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Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an

employee for doing a specific job.

It is a systematic planning process or organized procedure for

increasing the knowledge and skill of people for a specific

It helps the trainees acquire new skills, technical knowledge and

problem solving ability.

Training is a continuous, systematic development among all

levels of employees of that knowledge and those skills and
attitudes which contribute to their welfare and that of the
Planty, Cord M.C and Efferson


Train the trainer, sometimes referred to as TTT, is an education
model whereby individuals identified to teach, mentor or train others
attend training themselves. Some may already be educators or trainers
and are supplementing or reinforcing their skills, while others are
receiving training for the first time. Any type of organization can adopt
this model; it is very popular among nonprofit organizations and NGOs.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb: Give a man a fish and you
feed him for a day. Teach a man to catch fish and you feed him for a
lifetime. Training the trainer is like teaching a man to fish. Train one
trainer and they have the ability to impart their knowledge on many
within their own organization. There is certainly a benefit to leveraging
the investment in training in this way, but what about the hidden
Train the trainer is a learning technique that teaches students
to be teachers themselves.

Trainer is a person who educates employees of companies

on specific topics of work place importance.
Trainers often work within the HR DEPT of a co.
Fulfilling the most frequent internal needs for education of the
workers &mgt in a co.
Companies hire external trainers
Needed knowledge is not available within the trainers pool
The co. is too small to have internal trainers
If the project is too large for the in house training staff

Character: the professional credentials and credibility of the


Command on the subject: he has a thorough grasp of his

subject/perfect knowledge about the topic.

Communication skill: he is able to

communicate with audience

Contact: he must be capable enough to address the needs of

every individual participants in his class

Clarity: he is able to make his subject as simple & interesting as


Charisma: he is able to enthrall & captive his students with his



Training in various professional levels have become quite popular
Trainers are required to have certain professional training before
starting this career.

Is it required training for trainers

Training for trainers is very much required as teaching is not a job

for amateurs

There are some basic skills which required thus training for
trainer is absolutely necessary.

The training course is a perfect way to boost your career if you aspire
to b e a trainer/teacher of any sorts

Its is a training for trainers who are involved in individual training

This one to one training can be of any kind

It is a chance to brush up their training skills

It is important to hone your skills before plunging into any kind of

training and ATI will help you with it.


Securing a job

Improve the skills

It help them learn new skills for training and get a better job

1. Brain storming:

1st step to generate initial &essential involvement of the trainees

in training activity.

The trainer asks the trainees to think of any ideas without

evaluation/ judgment.

The quantity, not the quality, is what matters.

Ideas can be discussed later for practical consideration.

Sometimes , unwanted /seemingly ridiculous ideas lead to a more

practical idea, which would otherwise not have been considered.

2.Interactive talk

Encouraging the trainees to be quite active & analytical in their

learning approach.

They are also motivated to be inquisitive &anxious to know new

things by asking questions & exploring alternatives.

3.Illustrive talk

This is a lecture method.

It supplemented by the use of proper illustration using training

materials(audio-visual aids)

Presentation of success stories &case studies is also one of the

essential elements of this method

4.Group discussion

It is based on the principle of the trainer taking on the role of a

group promoter.

It is an effective instrument of participatory learning, whereby the

trainer act as a group advisor, a group facilitator & a group torch

5.Panel discussion

A greater involvement of trainees in promoting participatory


In this situation the trainers role is ltd to be that of coordinator

&moderator of the discussion, in which the trainees as panelists
act as catalyst agents of the learning process.

6.Role play exercise

Most effective training methods of participatory learning.

this method in which the trainees are provided an opportunity to

put into action the skills learnt through the training.

For this an artificial situation is created

Whereby every individual trainee is assigned a role which he/she

enacts to demonstrate the skills learnt through the process of

In TOT these assigned roles may be such as the trainer , the

trainee, the operator of audio-visual equipments.

The role of the facilitator of training is that of a guide / director

of the enacted play.

7. Workshop method

It is used not only to promote participatory learning, but also to

make the best use of the mix of talent & skill of the individual

The trainees are arranged into no.of groups, keeping in view their
interests & areas of learning.

In accordance to the leadership qualities demonstrated by some

of the trainees during interactions with them,

Each group gets a leader to coordinate the discussions &present

the decisions arrived at during the exercise.

Each group is assigned a theme of discussion relating to the topic

being covered during the training session.

This method is used at an advance stage of ToT

8. Classroom practical

It is generally used to reinforce the learning experience through

classroom practice.

In case of ToT this method may be used as a supplement to the

knowledge input given to the trainees through lecture method.

It cover a particular topic of the training session.

e.g: developing a tool of TNA /designing a plan of action for a

training programme.

