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"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

Greetings and a Happy 1999! Dear

friends, this is GMM's last January-February
newsletter for the millennium. This is a fact of

life and we are not intimidated by it, but this

one uplifting thought from Scripture speaks to
us: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My
words will never pass away," as stated by
Jesus. Also, the apostle Peter reminds us in

health, safety in travel, and many opportuni

ties to preach and teach in local churches,
camps, conferences, over the radio and also
to witness in many private home situations,
thus building the Kingdom of God.
During 1998 the combined time spent by

us in Central and Eastern Europe was just

ation some ofthe bles

over 10 months. We would like to briefly men-

his second letter: "Do ujg

not forget this one thing,

ings that we experi

enced in the past year.

dear friends, with the kfai

Lord a day is like a thou-

One fact remains true.

sand years and a thousand years are like a

day and the Lord is not

The Church in this post-


in keeping

growing and strong, but

satan is also working


promise..." He
ues: "He is patient with
you, not wanting anyone
to perish, but for every-

I In the whole of Poland

one of the largest evan-

' ( C h u r c h e s is the

one to come to repentance. So, dear friends,

since you are looking

forward to this, make

every effort to be found

Pulawska Street Chris-

George and
and Vera
Vera B
ki, George
George Repetski
making |plans for
for 1999.

tian Fellowship Church

in Warsaw. George Ba-

jenski came from this

congregation and for

spotless, blameless and

at peace with Him."
This is good and timely advice, and it is
with this very message that we at GMM are
ready to go to Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and

several services in which there were more

Lithuania. However, this needs to be stressed

not only there, but also closer to home here in

the Lord for this.

than a 1,000 people in attendance. We praise

Another promising work is the one taking

Canada and the United States.

Last year God blessed us with good


many years now GMM

has been working with this church. If numbers
say anything, then it is interesting to note that
throughout last year this church conducted

place in the city of Ciechanow which is locat-


NO. 1

ed some 100 kilometers from Warsaw. The

Ciechanow Church has begun several home

churches in its area. One of these is a group
now meeting in Lidzbark (about 80 kilometers
away). We are praying that this small group
will become a fully functional congregation in
1999. The Ciechanow Church's leadership is
developing a new School of Ministry which
will foster growth through home groups. With
our involvement last year two Canadian ladies
from Calgary are now ministering as mission
aries with the Ciechanow Church. One of

their ministries is teaching English as a tool of

The Ostroda Camp ministry contributed
much to church growth this year. Various
camp sessions directed many younger and
older people to the Lord. As a result, there
were several baptismal services in local

In Belarus we participated in the life of

several congregations and encouraged the
local believers. People in this country are
being challenged by various political and eco
nomic difficulties, yet church life, as ex
pressed by one of our coworkers, is like an
"island of joy." The presidential regime contin
ues to violate human rights and has taken
steps to reunite Belarus with Russia. Belarus's president seemingly desires a return
to the old Soviet-style of dictatorial rule. In
spite of this, for example, one newly estab
lished congregation with which we are work
ing in Kobryn was able to start a new work in
a neighboring town with an interesting name:
Lenin's Village. Praise the Lord, the Gospel is
being preached there! After studying at a
Christian college in Canada for two years our

ary translator in Minsk. Now George Repetski

is completing the typeset of this text. We are
praying that the full Belarusian Bible will be
printed in 1999 or 2000. This will be particu
larly significant since the presidential regime
in Belarus has been belittling the Belarusian

Our involvement in Ukraine was very pro

ductive. We worked with churches in the
north-western sector of Ukraine and with

other churches in the southern part of the

country. In the city of Kovel our coworker,
Vasil, continues his weekly radio ministry His
efforts contribute greatly to the life of the local
church. In the past it was one of the leading
churches of the Evangelical Christian move
ment in Ukraine. We are helping them in the
process of building and enlarging their pre
sent church facility. We conducted a 2-week
evangelistic outreach in this area of Ukraine
with our Polish Missio Musica group of
singers and musicians. Many heard and
responded to the Gospel. We also assisted in
having children from an orphanage come for

daily vacation Bible school in the city of Lutsk.

In Lithuania we continue to help and
encourage the ministry of the church in

Salcininkai. The church's preacher was

ordained last year. This congregation still
meets in the Belarusian Cultural Center, but

during the past year we helped them in pur

chasing land where soon they will be able to
move into a temporary facility.

We are happy to inform you that since

coworkers, Dima and Alona Lazuta, are now

1989 we were able to assist Christian stu

assuming a greater role in their ministries with

dents studying for the Lord's work through the

Benjamin Bajenski Memorial Fund. During
1998 we helped 5 students. Through this fund
we also sponsored many young people par
ticipating in summer camp activities in Poland
and Ukraine. The Benjamin Bajenski
Memorial Fund was established 10 years ago

the Good News Church in Minsk and with a

Christian student outreach ministry in

Belarus. One great aspect of the work in
Belarus has been the completed translation
of the Bible into contemporary literary
Belarusian^the work of a professional liter

after the death of Vera and George Bajenski's

son, Ben, who was a promising young per
son. We thank you, dear friends, for sharing
and designating gifts to this fund. Through
this contribution many young people are
given some help for study and work in God's

increasingly thankful to God for providing

Christian friends, as we pray with and encour
age each other, facing the challenges in this
life while waiting for the return of our Lord
Jesus Christ.

George and Vera continue to be two such

Christian friends from whom I have received

much love and encouragement. I am thankful

for the recent fellowship we shared at their
headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario. I look
forward to another good year at Queen's
learning medicine. Overall, my goal is to know
God's will for my life and see Colossians 2:10
become more and more a reality. "Then the
way you live will always honor and please the
Lord, and you will continually do good kind
things for others. All the while, you will learn to
know God better and better" (NLT).

