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As technology becomes more powerful, more people are urged to join various social media platforms,
and behind all of these, cyberbullying is a reality. According to the definition of cyberbullying, it occurs
when someone persistently and purposely harasses, mistreats, or ridicules another person online, on a
mobile phone, or while using another electronic device.

The world as we know it is constantly changing due to technology. Technology has tremendous
advantages, but its drawbacks also keep coming to light. One of the evils of technology is the increased
exposure of our private and personal places, which increases the likelihood of harassment, particularly
among teens. As more young people use the Internet and other mobile communication devices to
engage in what has been dubbed "cyber bullying," these activities are becoming one of the more
troublesome issues facing schools and parents today. However, preliminary evidence suggests that
cyberbullying may result in much greater harm, from low self-esteem to suicidal thoughts and acts to
despair, anxiety, anger, school avoidance, and academic failure.

Because of technical development and people's increased use and acceptance of technology,
cyberbullying is a relatively recent phenomena. Cyberbullying can have a long-lasting psychological
effect on people, which can lead to changes in behavior, self-efficacy, and self-esteem.

The physical and emotional health of young people is severely harmed by child abuse in all forms,
including cyberbullying or online bullying. In addition to causing physical harm, this can also leave
psychological and emotional scars. The vulnerability of children and their easy access to the internet
make it particularly challenging to address. they are simple targets for online abuse.

A proposed action to stop this is "GET UP, SPEAK OUT" to increase awareness on social media and host
several seminars that concentrate on cyberbullying. It won't hurt you to use less social media, and it
might even improve your ability to focus on other crucial tasks. Finally, stand up and speak. We are all
enabling bullies to act aggressively by keeping quiet. Bullies can appear to be anonymous on the
internet, but they are not. You might be able to report cyberbullying even if you haven't been the target
of it. This must always be possible for us. despite the fact that it is currently terrifying.

It's crucial to comprehend the risks and effects of cyberbullying in modern society, as well as how it has
already affected the lives of many people, particularly teens, because this is a serious issue that few
people are aware of. This is no laughing matter, and the Philippine government needs to take
cyberbullying seriously.

Cyberbullying is a multi-faced issue. But this activity's goal is the same for everyone. to harm and cause
harm to others. Cyberbullying is a serious issue. Due to the many hazardous implications it has on the
victim, it needs to be addressed seriously.
It also disturbs a person's mental condition. After being cyberbullied, many people are known to develop
despondency. They harm themselves as well. All the negative things that are said about them make
them feel inferior.

Our vision is to let the victims of Cyberbullying know that they are not alone. Research has
demonstrated that friend to friend assistance is one of the most beneficial strategies of preventing and
treating Cyberbullying.

This project aims to make the students aware of the consequences of cyberbullying. Additionally, to help
reduce the number of students who are cyberbullied and afraid to speak up for themselves. We will
provide some help to make them feel that they're not alone and they can count on us.Our campaign is
aimed at teaching children when they see bullying get out of line, not to be afraid to intervene.


The purpose of this campaign is to raise public awareness of cyber bullying and its impact, to provide
guidance on how to recognize and prevent it, and to empower victims to speak up and seek help. This
campaign will use a variety of approaches, including outreach and education, public service
announcements, and advocacy campaigns. By bringing attention to this issue, this campaign will help
create a community of support for victims and a culture of understanding and respect for all.

The main motive of our campaign in cyber bullying is to raise awareness on the serious problem of
cyberbullying and to provide advice and support to victims. The campaign should focus on educating
people on the risks of cyberbullying, how to recognize it, and how to respond to it in a way that
minimizes potential harm. Especially in Lobo Senior High School because some of their students
experiencd cyber bullying, out if 348 grade 11 HUMSS students there are 10 students that experienced
it. It should also provide information on resources that are available to people who are being
cyberbullied, as well as provide a forum for victims to share their experiences. The campaign should also
emphasize the importance of creating a safe and supportive online environment, and the need for
parents, teachers, and other adults to be involved in creating a supportive environment for youth online.

