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Melody Streible Jackson

4309 Valley Vista Drive

(254)449-5441 cell
(254)213-4699 home
EC-6 Generalist TExES Passed
4-6 Generalist TExES Passed
Preservice Training: Completed 30 hrs Observation: Completed
ACT Central Texas
A.S. degree August 8, 2011
Environmental Science
B. S. degree May 11, 2013
Renewable Natural Resources
Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
41 hours of Science courses

Central Texas College, Killeen, Texas

Texas A&M, College Station, Texas

Substitute Teaching- Sept. 2014-Jun. 2015
Killeen ISD
Substituted at least 3 days/week during this time, including multiple day assignments in grades 4
and 5, and a long-term assignment in 3rd grade. Substituted at Cedar Valley Elementary, Ira Cross
Elementary, Reeces Creek Elementary, Timber Ridge Elementary, and Liberty Hill Middle School.
Team Leader 2013-2014
Cedar Valley Elementary
Served as a team leader for the Destination Imagination elementary program.
Student Laboratory Assistant- 2010-2011
Central Texas College
Worked as a laboratory assistant and tutor for the Department of Science and Agriculture.
Air Traffic Controller- 1999-2003
United States Army
Worked as the Ground Control Approach (GCA) facility supervisor and training supervisor at
Wiesbaden Army Airfield in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Veterinarian Technician 1996-1999
Crescent Hill Animal Hospital
Worked as veterinarian technician assisting in routine and surgical procedures.

REFERENCES: Available upon request.

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