Jeff Ponke

Hi, my name is Jeff Ponke. I am one of the

many young people who came to believe in
Jesus since Benjamin Bajenski's death 10
years ago. For me, God used Ben's death as
a wake-up call, showing me that faith in
Christ, like Ben had, is what really matters. At
the funeral I remember seeing hope in
George and Vera Bajenski, and I knew that
Jesus' victory over the grave was the reason.
In Scripture I read of God's love shown in
Jesus Christ and in 1991 I became a believer,

submitting in baptism to Jesus as my Lord. He

became my own Savior!
My life has been imbued with joy and pur
pose, and God has provided strength since
then amidst the trials of life. Shortly after, I
took a short-term mission project to Papua
New Guinea and there decided to set my goal
to become a missionary. Later, I attended
Johnson Bible College and then Wheaton
College in Illinois. Currently I am 24 years old
and in my second year at Queen's University
Medical School. Lately, I have become

11# "* f

Adam Szumorek

God sometimes puts us into situations and

places in which we had never expected to be.
That is the shortest summary of my story. My
name is Adam and I am 24 years old. I was
born in a beautiful city in the northern part of
Poland called Olsztyn. Although 1 had the
privilege of growing up in a Christian family, I
felt that God was very far away from me. I
knew that I did not have any relationship with
Him. When I was 10 years old I went to sum
mer Christian Camp in Ostroda where I made
the most important decision of my life. I
accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. So I also

realized that God called me to ministry and I

decided to prepare myself to be able to
accomplish this task.
Two years ago I graduated from the
Warsaw Theological Seminary, and I got
involved in Christian ministry in my home
church in Oisztyn as an assistant to the pas
tor. After one-year's work I was given an
opportunity to continue my education as a 4th
year college student in Canada. I am com
pleting my work for a Bachelor of Theology
degree with a major in Pastoral Ministry After
my graduation during this coming spring I am
going to go back to my home church in
Oisztyn to serve the Lord there.

coat and he stood in front of it and cried:

"Stop! Stop! You'll not drive through my son's

blood like that!" I don't know of a greater sin
than to deal lightly with the blood of Jesus
Adrian Rogers

We just received this rich and personal

testimony from a friend. We could not help but
thank the Lord for carrying us through a simi
lar experience 10 years ago when our son,
Ben, went to be with the Lord. Vera & George

In memory of/ Given by

Mike Borlsenko


I heard of a father who was a business

man. At his desk he received a phone call.

They said: "Sir, we hate to tell you this, but
there's been an accident. A young man has
been hit by an automobile. We don't have all
of the details, but we believe he's your son."
He said: "I'll be right there." He ran out of his
office, got in his automobile and drove to this
particular place where his son, according to
the report, had been hit by an automobile. He
said: "Where's the boy that was hit? Where's
my son?" Someone, not knowing the situa
tion, said: "Oh, you mean the boy who was

Mary &Levi Borlsenko


John Huk

Ruth Huk

Benjamin Bajenski

Ruth Huk


Henryk & Edyta Oswieclmka

Victor & Cheryl Castillo
Mike Zidkovich

Samuel & Anna Ficych

Katherine Wandich

Ron & Judy Nayduk

Our deepest apologies for wrong recognition

given in the last issue of "The Crier." We
include the following corrections:

killed?" He said: "What?" And he looked, and

there was a pool of blood right there in the

street. A pool of blood! And he knew it was his
son's blood. And the automobiles there on

that busy street were driving right through that

bloodone car after another, driving through
that pool of blood. When the father looked at

Tena & Joe Forsluk

Olga Forstuk
Tom Shawlinski
Ed Shawlinski
A. Nettie Forsiuk
Fred Posnikoff

Alice Humeny

it and realized that was the blood of his own

A. Nettie Forsluk

dear son. He couldn't take it. He ripped off his

The Posnikoff Family

GMM Missionaries; George & Vera Bajenski. George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

L4W 4X9

Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested
Published 6 times a year
Printed in Canada



"0 Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



need to form an alliance which will oppose

Political and National Unrest

If what is happening in Belarus today

were happening in Russia, the whole world
would hear about it. But Belarus is a small

country and few know or hear anything

about her. Yet there is a crucial political
struggle taking place within her borders.
The president of Belarus, Alexander Luka
shenko, has increasingly taken ail reins of
power into his hands and become a dicta
tor. This also has had its effect on church

life for our fellow believers. Their earlier op

portunities for open evangelism have been
significantly curtailed.
In January of this year several political
parties came together with members of the
earlier nullified Parliament and created a

Central Commission for presidential elec

tions. The head of the sacked Parliament,
Mr. Hanchar, became its leader and the

commission declared that they are setting

up electoral committees throughout Belarus
and calling May 16, 1999, as the day for
presidential elections in Belarus. This was
done on the strength of the Constitution
that was instituted by the earlier elected
Parliament. Lukashenko replaced that con
stitution with his own which gives him the
right to remain as president until the year of
2001. Already some of the leaders in the
Commission for presidential elections have
been imprisoned, including Mr. Hanchar,
and forewarned of future arrests. It is clear

that Belarus' president wants to bring in the

same type of dictatorial rule not only in Be
larus but across Russia and other republics
of the former Soviet Union. He sees the

NATO. If he succeeds, there could be ex

tremely serious repercussions in world pol

itics and religious life.
People living In Belarus speak one or
both of two languages: Russian and Belarusian. Many Belarusians in rural areas of this
country speak Belarusian, although now
there are many educated Belarusians that
also prefer to use this language.
Following the break up of the Soviet
Union, the Belarusian Parliament declared

Belarus to be a sovereign independent

state. At one point during our present postcommunist decade, the Belarusian lan

guage was declared to be the only official

language in Belarus. New independent Be
larusian journals and newspapers suddenly
appeared. Many deputies in the Parliament
began using Belarusian in their speeches. I
(George R.) personally preach in Belaru
sian when I am in Belarus.

The Belarusian Parliament drew up a

new constitution that included the election

of a president by the people. As a result Lu

kashenko became the first elected pre
sident in 1994. Since his coming to power
he reinstated Russian as an official lan

guage together with Belarusian.

The Belarusian opposition is fighting
hard to have presidential elections this year
with an opportunity for other more democ
ratic candidates to gain exposure through
Belarus's media. A part of the opposition's
policy includes the reinstatement of Belaru
sian to a more prominent position in the life
of the country, including education. Since


NO. 2

all political power is presently held by Luka

shenko, this continues to be an arduous

task, nevertheless, the opposition presses

on. We need to be in prayer for God's will to
prevail and provide the Belarusians today
with the Bible and other Christian literature

that will point them to God.

Spiritual Need

Several years ago GMM assisted in

typesetting and printing a new translation of
the New Testament and Psalms in contem

moves along and would ask you to remem

ber this need in your prayers.
An Orthodox Priest Writes

Today nationally conscious activists in

Belarus are fighting for their own language
and a democratic government. Recently we
read an interesting letter written by a priest
of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox
Church in Belarus who comments on this

issue and the nation's need to give God first

"Peace and God's blessing to you, dear

porary Belarusian. George Repetski work

ed together with a Belarusian translator and
writer, Vasil Syomukha, to produce it. It was
printed in Minsk and distributed to Belarusian-speaking people in their country. Many
nationally conscious citizens have express

hearts. As we look at the political process

es taking place in our Motherland, I see
that, unfortunately, there is no place for the

ed their thanks for this translation and await

One who created the universe and who is

the printing of the full Bible. Mr. Syomukha

translated the Old Testament, George Re
petski has completed the typeset for that
part and is now retypesetting the New Tes
tament. It is our hope that the typeset of the
full Bible will be completed within this year.
At that point we will look for an opportunity
to have it printed in Belarus.
Does Belarus really need a Belarusian

our Heavenly Father!

