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Navarro I


He sat down at the dinner table facing me. For a moment we were quiet. I hesitated for a
moment before I quietly whispered no se que hacer. As soon as I said that, a single tear rolled
down my cheek, and he immediately held my hand. I proceeded to tell him, my maternal
grandfather, about the dilemma I had deciding what to study. The words he responded with
washed over me like cold water. He said, no siempre voy a estar para ayudarte, Those seven
words hurt me more than when I fell off my bike as a child. After mere seconds of silence, he
stood up and left the room, our conversation over. That was when I realized I was on my own,
and that I wasn't going to let others decide for me.
After many years of doubting myself, I decided to completely stop putting myself down.
For a while, I was scared that I wouldn't know what to do, but after a couple of weeks I got used
to having responsibilities. Knowing that I now had responsibility on my shoulders was
frightening for a while.That decision alone was one of the hardest things I have ever made.
Making the decision to believe in myself completely changed me. I am now more independent
than what I was before not letting others bring me down. Now, its rare when I allow others to
decide for me.
As I grew up many people told me that I was going to be just like my paternal
grandfather who was a doctor. Not wanting to disappoint anyone, I always agreed to it. As a
child, I wanted to be just like him but as I got older, I discovered other interests that helped me
feel like my own person. I later realized that maybe I didnt want to be just like him.
During my sophomore and junior year in high school I lost both my paternal and
maternal grandfather due to medical reasons. My life only got harder after everything that
happened. That obstacle didn't stop me from going after what I wanted. Losing both of them was
hard, but it made me realize I want to help people like them. It made me change my career

Navarro I

interest. Now, I want to study nursing to help those who need it most. Making this decision
concerning my future was hard, but with the support I always had growing up, I know Ill be
After hearing those painful words spoken by him, my life changed completely. Change
can sometimes be good for someone's life. In my case, change only brought better things along
with it. Now, I do what I want and not what others want me to do. My life is now based on my
decisions and isnt influenced by what others say. The best thing is knowing that whatever I do, it
will only bring happiness into my life. The only opinions that would ever matter in my life
besides my own are my familys, and I know that they respect my decisions. My happiness is and
always will be before others.

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