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Intellectual Disabilities

More than 545,000 children (ages 6-21) have some level of intellectual disability
and receive special education services in public schools under this category. (The
Arc, 2009)

Definition: Intellectual disability is the term used when an individual exhibits

deficits in both cognitive functioning and adaptive behaviors (i.e. social skills,
communicating, ability to take care of him/herself). There is a discrepancy between
their capabilities and societal expectations of them.

How are intellectual disabilities diagnosed?

In order to diagnose someone with an intellectual disability, their ability to learn and
think (IQ) and their ability to live independently (adaptive functioning) are assessed.
The average score on an IQ test is 100. People diagnosed with an intellectual
disability score below 70-75. In order to assess adaptive functioning, a childs
abilities are observed in relation to other same-aged peers. Some of the abilities
observed include whether or not they can dress themselves, use the bathroom on
their own, feed themselves, and how well they communicate and interact with

How do intellectual disabilities affect children in the classroom?

Delayed language development resulting in difficulties communicating with

peers and teachers
Difficulty learning new concepts and keeping pace with grade-level curriculum
Inappropriate social behavior
Possible lowered expectations and exclusion from social groups

But, what can teachers do?

Hold high expectations and remember these students CAN learn

Actively teach life skills and get the student involved in social activities
Break down large tasks into small steps
Use visuals and manipulatives to supplement verbal explanations
Provide multiple opportunities and modalities to practice new skills
Use assistive technology and applications based on students needs and

Additional Resources

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