As I speak with the activists of the na
tional movement for [language and cultural]
renewal, I fearfully notice that for educated
people God is not the Lord of all things

translation of the Bible when the Russian

Bible is readily available? After all, do not ail

Belarusians understand Russian? Yes, they
do, but, in our view, they also need to have
the Bible in Belarusian. Why? Because for
many people Belarusian is the language of
the heart and reading God's Word in this
language will come to them with greater
force and convicting power. Once the full
Bible will become available to them in their

language, they will read it more readily if for

no other reason than for the novelty of it.
We believe that the entrance of God's Word

will bring light because faith comes by

reading God's Word. During their struggle
for national identity the Bible in their lan
guage will be a major event for them. Yes,
many of them eagerly await this moment
and we are doing all we can to make this
happen as soon as possible. Dear friends,
we will keep you informed as this project

brothers and sisters in Christ, children of

our Belarusian land who are dear to our

seen and unseen, rather he is some kind of

legendary person and even an abstraction.

The majority of our people fighting for the
cause of the Belarusian language and cul
ture have remained in their atheistic past
and do not want to recognize the existence
of God and give the true Lord of history first
place in politics which they are conducting
on Belarus' behalf. Indeed, the present lan
guage and cultural renewal movement has
in its ranks many true honorable fighters for
our nationality. They are doing much for the
rebuilding of an independent Belarus.
However, in their struggle they do not seek
God's help. This is not only their problem,
but the problem of us all. On the one hand,
we do not stop saying that we are a
European nation, while, on the other, we
ignore Christ's teachingthe very thing
that has made Europe the Europe of today.
If we desire to become a true European
nation, then we, first of all, must become a
Christian nation.
Brothers Belarusians! We have had

enough of depending on the idea that God

will help us build an independent Belarus if

we will continue being atheists or nominal

work into Belarusian, had it edited in Minsk

Christians who remain indifferent to the life

of the Church and to whom she remains un

and prepared the camera-ready typeset

copy. It is now in the hands of fellow Chris
tians in Belarus. We wish to print 3,000
copies of it in Belarus with their help. The
project will cost $5,400.
Kanatush's book contains 550 pages

necessary. If in any country the Church

does not exist, then the Lord does not rule
in that land. What rules in such cases is

only trouble, hunger and a government that

is hostile to its own people. On the pages of
the Holy Gospel God says, 'the one that is
not with me, he is against me; the one who
does not gather with me, he is wasting his

and deals with each individual mentioned in

the 11th chapter of the Book of Hebrews.

The author analyzes their lives and shows
the reader why they are listed as heroes of
faith. He gleans lessons from each case
and this serves as examples for us today.


This shows that many Beiarusians are,

for the most part, atheistic or agnostic. They
need to be challenged
by the Gospel mes
sage. They need to
hear from God. That is

The book calls its readers to faith and


the Bible in their own



language today. On
many occasions Beia








ing Beiarusians to
faith in God, espe
cially those who are
either atheistic, ag
nostic or simply indif
ferent to God. We

rusians have told us

that they will gladly

read any kind of reli
gious material if it is


a crucial role in call


why we urgently feel

that they need to have


God. This book will




guage. Here is an op
portunity to reach out
to this people with the
Gospel message and
challenge them to
change their thinking





need only raise the




have it printed as
soon as possible.
Can we count on you
to help us in raising
the needed funds for

the printing of Old


about God and his role

in their lives.



of the Faith and,

later, the Belarusian


From Scripture it is abundantly clear

that God's Word is to be made available in
Other Christian Literature

In keeping with this goal GMM has type

set an important book in Belarusian called
Old Testament Heroes of the Faith. This is a

book that was written by a well-known lay

preacher who lives in Minsk today. His
name is Vladimir Kanatush. Some time ago
he gave a series of expository messages
on the 11th chapter of the Book of Heb
rews. He put these sermons together in
book form. The original was written in Rus
sian and George Repetski translated the

the languages that people speak today. The

Belarusian people have not had the Bible
nor other solid Christian evangelical ma
terial available in their language. We want to
change that through the printing of Old
Testament Heroes of the Faith and the full
Bible in Belarusian translation. Please re

member this need in your prayers and, as

the Lord leads you, please support us fi
nancially in these printing pro ects. We will
be grateful to you and so wil those Beia

God's Word to the World

G. Repetski, W. Hoitwing, G, Bajenski

Warmolt Houwing is a friend with whom

we have worked and prayed. God has used
him to do a great work of spreading his
Word to literally millions around the world.
We thought that it would be good to
acquaint you with this servant of God and
his special ministry.
Warmolt, by profession, is a seaman
from Holland. For many years he sailed the
seas and oceans of the world. After turning
to Christ he started to share the Gospel
with fellow seamen. He eventually started to
visit Russian ships in Dutch harbors and
shared Bibles and Christian literature with
them. One of books that he handed out was
an illustrated book on the life of Christ

called He Lived Among Us. God led

Warmolt to understand that the book could

be used of God to reach not only Russian

seamen, but many peoples around the

tribute this book together with another

book. He developed a campaign to raise
funds for further printing. After 1997 5.3
million copies in 12 major languages were
printed and distributed. In India He Lived
Among Us was translated into 16 lan
guages of that country and distributed. Re
ports came back telling of how families and
whole villages were believing in Christ and
being baptized after reading the book. We
of GMM have distributed some copies of
this book in East Europe. In all God enabl
ed this brother to print some 9 million
books. Warmolt just says that it was all
God's doing. He was only the instrument in
his hands. Together with Warmolt we praise
the Lord for what he has done through this
humble servant.