9. Field practical

This method has a special significance for providing the trainees

an opportunity to use their skill in field situations.

E.g: a trainee who has been told about the principle & practices
of imparting training in village resource mgt to the leading VRMC
members cannot get a more appropriate opportunity to use the
skill than in a practical situation in the classroom.

For this, the only place to provide such facility is the village ,
where such conditions of practice c an be made available.

10. Practice in participatory evaluation of training

A skilled trainer particularly engaged in building a cadre of

facilitators of sustainable dvlpt at the grassroots level

As envisaged in the overall framework of the ideals& activities in

HCFP, needs to be given practice in monitoring& evaluating the
impact of the training conducted by him/her.

Such a practice can be arranged both in the classroom &in village



These hidden benefits may show up in unexpected ways, not
only for the organization but for the trainer as well.
The benefits of training the trainer can be:

of the organization Build self-confidence of the trainer by allowing

them to take on a new or expanded role

Help trainers feel comfortable managing touch topics

Ensure the trainer effectively communicates key messages

related to course material

Put the training into the context of the organization and improve
the relevancy

Ensure trainers understand and utilize interactive/experiential

delivery techniques properly

Use an internal resource to train other employees and can help

form new alliances and teams

Help employees feel more comfortable in sharing

Improve employee retention by allowing them to feel like an

important part

1. Knowledge Retention: People tend to pay attention in class

when they know that next time they'll be the instructor.
2. Learning by Teaching:-To teach is to learn twice over.
Joseph Joubert : Teaching a topic is the best way to reinforce your
knowledge. By encouraging your staff to teach, you encourage them to
become experts.
3. Creating Leaders:-When your employees teach it builds
their leadership skills.
4. Cost Reduction:-IT and business training can be expensive. By
using your employees as instructors you can dramatically reduce
training expenditures.
5. Training Follow Up:-When your trainers are your employees there
are increased opportunities for follow ups. For example, you can give
yearly one day brush up training for important skills.
6. Social Reinforcement:-There's evidence to suggest that people
are more likely to retain knowledge when they know the teacher

7. Skill Retention:-By building a culture of teaching you can achieve

a greater depth of skill retention for your organization.
Developed by Richard Smith of Central Queensland of University.
Learning management means an emphasis on the design and
implementation of pedagogical strategies that achieve learning
It is the set of knowledge and skills, collectively referred to as a
future orientation and which attempt to prepare the mindset and
skills sets for social changes.

The practitioner of learning management is referred as learning


The theory and practice of learning management is known as

Learning Management Design Process(LMDP).
It is comprised of 8 learning design based questions.
It is organized through three sequential phases; outcomes,
strategy and evidence.
Each phase represents the bodies of information that is
associated questions seeks to pursue.
Learning Management System(LMS)is a software application that
ranges from managing training and training records to
distributing courses to employees over the internet.
It helps employer to create and deliver specialized content,
monitor employee participation and asses their overall
It make able for the employees to use interactive features like
threaded discussions, video conferencing and discussion forums
to reach their full potential

It is important for learning environment to offer a secure place
where large number of people can be trained in their field.
It was no longer possible for managers to train entire group of
people together but it is possible through LMS.
Through LMS we get every details just with a stroke in the
It made possible to quickly train and track the learning
employees, avoid fines by being able to quickly showing
compliance as well as giving employees room to grow and learn
with a full scale of training.
Knowledge management refers to managing the knowledge
assets and the processes that act upon these assets.
Knowledge assets refers to the knowledge regarding markets,
products, technologies and organizations, that a business owns or
needs to own and which enable its business processes to
generate profits, add value etc.
The process include; developing knowledge, preserving
knowledge, using knowledge and sharing knowledge.
Effective harnessing or leveraging of IC of an organization in the
best possible fashion.
Dissemination of knowledge using internal and external learning
processes and system.
Transforming individual knowledge into structural capital of the
Aligning business strategy with the existing core competencies of
the organization and its capabilities
Need for knowledge management
Limitation of existing initiatives
Value of knowledge
Minimize effort of duplication
Sharing of best practices
Enhanced innovation
The reasons why KM need for an organization are
Knowledge infuses quality into companys product life cycle and

