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Suzanne Nosko

Prof: Dr. Yates
July 12, 2015

Journal Entry #4

I felt very tired when I woke up for clinical today but I immediately felt
revived once I had a light breakfast before arriving to clinical. I always prefer
to get up earlier to be able to eat something rather than get somewhere
without breakfast. I saw Genevieve and we took report together and then I
went ahead and performed a head to toe assessment on my two patients.
Today, I had a patient who was recovering after an MI and another
patient with shortness of breath. Both of my patients were stable now and I
performed pericare, administered medications, and redressed a wound.
During a slow period, Genevieve explained to me the different heart rate
rhythms using the paper strips and the cardiac monitors. She gave me a little
handout that explained what to do for certain rhythms such as what
medicine to give etc. Afterwards, Genevieve even quizzed me using the
paper strips to make sure I was able to recognize each different rhythm and
what interventions could be done for each.
Later on in the day, Genevieve told me that we were going to
discharge on of our patients which was the one post MI. She explained to me
the discharge process and afterwards we went to the patient because
Genevieve needed to provide some teaching before letting them go. We
went over the need for medication compliance, dietary restrictions and
encouraged them to try to include walking in their activities. We asked the
patient if they had any questions and then Genevieve had me ask the patient
to repeat the teaching and the patient correctly restated everything we had
told him. He was happy when we praised him and he lightheartedly said that
he was proud and looking forward to be a better student for the benefit of his

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