In memory of/Given by

Valentine Petrovski Talarczyk

Valentine Wagoner
Benjamin Bajenski
Wanda Isaac

James & Ruth Fitzpatrick

Patricia Ing
Irene Neville
Leann Womacks


At first he printed a few thousand. Soon

he was enabled by God to print and distrib
ute 1.5 million in Russia. In 1993 the book

Fred Posnikoff & Alice Humeny

The Posnikoff Family

was translated into Spanish, Dutch and

Chinese. The Spanish books were distrib

Terry Tanner

uted in Cuba, Central and South America. A

shipment went to China. From 1994 to 1997

Brother Warmolt continued to print and dis

Frieda Rossol

George & Vera Bajenski

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajensl<i, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road. Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X9
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested
Pubiistied 6 times a year
Printed in Canada

"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

(nations and He com its o us the


And once again disturbing events are

taking place in Europe. In the South, i. e. in
the Balkans, there is human tragedy, forced
relocation, bombings, death, tears and
agony. In the East, i. e. in the former Soviet
empire, there is a rather precarious situa
tion. Ukraine, for instance, is greatly unset
tled in her economic and political life.

Belarus also finds herself under ^

severe political pressures. Her pre-

sent leaders are moving the nation

and neighboring countries away
from a democratic way of thinking to
her dictatorial past. Poland and two
other nations from the previous iron
curtain domain are pressing westward to democracy and a market
economy. They have joined NATO.
They even claim to have anew religion nowthe supermarket mall.

3:6), in his power (Matt. 28:18), offering the

greatest of all giftseternal life in Christ
Jesus (Rom. 6:23).
Without question, God knows what is
happening down here on earth and He has
the solutions for man's restlessness. He

knows how to bring peace among the

message of reconciliation. Paul
wrote: "We implore you, on

I Christ's behalf, be reconciled to

P God" (2 Cor. 5:19-20). This is yet

another significant moment in his
tory that God has given us to
preach the Gospel. I remember
that not long ago we heard the
statement, "Albania is the only


communist state

where churches and religious life

have been fully eliminated." Now

I these very people live under

And here we are as Christians in

' extreme distress. Many have

the midst of all of these developments. What is our response? Is this the
time to compliment ourselves for all of our
accomplishments or is there reason for

become homeless and lost everything. Do

we still hear that "Macedonian Call" today?


and touch all of us. Let us be good stewards

For me one thing is certainwe are not

called to change the world's political sys
tems, but to preach the Word. As apostle
Paul states: "I give you this charge, preach
the Word... in season and out of season" (2
Tim. 4:1-2). We do not have enough mater
ial resources to satisfy all the world's needs
today, but we go in the name of Jesus (Acts

of the time, talents and resources that God


Friends, this call continues to resound

has given us. When the time will come for

settling final accounts, will we hear these
words from our Master's lips: "Well done,
good and faithful servant, you have been
faithful with a few things; I will put you in
charge of many things. Come and share
your Master's happiness"? (Matt. 25:21).

MAY-JUNE, 1999

NO. 3


During the month of March we had the

privilege of hosting Danuta Ryzyk who is
one of GMM's close coworkers in Poland.

She shared many interesting pieces of in

formation with us concerning their work in
Warsaw. Here is one of them.

Preaching the Gospel to Polish Jews

has its difficulties. Although they still vividly
remember some Jewish traditions that were

carried on in their earlier life at home, the

majority of them claim to be atheists. The

many difficulties that they experienced dur
ing the war, in the ghettos and concentra
tion camps, and the whole anti-semitic
atmosphere that was propagated through
the church did not foster friendly feelings in

At this point he brings the message for the

day. These meetings last for at least 3 to 4
hours. Everyone usually wants to linger
afterwards and converse with each other.

We thank God for His blessings in this

outreach, for already we have seen some
positive results. Several of our Jewish
friends have accepted Jesus as the Christ
(Messiah) and some are now even attend
ing our Sunday morning worship services.
One of my Jewish friends, Ewa, who is
well educated and a reasonably well estab
lished person in our society, confided with
me recently in sharing the following: "You
are the first person to whom I'm telling this.

You see, I was reared to be an atheist. My

them towards Christians and their God.

grandfather was a rabbi and we, as a fami

ly, suffered much because of our Jewish
heritage. Therefore, my father determined

These deeply wounded people constantly

to bring us up in the spirit of godlessness.

recall the atrocities that were committed

But now 1 believe that Jesus is the Messiah

against them. In conversation with them

their first question almost always is, "Where

and I am contemplating on my need to

make a public confession and follow Him. I

was God when our people were being mur

dered and ruthlessly victimized?"
It is not easy to develop a close warm
relationship with these survivors of the
Holocaust. In spite of this we have been
working systematically within the Jewish
community in Warsaw. Every Friday
evening we gather around a set of tables in

want to be baptized."

the Warsaw Christian Church basement to

conduct a traditional Sabbath meeting. On

average some 50 people attend.
We begin with prayer and the lighting of

candles that is traditionally done by a

Jewish lady. Prayer over the bread follows
and it is broken and passed around the
tables for all to participate. Then comes the
prayer over the cup of wine. After this all
greet one another with the greeting of
peace: "Shabbat Shalom." We then sing joy
ful songs in the Hebrew and Polish lan
guages. This is followed by the reading of
the Scripture by our pastor, Rabbi Kazik
Barchuk, who is himself of Jewish descent.

We thank God that GMM has been given

a significant part in this outreach, and for all
His blessings as together we witness of
Christ the Messiah to these remnants of His

"chosen people" that live in Poland.


One of GMM's major emphasis in Po

land this year is working with a group of
new home churches that are just coming to
life. This is a new church evangelistic out
reach that is being developed by the Ciechanow Church, which is located about 60

miles (100 km.) from Warsaw. Actually, the

Warsaw Church gave birth to this congre
gation some 12 years ago. The Ciechanow
Church believers consist of about 85 mem

bers. Their spirit is strong and very evange

listic. They are rapidly outgrowing their pre
sent-day building facility but this does not
dampen their evangelistic fervor. They con
tinue to reach out to new communities

beyond their city limits.

In recent years they established seven

additional home Bible study groups in

neighboring communities. Some of these
cities are 30, 40, 50 and even 60 kilometers
from Ciechanow. Yet, Ciechanow Christians

faithfully commute each week, teaching and

preaching the Word.
However, the time has come that each

individual community would like to establish

their own autonomous church in their

respective city. The Christians of these

groups are asking us for help. Each one of
these places needs appropriate local lead
ership. Thus, they are looking for capable
Christian families or mature individual Bible
student-teachers, who will commit them

selves to ministry with them for at least a 5year period, and help the believers in the
individual groups to develop into mature
autonomous churches. All of these leaders

will be under the guidance of the Ciecha

now Church's elders and their minister,
Grzegorz Baczewski. To date four such stu
dent-teachers have been located, and in

September Ciechanow intends to begin

special on-field training and use them for
regular ministry in designated communities.
In Poland this is being called School of

Minister of Ciechanow Churcfi,

Grzegorz Baczewsid

Missions that specializes in practical meth

ods for church development and growth.
This is an enormous undertaking. They
have the people, they have places for min
istry, they have faith and the desire to work.
All they need now is financial support.
To provide housing for each worker $200
per month will be needed. For living ex
pensesan additional $300.
This whole project is a step of faith that
these folks are taking, and they ask for our
help. But even for us this is a tremendous
challenge and opportunity to be involved in
mission training and building the Church.
We pray that God will provide a spon
soring church or individuals who will com
mit themselves to this building-of-theChurch program and School of Missions in
Poland. You will hear from us in the future

about the progress of this work. Today we

ask you to pray with us about this need.
Please let us know if there is any encour
aging decision on your part regarding this
school and mission project.