To offer product and services in tune with the market

To ensure the survival
To create, acquire process, maintain and retain old knowledge in
the face of complexity, uncertainity, and rapid change.
It requires strong culture
Tacit knowledge is mobile.
Knowledge acquisition and creation
Knowledge storage and processing
Knowledge sharing or dissemination
Knowledge application
Vision of organization
Knowledge processes
Building renewal and organization of knowledge assets
a knowledge creation and sourcing
b knowledge compilation and sourcing.
Effective distribution and application of knowledge assets
a knowledge dissemination
b knowledge application and value realization
AY, OCTOBER 12, 2009
Objectives of training methods can be determined generally as below.
a) Increase job satisfaction and morals among employees
b) Increase employee motivation
c) Increase efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
d) Increase capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
e) Increase innovation in strategies and products

f) Reduce employee turnover

g) Enhance company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a
good reason for ethics training!)
h) Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity
Costbenefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefitcost
analysis (BCA), is a systematic approach to estimating the
strengths and weaknesses of alternatives that satisfy
transactions, activities or functional requirements for a business
Costbenefit analysis is the process of determining the economic
benefits of a training program using accounting methods that
look at training costs and benefits
ROI and utility analysis are some of the frequently used methods
in cost benefit analysis for training
Facilities: Where will the training be conducted?

Are hotel rooms and meeting space required?

If the training is Web or computer based, are specific resources
dedicated to the equipment, utilities, software and hardware
Are participants reimbursed for lodging when they attend
overnight training?

Participants: What are the combined salaries and benefits costs that
will be dedicated to the time spent on training? What is the price for
the time spent out of the office, at seminars, traveling, or preparing for
training while still at work?
Material format: What type of materials will be used? Is the media,
books, tapes, CD-Rom, Web-based or video? How will the material be
obtained? Any shipping, packaging, or transmission costs?

Communication and marketing: Will materials be produced to

generate interest in the training? Brochures, pamphlets, direct mail,
postage, and Web sites . Will time be spent by senior managers selling
the training internally?
Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees
Increased employee motivation
Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
Increased innovation in strategies and products
Reduced employee turnover
Enhanced company image
Risk management.
What is cost-benefit analysis????
Cost-Benefit Analysis to decide whether to go ahead with a decision.
Cost-Benefit Analysis is a quick and simple technique that you can use
for non-critical financial decisions.
Costbenefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefitcost analysis
(BCA), is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths and
weaknesses of alternatives that satisfy transactions, activities or
functional requirements for a business
The CBA is also defined as a systematic process for calculating and
comparing benefits and costs of a project, decision or govt policy.
Broadly, CBA has two purposes:
1. To determine if it is a sound investment/decision
2. To provide a basis for comparing projects

CBA is related to, but distinct from cost-effectiveness analysis. In CBA,

benefits and costs are expressed in monetary terms, and are adjusted
for the time value of money
Cost-Benefit analysis for Training
Cost-benefit analysis(CBA) is used in both planning and evaluation. In
planning it is used to predict whether the benefits of an innovation, an
intervention such as training, or a capital investment will be equal to or
greater than the costs of the intervention.
For example, if you are trying to decide whether to hire a vendor to
offer a leadership course, cost-benefit analysis can estimate whether
the organizational benefits of the training will equal or exceed the
training costs.
When used in evaluation, which is the primary purpose of this booklet,
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is use After the training or other type of
intervention has been implemented, cost-benefit analysis can be used
to determine whether there was any real benefit in comparison to the
actual costs
The most common approach is to calculate return on investment(ROI).
This is accomplished by producing a financial estimate of both the
benefits and the costs to determine whether the benefits exceed the
d to estimate the actual organizational results.
There are three main measures for assessing the impact of training

Perceptions are opinions obtained when objective measures of
business results are not feasible. For example, a course in Diversity
might produce a more harmonious working environment. This is
verified by co-workers expressing that they have a more positive
attitude toward each other

These can be classified as productivity or quality measures. They can

be stand-alone measures, or used when the cost of training is not
available or is difficult to quantify.
An example would be a 20% reduction in inspection errors by
inexperienced employees as a result of closer supervision.
The two types of financial measures are: - operational savings or
decreased expenses (increased revenue would be included here in a
revenue-generating organization), and - return on investment.
All of these measures can be used in cost-benefit analysis, but financial
measures are required to calculate ROI.
Organizations use different methods to assess the benefits of training
in terms of numbers i.e. the profits. Some of the frequently used
methods are ROI and Utility analysis. There are many costs that are
associated with the training apart from the direct and apparent costs.
These costs can be described under the headings:
1. There are costs incurred towards the training needs analysis,
compensation of the training program designers, procurement of
training material and various media like the computers,
handouts, props, gifts and prizes, audio visuals etc.
2. Then there is another category is costs incidental to the training
session itself such as trainers fee / salary, facility costs / rental
3. 3. Finally there are costs involved is losing a man day of work (for
those who are sent for training), travelling, boarding and lodging
and training material that cannot be reused in some other
training program.
The Return on Investment Model (ROI)
ROI provides an important tool for validating the impact of training
effectiveness in meeting these organizational goals. Organizations
spend huge amount of money on employee development, it is