The cost of a comprehensive campaign to address cyber bullying will depend on the scope and scale of
the project. Potential costs may include personnel, materials and supplies, advertising, technology, and
other associated costs. Factors such as the size of the target population and the desired outcomes of the
campaign will also affect the cost of the project. Additionally, the need for research and evaluation of
the campaign's effectiveness should be taken into account. Ultimately, the cost of a campaign to address
cyber bullying will depend on the design and implementation of the project.

Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years due to the rise
of social media. Cyber bullying can have a devastating effect on both the victim and the bully, leading to
depression, anxiety and even suicide in extreme cases. As such, it is important to look at cyber bullying
as part of a concept paper, in order to ensure that any plans or strategies proposed address the issue.
When examining cyber bullying in a concept paper, it is important to consider the ways in which it can
be addressed. This might include the implementation of education and awareness programmes for both
victims and bullies, as well as measures to prevent cyber bullying from occurring. It is also important to
look at the legal implications of cyber bullying, as well as the psychological effects it can have on victims.
By examining these aspects of cyber bullying, it is possible to propose effective strategies to help combat
this issue.


Our campaign does no only benefit one person but everyone such as children, cyberbullying can cause
long-term emotional damage to children, particularly adolescents, and can have a significant impact on
their overall mental health. Children are particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying due to their lack of
experience in navigating online spaces and their limited understanding of the potential consequences of
their actions.

Next is parents, not only can cyberbullying cause emotional distress to children, but it can also be
difficult for parents to detect, as they may be unaware of their child’s online activities. Parents need to
be informed of the potential risks of cyberbullying and its impact on the emotional well-being of their

Third is schools, schools have a responsibility to protect their students from cyberbullying, and to
provide an environment where all students can feel safe and supported. Schools should have clear
policies in place to prevent cyberbullying and to ensure that any incidents are dealt with appropriately.

Forth is social media companies, social media companies have a responsibility to ensure that their
platforms are used safely and responsibly. They should have clear policies in place to address
cyberbullying and to ensure that they are taking appropriate steps to protect users from this type of

Lastly is Law enforcement, cyberbullying is a criminal offense and law enforcement agencies should be
aware of the laws and regulations that apply to this type of activity. Law enforcement should be able to
intervene if necessary to protect victims of cyberbullying.

The proposed campaign would be implemented over a 3 month period, beginning on February 1, 2023,
and concluding on February 28, 2021. During this period, the campaign would target young people aged
13-18 through a variety of channels, including social media, schools, and community organizations. The
campaign would emphasize the dangers of cyberbullying, provide tips for staying safe online, and
encourage individuals to report instances of cyberbullying they witness or experience. Additionally, the
campaign would provide resources to those affected by cyberbullying, including mental health
professionals and legal advisors.


Project Name: "Get up, Speak out"

Address: Poblacion, Lobo Batangas

Contact Info: 09519632402


Page: Get up, Speak out


Some of the expenses that will need to be taken into consideration include:

•Research and analysis of the existing literature and data on cyber bullying

•Development of a comprehensive approach to address the issue

•Development of an educational program

•Public relations and outreach efforts to increase public awareness

•Creation of a website and other digital resources

•Development of materials such as flyers, brochures, and other print materials

•Events and activities to support the campaign

•Training and development of personnel to carry out the campaign

•Administrative costs

•Travel and other associated costs

•Fundraising and marketing expenses

•Evaluation and measurement of the campaign’s success

•Ongoing maintenance and support of the campaign.

A thorough evaluation of the project needs and available resources should be conducted in order to
determine the necessary budget.

Moral support is an important factor in combating cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can have devastating
effects on the emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing of victims, particularly young people. This
concept paper will explore the role of moral support in cyber bullying prevention and intervention. It will
discuss the importance of providing moral support to victims, potential sources of support, and
strategies for providing moral support to those affected by cyber bullying. The paper will also examine
how moral support can help victims cope with the consequences of cyber bullying and how such support
can be offered in a way that is respectful and empowering. Finally, it will consider the role of moral
support in reducing the risk of cyber bullying and in promoting positive online environments.


Bianca Alcano

Erica Pestijo

Edcel Cay

Jacqueline Delos Reyes

Kerbu Balingbing

John Kenneth Zamora

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