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A Letter to a friend Describing Your Visit to a Place of Natural Beauty

Q. Write a letter within 120 words to a friend describing to him/her your visit to a
place of natural beauty / a hill station. (10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
Your letter had been waiting for me in our letter-box as I was away from home for
a week. You know, I had a long cherished desire to visit Darjeeling, a place of natural
beauty. So my joy knew no bounds when my parents agreed to take me there.
We reached Darjeeling by Toy Train and lodged in a hotel for a week. From the
first day we started going out for sight-seeing. I was greatly charmed by the scenic beauty
of the mountain forests, tea-gardens and the sky-kissing peak of the snow-covered
Kanchanjungha. We visited the attractive spots like the zoo, the Victoria Falls, the
Lebong race-course, the highest race- cource in the world. We also saw the ropeway from
the North Point to the Rangit Valley. One dawn, we visited the Tiger Hill from where we
had a wonderful view of the sunrise. It was a rare experience to us. The Mall was another
attractive spot where we walked about in the afternoon. I can never forget the charming
beauty of Darjeeling.
No more today. Please accept my sincere love and convey my best regards to your
parents. (190 words)
Yours ever,
(Own name)
[Friends address]

Letter to a Friend Describing Your Visit to a Place of Historical Interest

Q. Write a letter within 120 words to a friend describing to him/her your visit to a
place of historical interest. (10 Marks) [HS 08]
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
Your letter had been waiting for me in our letter-box as I was not at home for a
couple of days. I participated in an excursion organised by our school.
You know, I had a long cherished desire to visit Murshidabad, a place of historical
interest. My joy knew no bounds when my parents agreed to allow me to join the
excursion. We reached Murshidabad by bus and lodged in a hotel for two days. From the
first day we started going out for sight-seeing by tangas, the horse-driven carts. At first
we visited the Hazarduary. It is a nice place with many real and some false doors. We saw
the weapons used by the Nawabs of Bengal. We saw so many precious paintings there.
We visited the Motijhil, a big tank. We saw Khasbag where Alibordy lay buried. We went
to the Katra mosque the next day. It is now in ruins. Finally, we saw the tomb of Shiraj on

the other side of the Bhagirathi. These historical places took me to the golden days of
Muslim rulers in India.
Hope, this finds you quite well. I am OK and hope you are also so. (196 words)
Yours ever,
(Own name)
[Friends address]

A Letter to a Friend Describing Your Aim in Life

Q. Write a letter within 120 words, describing your aim in life / your plan of future
study / your choice of profession in future. (10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
I have received your sweet letter. You have wanted to know about my aim in life /
my plan of future study / my choice of profession in future. Well, I am trying my best to
give a brief description of the same.
Man lives in hopes. So do I with an aim of my own. My aim is to go in for
education line. I have decided to be a school teacher. Perhaps you will wonder,
considering the wretched condition of school teachers in our state. But I feel, it is the
noblest profession. My father was a respected Headmaster. His inspiring life has taught
me that nothing can be more valuable than to shape up the character of the future citizens
of the country in the tenderest age of their lives. My ambition is to play my part humbly
in this important work. I am confident of my ability to inspire the green minds. I love and
respect this noble task.
Please let me know about your aim of life. No more today. Hope, this finds you
quite well. I am OK and hope you are also so. Please accept my sincere love and convey
my best regards to your parents. (190 words)
Yours ever,
(Own name)
[Friends address]

A Letter to a Friend about a Book Recently Read

Q. Write a letter within 120 words to your friend about a book you have recently
read and enjoyed. (10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
Thank you very much for the fine book Pather Panchali that you presented me
on my birthday. It is an immortal masterpiece of Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. I found
the book so gripping that I read it a number of times.
It is a story of a poor family of Nischindipur, a backward village. Harihar lives there
with his wife Sarbajaya, daughter Durga, son Apu and his distant sister Indir Thakrun. Of

all these characters, Apu is the hero of the story. He was born and brought up in the lap of
nature. His elder sister Durga is a centre round whom the little boy grows up with all his
dreams and fancies. But finally Durga and Indir Thakrun die under very painful
circumstances. Their death brings tears to my eyes and haunts my mind frequently. I have
enjoyed the book very much for the writers deep insight into human characters, vivid
descriptions of the natural surroundings of the village and for its simple, easy language.
The book has left a lasting impression on my mind.
No more today. Hope, this finds you quite well. (183 words)
Yours ever,
(Own name)
[Friends address]

Letter to Brother/Sister Advising to Read English Newspaper Daily

Q. Suppose your brother lives in a boarding school and reads nothing beyond his
school books. Write a letter to him advising him to read an English newspaper daily.
(10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (brother name),
I am glad to learn that you have scored high marks in the last exam. It is true that
class books are necessary for good results, but you also need to read a newspaper
Nowadays you cant keep pace with the outer world if you dont read a newspaper
on a regular basis. It gives you an all-round knowledge on variety of topics. It gives
information on current events, sports, career options, job opportunities, etc. A man who
does not read newspaper remains ignorant of the outer world like a frog in a narrow well.
He cannot take part in talks and discussions in a learned society. Most of all, an English
newspaper will increase your vocabulary and the power of comprehension which are vital
to follow your English syllabus. It will help you to acquire skill in English.
So, develop the habit of reading an English newspaper daily. It will help you in
run. (158
With love and best wishes,
Yours affectionately,
(own name)
[Friends address]

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