therefore very important to ascertain the benefits of training. Different

studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of training
programs. In one of the studies it was found out that sales and
technical trainings gave better ROI compared to managerial training
Ford, for example, evaluates all the training programs against the
profitability in a given product line.
The basic formula for calculating the ROI for training is as:
ROI (in percent) = Program benefits / Costs 100
Lets assume that the total costs incurred towards a certain training is
USD. 80,000/- all inclusive and the benefits in terms of overall
improvement in productivity and quality are USD. 4,00,000/-. Thus the
ROI is 500 %, which means for each rupee invested the return in USD.
5 over and above the cost of the program.
This problem however relies upon the assessment of benefits from
outside, sometimes which requires that non financial benefits may be
converted into financial benefits. This requires precision and the
sources have to be credible.
This is another way of reflecting upon the usefulness of a training
program. Utility itself is a function of the duration up to which the
training leaves an impact upon the trainee,
the relative importance of the training program, the importance of the
position or profile that received training and the cost of conducting the
For example leadership programs conducted for top and middle
management tend to be high on value where as sales training
programs for the front line sales staff tends to be low on value scale.
Utility analysis basically derives the effectiveness from analyzing the
change in the behaviour of the trainee and the positive financial
implications of the same. This model is not very famous.

The first benefit is cost-motivated, where the result of a training
experience cuts costs. Training staff to operate a computerized
accounting system, for example, could reduce the time required
to prepare financial reports.
Revenue-motivated training, the second type, results in an
increase of revenues
Most training evaluation is concerned with whether learners
acquire course knowledge and skills and apply them to the job.
ROI, on the other hand, is concerned about whether the training
is benefiting the organization. The challenge is to identify and
quantify what is valued, and then track the results
It is one of the teaching strategy focused on adult or This
methods or technique used to teach adults.
This term introduced by Alexander Knapp, a German educator

And popularized by Malcolm Knowles, an American educator.

The term derived from the Greek word Andra means Adults and
Agogus Meaning leader

It facilitating the acquisition of the content

It is a learner are independent, autonomous and focused
education much more self directed and adult set their own
schedule for learning

They are motivated to commit to study

Here the role of teacher is only encourages and direct this

movement( facilitator)

These adult education is also often cooperative and work


They are the resourceful persons, and this teaching methods in

the form of discussion, problem solving etc..

In andragogy adult learners involved in the identification of their

own learning needs and planning of how those needs are satisfied

this style of learning become active one and the mission of

andragogy is to assist adults to develop their full potential

Characteristics of Andragogy
It focused on teaching adults

Independent learning style

Learners have experience to contribute

Active training methods are used

Learners influence timing and pace

Participant involvement is vital

Learning is real life problem centered

Participant are seen as primary resources for ideas.

Principles of effective adult learning

Need Assessment

Safety in the environment

Sound relationship b/w teacher and learner for learning and
development.(respect and open communication)

Careful attention to sequence of content

Praxis( action with reflection)

Opportunity to make their own decision.

Break the learning task into more manageable unit

Clear roles and development

Team work

Engagement of the learners in what they are learning


Aspects of Andragogy
Andragogy helps to adult become self directed
Adult learner had numerous experience
Adult learner is ready to learn-responsible for their own decision
Adult learner is motivated to learn- self confidence, self esteem
and better quality of life
It is the method used for teaching child.

The term derived from Greek word Paid meaning Child

It is authority focused or teacher has complete

control over a child learning experience.

Teacher have full responsibility for making decision about:

What will be learned ( specific content)

How it will be learned ( mode of learning)

When it will be learned ( time)

Characteristics of pedagogy
Learners are called students (child)

Dependent learning style

Learners are inexperienced

Passive training methods are used i.e. lecturing

Trainer controls timing and pace

Learning is content oriented

Trainer is an primary resources who provide ideas




The methods and practice

used in teaching adults



Independent, self directed,

cooperative learning

Teacher transferring
knowledge to the student


Adult have control over their

learning and must be
motivated to learn



It facilitating the acquisition

of contents

It is concern with transmit

the contents

Blooms Taxonomy
It used to define and distinguish different level of human

Cognition is the process of knowing(thinking), learning and

understanding things.

The goal of bloom taxonomy is to motivate the educators to

focus on all 3 domains.

It consist of 3 domains;


It involves knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking on a

particular topic. It consist of;

It describe the way people react emotionally and their feeling.
There are 5 levels in it;

It usually focused on change or development in behavior and

skills. It consist of;
Guided response
Complex overt response

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