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Contact: Christina Giglia
Public Relations Manager
Lush Cosmetics

Kiera Langley an angel for all animals

Animal activist Kiera and pet Bugly, at their home in Bromley,


London, England. March 10, 2015. At only, 16, Kiera Langley of

Bromley, England is the youngest candidate to be nominated for a Lush
Prize. With a social media following of roughly 1.2 million and an appearance
on the Ellen show, Kiera has taken the issue of animal testing to the forefront
of everyones mind. Her contributions to the cause have added her to a list
of nominees fighting for a prize of 250,000 to help continue their efforts.
She has dedicated majority of her childhood to lab animals in order to
achieve her dream of freeing these animals


-morefrom their torturous environments.

My desire to learn about lab animals started when I was five years old
and my family rescued our pet beagle, Bugly, says Kiera, The SPCA
informed us that Bugly was three years old and spent his entire life in a
metal cage being injected with cosmetic ingredients. There was a total of 18
beagles that the research facility was going to dispose of and thank
goodness the SPCA stepped in to save these beautiful creatures.
Prior to rescuing Bugly the Langley family said animal testing was a
topic that rarely entered their minds. Bugly was a heart breaker, his soul
seemed completely chattered when we first saw him, says Kieras mother
Angela, its disgusting to think that these practices continue for the vanity
of cheap cosmetics. Together the Langleys are helping their youngest
daughter bring global awareness to an issue close to their hearts.
In England alone approximately 85,000 animals are tested on and
50,000 are killed in laboratories annually. There is very little legislation
regarding lab animals and their lives are deemed invaluable by scientists and
society. Many ingredients are force fed to dogs, rubbed in bunnies eyes, and
injected into rats to ensure that that they are safe for human use. If
companies welcomed the Lush Policy there would be no need for this
inhumane method of testing. The Lush Policy consists of a product range that
is based on natural ingredients, essential oils and a small variety of safe


synthetics. Lush does not purchase any materials from any company that
tests any of their materials on any animals for any purpose. Lush buys
materials from companies willing to sign a declaration that states they dont
test any of their
-morematerials on animals and have no plans to do so in the future. If companies
only purchase safe ingredients their products would be safe to experiment on
humans and would save millions of animals.
Kieras first video focused on animal testing was posted to YouTube on
Feb. 12, 2008 and received 1.8 million likes and 100,000 shares. Her
knowledge regarding the topic was vast and challenged most viewers with
graphic content. The images accompanying the video brought criticism
towards the Langley parents for letting their young daughter see such
graphic images, however the criticism went ignored because their daughter
was not only educating herself but thousands of strangers. How do you ban
your child from exploring their passion? asks Kieras father Tom, She has a
right to educate herself regarding the topic and thats exactly what she did.
Kiera has increased global awareness of the Lush Policy through her
strategic planning. In 2011 Kiera organized a country wide march for lab
animals in England. Twenty different cities participated in the march with
over 65,000 animal activists in attendance. Kierra and her mother attended
each event to ensure the Fighting Animal Testing petitions were signed. At


the end of the month long event Kiera had help Lush receive an astonishing
62,000 signatures and distributed more than 75,000 Lush brochures. In
addition to planning 20 different marches Kiera held a fundraiser in 2013 that
raised more than $250,000 that was donated to Peta for undercover
investigations. The event got one million social media impressions and
landed her a spot on the Ellen show. Today Kiera continues to raise
awareness through her social media and
-morehas recently landed a part time job at a local Lush shop as a sales associate.
Jack Cryer the C.E.O. of Lush Cosmetics stated that, the perseverance
that Kiera shows in her fight against animal testing teaches young people
everywhere that one individual has the ability to change the world. If Kiera
continues to gain awareness for lab animals at this rate, the 16-year-old will
be responsible for changing federal legislation. A small dream that began
from a young girls love for her adopted dog could be responsible for saving
millions of animals. Lush sends their sincerest thanks to Kiera and the
Langley family for their compassion and their contributions to the fight
against animal testing.

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