immigrant groups found in the
continental United States. We will acrue the recipes, recreate them using both modern and period
accurate methods, and record the entirety of the process. The recipes will range from various
centuries in the near past, and the foods will be obtained from migrant populations from the
Eurasian land mass. The food of the working and lower middle class shall be given priority, as
these are the groups that most often retain their identity after emigrating.
In order to do this project, we will need to do the following research and other activities:

Research common ingredients in immigrant food.

Research largest immigrant populations in the United States

Research the origins of these recipes

Cook and sample the recipes

Document the recipes

Mantain a regular posting schedule

My timeline for finishing this project



October 24

Turn in the proposal

October 26

Format Blog, Blog will go live

October 27

Begin research, blog posts

October 29

Decide which immigrant groups to focus on,

begin gathering recipes

November 3

Begin cooking and documenting recipes

November 22

Final Project Due

I will post my final project on the following website:

Have you already created an account on that website?


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