We receive letters
from our friends all
the time. One came

that really encouraged

us and we thought that it
would be good to share
its contents with you. A
dear sister in


January I should be 85 and my sister, with

whom I live, is a few days from 87.
We've always been very active in the
church, but time moves along. We'd like to
be right in the center of the work. So we
read of your successes and thank the Lord
for each of you. See you again as the Lord
prospers us. In Christ, M.S."


"Dear friends in Christ,

This morning when I opened my eyes, it

was raining and there were 'severe storm
warnings' for Steuben County. Then, I
thought of a triple murder near here, also of
the terrible mud slides in Honduras, the crit
ical situation in the Mid-East, the immorali

ty in our White Houseand there was plen

ty more to hear in the news. Ifelt like seced
ing from the human race!
THEN, I picked up your bulletins from
Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania.
What a difference! Here were children in

Christian camps, adults working for the

Lord. People with smiles on their faces,
though they didn't have much material
wealth. They were seeing the lack of faith in
our Lord and trying to get the message out
to them. My spirits rose and I said: 'Praise
the Lord from whom all blessings flow!' And,
I could be a 'Partner in Ministry.' So, here is
my little contribution to your efforts to reach

"Listen, I teCC you a mys

tery: We ziHfC not aCC sCeep,
But toe vriCC fl/T Be cfiangedrin afCasfi, in tfie tzidnk^ing of an eye, at the Cast
trumpet, ^or the trumpet
uMsound, the dead urilCBe

raisedimperishaBCe, and we
iiM Be changed."
In memory of/Remembered by
Harasim Sachar

The Sachar Family

Benjamin Bajenski
David & Margaret Eubanks
Diane Beettam

Raymond & Bernice Powell

Lloyd & Alice Strickland

the lost for Christ. I know the Lord will mul

tiply it and someone, if not many, will hear

the Gospel.
My prayers for you continue. I hope you
have a harvest of souls.

Thank you for lifting my spirits. In

Tom Shawlinski, Edward Shawlinski,

Walter Shawlinski, Olga Forsiuk,
Tena & Joe Forsiuk

Eileen & Lydia Shawlinski

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Misslssauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X9
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732
Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested
Published 6 times a year
Printed in Canada


"0 Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."


The Apostle Paul expresses so powerfully

what we at GMM deeply fee! that, "I am not
ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power
of God for the salvation of everyone who
believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." As
we travel and visit friends and coworkers in

Central and Eastern Europe, we see that they,

too, are not ashamed of the Gospel, but seek
every possible means to share the Gospel story
with non-believing fellow countrymen. In the
states of the former Soviet Union this is particu
larly the case. Because of the worsening eco
nomic situation and its resultant frustrations that

so many face today, there is a sense that the

forces of the left will gain greater political power
in the future. This could result in still greater cur
tailment of religious freedom to openly evange
lize. Thus, the prevailing view is that Christians
much seize the opportunities that are already

Bra. Vasil with his speal<er system connected to

his car battery. He uses this method to invite vil
lagers to attnd evangelistic services and to take
Christian literature home.

Ministry in Ukraine

week we worked with our coworker, Brother Vasil,

in the Kovel and Lutsk area of northwestern

The singing Rostvit Twin sisters, Janice and

Faye, of Colorado Springs, CO., and I (George
Repetski) were privileged to spend three weeks
in mutual ministry in Ukraine and Belarus during
May and June of this year. Throughout our first

Ukraine. Of course, we spoke in several estab

lished churches in the area, but what made this a

special time was the opportunity to visit three

technical schools and two hospitals. Full freedom
was given to us to share the Gospel story and
challenge the listeners to consider Christ and his
Word in each one of these public places. One of
the hospitals was in Kovel and Is for Ukraine's mil
itary personnel. The soldiers and staff listened
with great interest. Following such meetings
Brother Vasil handed out Christian literature. He

is well known in the city as a result of his localized

Christian radio ministry which is supported by
GMM. Brother Vasil and George Repetski paid a
personal visit with the mayor of Kovel and his
assistants. The mayor stated that teaching moral
principles is necessary for Ukrainian society and
was happy to see Brother Vasil do this in his

In Lutsk we sang and spoke in the local

orphanage where our coworker. Sister Valya, has
faithfully labored to share the Good News of
Bro. Vasil (2nd left) and G. Repetski with
mayor of Kovel (2nd right) and his assistants

Jesus with unfortunate children who either have

no parents or, if they do, are not capable of offerJULY-AUGUST, 1999

NO. 4

ing normal parental care to their children. Valya

and her coworkers will again conduct a special
Daily Vacation Bible School for this group of chil
dren. During the summer some of these children
must find food by themselves, although they can
sleep at the orphanage. Valya and her church
group help to feed these children. Because of
these efforts there are people who have become
believers and attend church.

Christian literature being offered and taken by sfudents at the technical high school, Kovel, Ukraine

ed purpose. To date, however, they had not

received government approval to conduct the
camp, but they have, nonetheless, launched out
in their normal camp season. So far the officials
have not closed it down.

G. Repetski speaking to children

in orphanage, Lutsk, Ukraine

Ministry in Belarus
In Belarus we also saw how believers are

learning to cope with new restrictions that the

government places on them. For example, it is no
longer wise for a church to talk about running a
camp program for their children. Yet, they do it but
under a different name. Strict rules apply if a
church or religious organization operates a camp
program. One organization in Belarus maintains
a piece of property for that specifically designatra /

T ^

Most churches now do not say that they are

conducting an official camp. Rather, they take
their young people to some forest for a camping
experience, but it is seen as only some adults
and young people getting together to do some
camping. At other times a church will run a
Summer Bible School program within the walls of
their church. We would call that a Daily Vacation
Bible School. The Rostvit Twins and I participated
in such a program in the city of Pinsk. Close to a
hundred children from the surrounding area
came every day for Bible lessons and a time of
relaxation and fun. While there were church chil

dren in the group, many were their friends from

non-believing families.

