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The design argument


the world
the way it is?

1. List 5 features of the natural world/universe that you think are in need of
explanation - things that you look at and wonder why is that like that?
Perhaps these are phenomena that fill you with awe, or that take your
breath away, and make you say wow!
2. It was suggested that there are at least two possible explanations for these
natural phenomena. Select one of your chosen features and write a short
paragraph with the aim of convincing someone that CHANCE is the reason
it is like it is. And then choose another feature and do the same but with the
intention of trying to convince someone that it is like it is because of
3. Share in class.
(i) Reflect 1: why did you choose the features you did?
(ii) Reflect 2: how plausible are the arguments you used?
4. Is it correct to say that there are only the two possible explanations (chance
or design)? If not, what are the alternatives?

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim his handiwork.

(Psalm 19:1)

1. Watch the Youtube clip, and explain the a posteriori

evidence for design that Ray Comfort gives.
2. Comforts argument is based on an analogy. Explain it.
3. What hidden assumptions does he make (that he does not make explicit).
4. What is his conclusion?
5. State his argument in a logical structure (remember to begin with the
observation that gives the argument its empirical foundation).
6. Could we replace his observation with a different one, which would
strengthen his argument?
7. How does the final comment in the clip relate to Psalm 19:1?

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