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205 Government St.

Mobile, Alabama, 36602

For Immediate Release
March 21, 2013

For More Information, Contact:

Ann Sirmon
BULLYBLOCKER Representative

Bullying is a conscious, deliberate and hostile behavior by one or more people, which is
intended to harm others. Bullying takes many forms and can include many different behaviors,
such as: physical violence and attacks, verbal taunts, name-calling and exclusion from peer
group. Bullying results in a life of crime, which is what the BULLYBLOCKER program intends
to prevent.
The purpose for creating the BULLYBLOCKER program is to serve as a direct link for
students to anonymously submit their bullying complaints to the Mobile County District
Attorneys office. This program allows young people to openly communicate and report bullying
to the DAs office. It targets bullying that occurs during and after school activities, and via social
networking websites.
A simple text message to the BULLYBLOCKER text line at 839863 is all it takes to
report bullying. Whenever an act of bullying occurs, anyone can send a text message, which will
then be submitted to an investigator in the Mobile County District Attorneys Office.
Immediately after this, an investigation will take place and a solution will progress. The school

administration will be notified and the situation will be addressed. This situation will be put on
record and a follow up visit by a representative from the DAs office will occur. If nothing has
been resolved, the DA will step in and enforce the law.
The BULLYBLOCKER program is made to help those who are being victimized. So, it is
essential for those who are victims or witnesses to report bullying in order for it to be resolved. It
is also important that the community is aware of this program and understands it is there to
protect each one of them. Everyone needs to be more aware that bullying happens in schools and
around the neighborhood.

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