One pastor in Minsk gave us an opportunity to

share the Gospel message in two special chil
dren's sanitariums, a hospital and a resort area.
His church has visited the sanitariums by special
arrangement in the past. Because of the Rostvit
Twins' unique program, he was able to receive
permission for us to come and give a Gospel pre
sentation using song, the spoken word, slides
and puppets. In the first sanitarium three hundred
children attended, while in the second there were

about one hundred. In both cases the local pas

tor handed out Christian literature to all the chil

Dynamic 18 year old youth leader

preaching in Kovel church

dren. During one evening he took us to a resort

area near Minsk where Belaruslan government
officials and their families go to relax. The Rostvit
Twins gave a concert of Christian music and
George Repetski shared the Word of God with
those present. Many of these people thanked us
heartily for our coming to share our faith with
them. They, too, took literature for their further

Three ladies (beside Janice and Faye Rostvit) in

this group repented during the evening house
meeting, Bierosichy, Belarus

Ministry in Lithuania

For several years we have been working with

a church in Solechniki, Lithuania. This year the
Lord moved children's workers from Beaverton,

OR, to come and help us conduct a Daily

Vacation Bible School in that town. Initially, per
mission was granted to use a couple of rooms
for the program in the House of Culture, but by
Wednesday of that week we were told that we
could not. Apparently the local Catholic priest
put pressure on the officials to not allow us the
right to use the cultural center. However, after
Brother Victor, who tabors in Solechniki, spoke
with officials higher than the ones that forbade
us the right to use the rooms, he received
permission to continue. It was a great 5 days
of ministry to children and included an excursion
to an old castle and a trip to MacDonald's in

Vacation Bible School excursion to old castle

taken by a group of very enthusiatic children,

Trakai, Lithuania

Vilnius. More importantly, however, the children

were taught about the Lord's Prayer and about
the possibility of having a personal relationship
with the Author of that prayer. Brother Victor will
continue to be there to help those children and
their parents find the Lord.
Global IVIissionary Ministries' One-day
Conference in Warsaw

Some of Global Missionary Ministry's coworkers

from Central and Eastern Europe that attended
the special mission meeting in Warsaw

June 26 was a special day for GMM. Coworkers from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and

Lithuania were present for

meeting in Warsaw. Also,
Board of Directors were
friends from Poland, USA
Two ladies that repented being greeted by
Janice and Faye Rostvit, Mikashevichy, Belarus

a one-day missions
a couple of GMM's
present as well as
and Canada. Every

coworker from the lands of our mission work told

their story. It was wonderful to hear of how they

labor for God, and of God's blessings in their

area of ministry. One came away feeling that,
indeed, God is at work in many places in spite of
the problems that Christians face locally. And we
want to thank you, our fellow partners, that sup
port us by your prayers and finances. Most of all,
we thank the Lord that he has allowed us the

privilege to seize the opportunities with our fellow

brothers and sisters in Christ that live and work in

Central and Eastern Europe.

another camp specifically for them. It was a great

success. Right now youth camp is taking place at
Ostroda and will continue right through to the first
week in September.
All of the camp programs that GMM supports
require funding. Perhaps some of you, our part
ners, will recall how church camp played a crucial
role in developing your walk with the Lord. This is
also the case for Central and Eastern Europe. We
want to see more children and youth come to
Jesus as a result of being at one of the camps. It

Funds Needed for

has been shown over and over that children who

Summer Camp Programs

have found the Lord in Christian camps or during

Vacation Bible Schools eventually bring their par
ents to church. As a result of this many of them
find the Lord.

We would kindly ask you to support our Camp

Fund, so that even this year there will be children
and young people that have found the Lord or
deepened their walk with Him. Please send in
your contribution designated for Camp Fund. The
children and young people of Central and
Eastern Europe will be most grateful to you for
your part in making it possible for them to come
to camp, learn and be changed.


Clown from Oregon group with girl

that attended the DVBS in

Solechniki, Lithuania

In memory of/Given by

Once again we are well into the summer camp

season. For those of us living in the USA and
Canada this is understood by all. Until recently,
however, this could not be said for many
Christians that lived in Eastern Europe. But today
they, too, see summer as the ideal time to con
duct camps for Christian children and, also, for
children of non-believing parents.
For many years GMM has supported Camp

Fred Posnlkoff

Alice Humeny
Posnikoff Family
Benjamin Bajenskl
Elsie Tabak

John Krieg
Lester LeMay

Christian in Ostroda, Poand, and continues to

do so today. We also support other camp efforts

Ard Hoven

and Daily Vacation Bible Schools in Eastern

Europe. During June we had Jewish children
from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia attend yet

David & Mary Maksimow

Harry & Theresa Randolph

Nadia Maksimow

GMM Missionaries; George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetsl<i

Global Missionary Ministries 4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Tel. (905) 564-3578

L4W 4X9

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041

Published 6 times a year

Address Correction Requested

Printed in Canada

"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

As we were leaving Poland, the Warsaw

Church was making final preparations for
their annual Thanksgiving services. Every
thing was set: summer vacationdrawing
to an end, studentsreturning to their
classrooms. One could see excitement and

eagerness in people wanting to be involved

in another season of the Lord's work in their

city. It was really gladdening to be in the

company of Christians who are ready to
serve the Lord.

Unfortunately, as though to spoil this

spirit, a few days before their scheduled
Thanksgiving service, the "Warshavianka"
sports center, where the service was to be
held, declined to offer this facility for rent to
the church. By now it was too late; it would
be impossible to find an appropriate place
to have over one thousand persons in
attendance. Of course, many were deeply

them courage and vision to obey what He

tells them.

We believe it is important to give thanks

to God for everything IHe gives us today
before He can give us tomon'ow's bless
ings. This principle apply to all of us. We
want our lives to speak louder than our
words. "For we do not preach ourselves, but
Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your
servants for Jesus' sake, and... we have

this treasure in jars of clay to show that this

all-surpassing power is from God and not
from us. We are are hardpressed on every
side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in
despair; persecuted, but not abandoned;
struck down, but not destroyed... so that
the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our
body" (1 Cor. 4:5-10).

disappointed, however, in spite of this set

back, there was something beautiful in the
spirit and attitude of the leaders and local
believers. They simply said: "God must be
telling us something through this."
Indeed, the Warsaw Church continues to

grow, but their chapel remains the same in

capacity. As a matter of fact, they are now
facing a major decision conceming their
future. I know they would appreciate our

prayers so that they could clearly hear

God's Word relating to their future ministry
in their large city and that God would grant

At the entrance of the Putawska Street

Congregation, Warsaw, Poland


NO. 5


Throughout the summer we have been working much with our Polish, Belarusian,
Ukrainian, Lithuanian and even Czech brethren. We were able to see their struggles, as they
adjust to rapidly changing situations in their countries. We could rejoice with them in their vic
tories, as they continue to grow in the Lord. But we could also share in their sorrows and dis
appointments. We were able to talk and pray with them. We preached and taught the Gospel,
witnessing as many gave their lives to the Loid. In all of this we made one very encouraging
observationthe Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in Central and Eastern Europe is growing
and is eagerly longing and praying for the soon return of Jesus. May we, as their partners,
encourage and join them in saying with one accord: "Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!"

The summer of 1999 was full of activi

ties at our Ostroda Youth Camp. Over a

thousand participated in different camp pro
grams and Bible conferences. Basketball
Camp brought in the most non-churched
young people. They came to play basket
ball under the skillful eye of Christian
coaches from the USA, but were also
taught the Bible.
This was the third summer that we were

able to bring Jewish children from Russia,

Belarus and Ukaine, and teach them from

the Scriptures about their true Messiah.

George Bajenski preaching in one of the
churches in the Czech Republic

gave us opportunities to speak at several

larger churches in Poland on the timely
subject of the fulfillment of important Bible
prophecies in the 20th century. Unexpec
tedly we were also invited to have Dr.
Reagan interviewed by national Polish tele
vision on the subject of what the Bible
teaches about the Church being taken
someday from this earth. This taped inter
view will be broadcast later this year over
national Polish television.

During the month of August we had a

special opportunity to give a Gospel wit
ness among people with physical disabili
ties in Warsaw. This was possible thanks to

Dr. Reagan's messages and previously

printed books in Polish translation were
eagerly received by those who came to
hear him.

Joni and Ken Eareckson-Tada's visit to

Poland. Joni came to receive an Intema-

tional Smiling Award that was awarded to

her by Polish children. Her visit gave us
opportunity to testify about Christ at a press
conference, give a lecture to church leaders
dealing with the subject of the church's
responsibility to the disabled community
and hold a large evangelistic meeting,
which was attended by over a thousand
people. GMM has been involved in this out
reach for the last several years.

GMM is working with several new home

Bible study and prayer groups such as the
one pictured above. This will lead to the
planting of new churches. This particular
group is located in Lidzbark, a small city in
central Poland. It now has about 25 adult

baptized believers. Earlier this year in this

group a 92-year old lady accepted the Lord

as her Saviour. During the summer of this
year a young teenage boy committed his
During the month of September we
hosted a series of meetings with Dr. David
Reagan of Lamb & Lion Ministries. This

life to the Lord. This Bible study group is

being guided by the elders of the
Ciechanow Church This is part of their

church planting mission with which GMM


Church Planting Mission

During the month of May we shared with

you that GMM is entering into partnership
with the Ciechanow Church's church plant
ing mission. We are happy to announce

Bible Seminary. His passion is for "ministry

in the church, theology and Biblical studies,
but most of all, discipling." His wife, Anna,
is a school teacher and loves to work with

people. She writes: "We are moving to

Puttusk to work with a group of young

that to date all seven chosen places where

believers who, for some time, have been

new churches are to be started have locat

meeting in this city and praying that the

ed and approved a slate of candidates to

become intern preachers. They all have
committed themselves to work in this pro
ject for the next five years. One of the
requirements is that each intern preacher is
to move to the city where a new church will

Lord will send someone to work with them."

be started.
These decisions




already by both the preachers and leader

ship of the program. Now the time has
come to fulfill this requirement. This, how
ever, requires a step of faith. The program
is to start in the month of January, 2000. Up
until this time each family has to be relocat
ed, which means they need to find a place
to live and a local additional job; also, they

Marcin & Anna Beluch

will have to make the actual move. GMM

would like to encourage and help these

families in relocating by raising funds for
As previously stated, housing for each
worker requires $200 per month per family.
Piease consider this need with prayer
and, if the Lord ieads you, please send
funds designated for the Intern preach


In memory oi/Civcn h^'

John Huk, Jr.
Diilh Huk

benjamin Bajenski
QiiLh nuk

bcrl, & Daffol OIL


In this issue of "The Crier" we would like

to introduce you to one such family

MichacI Zidkovich

6nmiiel & Anna Rcych

Marcln and Anna Beluch, who will minister

in the city of Puttusk. Marcin is 28 years old.

He is a member of the Warsaw Putawska

Street Church. He completed^&'V^saw

Mike BorisenloD
Mi^rv Corisenko

GMM MissSooaries; George &Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

^obal MissiOTrary Mihlstrles

4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 MIssissauga, Ontario, Canada
Tei. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

L4W 1V5

Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested
Published 6 times a year
Printed in Canada

"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God Is coming."


"(Dcmmfrom MsgCory,
T-ver Civing story,
94y QodandSaviour came
siidJesus loas Ms name.
'Bom in a manger,

lb ^His ozm a stranger.

Si(Man ofsorrows, tears and agony."
(Hbrds by'E. 'SootH-CRBBom)

"He humbled himself and became obe- ^

dient to deatheven death on across!" Death ^

on a cross?... but in the first century was that not

considered just punishment for criminals only? Yes.
Then why this hideous form of death? It was the
ransom price for our sins, to become the perfect
sacrifice that would satisfy all of God's demand for
just payment.
There is no sacrifice that can rival this one and

The words of the well known hymn. "Down From

His Glory," remind us that Jesus left the glories of
heaven to dwell on our sin-infested planet. How low
did He come from the splendours of heaven?
The Bible answers that question. From being
equal with God He made Himself "nothing"and took

in the third stanza the author of tiie song expresesses this truth:

"OgCorious myst'ry.

Sacrifice ofC^v 'ry;

S^nd now I Iqimv

Thou art thegreat 7

on human flesh. The Creator became the "servant"

(Phil. 2;7). Well did the author of "Down From His

Glory" express it in the second verse ;


Yes, this can only be explained by the fact that,

from start to finish, it was God Himself that enacted

"Wftat condescension,

'Bringing us redemption;

^at in tfie dead ofnight,

9{gt onefaint fwpe insight.

His plan to rescue us from sin and its penalty.

I wonder, during this Christmas season can we
all individually respond to God's love and grace with
the words of the song's chorus:

Qoa, gracious tender.

Laidaside J-hs spkndour,

"O hoiu I (ove 9-fim,

9{ovj I adore 9{im,

Stooping to tvoo, to urin,

!My Breath, my sunshine,


lb save my soul."
Scripture goes on to remind us that
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price,


Lord, may this be so in word and



From many different hap-

impressed on Vera's heart this timeless

truth of just how precious that blood was.

3Ki\ ministry during this past year, one

thing seems to be most appropriate

Just a few minutes earlier this was life-

to share with you at this time.

In September of this year, both Vera
and I were ministering with churches in
Poland. During one particular journey
Brother Dave Reagan of Lamb and Lion

a previouslyentredour

i|K^ penings in our personal life and

Ministries in Texas was with us. We were

sharing with a large group of believers in

the city of Katowice during the morning

Dave told us how during the month of



his ^

radio broadcasts he

word from the Lord.

In his first words of preaching Brother

Dave, expressing his joy in sharing in this
fellowship, said something we had never
heard before, something that had never
minds. All of us were

makes it his practice

to specifically speak

giving blood in our son, and at that moment

God reminded us how precious was the
blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ. All of
this found its place in our communion
meditation.The whole congregation was
moved and ready for some encouraging


touched by this. Ob
viously, it must have
been from the Lord.

David began, "Let

me tell you something
that the Lord spoke
about to my heart this
morning. One day
Vera is going to stand
face to face with Mary,

Mother of Jesus. He

points out how exemplary and dedicated

Dave stressed what a

perfect example she

is to all young teen-

Remember that

this was taking place




Mary occupies a highly elevated place in

the hearts of Poles that are predominantly

During the service I was asked to lead in

the communion meditation. We had just
experienced such an inspiring worship
time. All of us felt close to the Lord. We

decided it appropriate for Vera to share a

personal reflection that the Lord gave her.
These thoughts came as we passed the
place where our son, Benjamin, was killed
by a vehicle. This happened ten years ago
in front of his high school,




Seeing a large pool of blood on

the road and knowing it was the

blood of our only son was a very

difficult moment. But God




and she and

Mary will embrace

each other, and they
will whisper in each other's ears these
words: 'I know how you felt.' And they will be
able to enjoy fellowship with their sons
forever. Only a mother who believes in the
Lord Jesus can express victory over the
death of her son."

Friends, these words brought tears and

joy to our hearts. We clung to these pre
cious words in September and now in
December we share them with you accord
ing to tradition, we wish you peace and joy
during this festive season, in remembering
Christ's first coming to this earth. But even
more than that, we share with you the
blessed hope of the glorious appearing of
our Lord and Saviour who said, "Behold, I

am coming soon."

George & Vera

Another year comes to its end, and we,

followers of Jesus Christ, turn our attention

to remember our Lord's first coming. How

wonderful are those words penned so long
ago by the prophet Isaiah and repeated by
Matthew in relation to Jesus' birth: "The vir

gin will be with child and will give birth to a

son, and they will call him 'Immanuel'
which means, 'God with us'." That is the

wonder of ChristmasGod coming to the

human race.

And what blessings we have in Jesus.

He brought life, eternal life, and hope to us
who, without Him, could only await death.
means everything

to Lucille and me,

and it is our hope

that you can say
the same. Jesus
has made all the

We can only

Jesus came the first time,

but, as stated in this passage of

Scripture, we also await His second

coming with great anticipation.

Indeed, this is our blessed hope. Even

when difficulties come our way, we can live
in the light of a better time coming.
We want to say "thank you" to all of you
that romember us in your prayers and
through your financial support. We feel
blessed by the Lord through folks such as
you. Our hope is that this Christmas season
will be especially joyful and meaningful to
We would like to
add a few words
about our





for His

blessings, for His



children over the

years. What

a Hi^^^K-BiL.^1

privilege to belong
to Him and to continue in serving Him.
We so much appreciate the words of the
apostle Paul in his letter to Titus: "For the
grace of God that brings salvation has
appeared to all men. It teaches us to say
'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions,
and to live self-controlled, upright and godly
lives in this present age, while we wait for
the blessed hopethe glorious appearing
of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ."
These words remind us that Christ's com

ing brought salvation, and we personally

have found salvation through Him. But the
challenge today is to live in Christ's power
forsaking all forms of ungodliness and living
according to His will.

from time to
time. Tim is finish-

ing up his schooling at York University and will be

looking for perma
nent employment at the beginning of 2000.
Ian is studying "tool and die" and will com
plete his course at the end of April, 2000.
He, too, will be seeking permanent employ
ment. Lucille works in a local health depart
ment as a nurse giving immunization infor
mation to those who call in asking for it.
Included in her duties is running immuniza
tion clinics for children who are new to

We thank the Lord for his goodness to

us. We also would like to wish you the
Lord's blessings during the Christmas

season and on into the year of

2000. Yours in Christ's love,

George and Lucille


Please keep in mind that, if you wish to





receipt from GMM, it needs to be mailed by

December 31. Any donation with a January
postmark on the envelope must be receipt
ed for the year of 2000.
To avoid disappointment please post
your gift on or before December 31, 1999.


A Reminder: Year-end Tax Receipts

With this issue of

The Crier we bid

farewell to the year of 1999 and, thus, end

this decade, century and miilennium for
spreading God's Word on planet Earth.
What the New Year will bring for us fully
rests in God's hands. We are looking for
ward to new opportunities and challenges
as we work together with the Lord during
these fleeting moments of history as He is
"...reconciling this world to Himself in
Christ" {II Cor. 5:19).
We want to be found busy in the Lord's
service. We want to be found faithful. We

want to be ready when He comes. Thank

you, dear friends, for partnering with us by
your prayers and financial support. We pray
God's blessings on your life and service in
the days ahead.
As Christmas comes upon us, we think
about God's gift in the birth of our precious
Saviour and Lord Jesus. We also remem

ber your gifts to the ministry of GMM, as

you partner with us in spreading God's

In memory ol/Given by
MichBel Zidkovich

Samuel & Anna ficych

Jim Hill

Nancy Hill
Fred Posnikoff

Alice Humeny
Fred & Lydia Gnida
The Posnikoff Family
Fred <Shakotko

Olga Shakolko

Mr. & Mrs. Job Forsiuk, Olga Forsiuk

Fred Posnikoff, Alicc Humeny
Tom (Shawlinski, Ed tShawlinslu
Fred Sal2
A, Nellie rorsiuk

Metro Yacknowec
John & Helen Martin
Edith Smith

Christview Christian Church

Benjamin Bajenski
Thomas rorney, Jr.

GMM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski._^&&^rge Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

L4W 1V5

Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested
Published 6 times a year
Printed in Canada

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