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Final E-Portfolio Essay Of

The Poetic Ninja

KJ Hassel
My e-portfolio starts out with the Home page. As you can see on
this page I have this Essay. This is the essay that essentially explains
my E-portfolio. It speaks about my design choices, how to navigate
things. So without further adieu, lets begin!
This homepage is obviously just here for this essay, and the fact
that I was required to have a homepage that wasnt my blog page. Its
Home Of The Ninja
with a text emoticon kicking. The reason
for that being, well for one I had to have a homepage and two I
wanted to have fun with it. In the past Ive been a ninja in some ways
or another so I like to just have the title of one. I see nothing wrong
with that. The picture in the header is a Wallpaper I made for my
computers lock screen. Its of Hanzo Hattori. A Ninja and Samurai born
in Japan in the year 1542 . Hes such a legend that his name has been
used to represent many many characters in video games and animes.
The pictures of him in this wallpaper are versions of him from a video
game series I like called Samurai Warriors.

On the right of that header space (top right corner of the

website). You will see a
button and from there you can click on
the titles in that menu and it will send you to other pages on my
The first page in their is my blog page. Five blog assignments are
on said page. We were to write at least three hundred words on some
specific topic. My first blog page is found on the bottom of the page
while my last is on the top. The text in the header is a reference to my
teacher saying at first that our websites didnt have to be pretty they
just had to be done. I have two pieces of artwork on this page. This
was originally just because I wanted to add a more personal touch to
my e-portfolio; now I believe this is a good way to show off the
creativity ive mentioned that I have in my writing. One of them is
something I drew by hand. The other is some random digital art I
made in photoshop.
Next is my final drafts page. It has my Final drafts on it. I call it
the Finale of finals. That being because I liked how it sounded, and the
close proximity of the words. The header says This is the Final
Valley with a text emoticon of what Id like to say represents
someone powering up for a battle. Its called the Final valley because
its the page that has my final drafts on it; hopefully that was obvious
but it cant hurt to explain it anyway I guess. That image in the

background is The Final Valley; a fictional place in my favorite

. The final drafts page has the final drafts of my
Literacy Narrative, and my Portrait of a Writer assignment. The pages
have the descriptions of the assignments on them.
From my Finals page you can be directed by links to another
part of my e-portfolio. If you click the link thats in the descriptions of
either of the assignments you will be sent directly to the
Archaeology page. It has the works (called artifacts) that helped me
along and lead up to my final pieces. On the archeology page you will
find all my artifacts. The artifacts of my work. These artifacts show
my process, the feedback have received, and many other artifacts as
well. They were some of the first processes that lead up to my
completed work. On the final drafts page the descriptions would tell
you what artifacts were linked to the final drafts. I have artwork on
my e-portfolio. I felt it was nice to add those because I have mentioned
that im creative, so I felt that putting up pieces of art that I have
drawn or made would fit into that.
The feedback articles let me focus more on how things changed
me after the initial event. I was once told through feedback on my
Literacy Narrative that I should focus more on the events after
rather than solely on the event itself. This got me to expand more on
the after affects rather than how I felt at the time. This overall helped

my paper a stronger one, especially because it allowed me to focus on

how the event may have affected others than just me.
I write for the
future out of the past
. That comes from my
Portrait of a Writer
assignment. The portrait of a writer assignment got me really
thinking about who I was as a writer.

Key concepts

Through that assignment I went through a growth in providing

and receiving feedback. One thing I did for someones paper that I was
peer editing is that I made a point system. Everytime she would use
her personal voice in an enjoyable way I would add one voice point
and at the end I said to count them all up and see how much she got.
Throughout the feedback process I had to do a lot of critical thinking.
Ive never had the easiest time judging things I should I say making
negative criticisms. So when it came to giving feedback for others
writing, I had a hard time knowing what I should mark up and what I
shouldnt; and sometimes I just knew there was something but I just
didnt know what. In giving feedback for portrait essays I got better at
just generally giving feedback. I wouldnt have thought of doing voice
points for any other assignment. I would have to think a lot about
what I was going to mark up and what I was going to say was good. It
took a lot of thinking for me to figure out things that could be edited

and in what ways. Throughtout all my assignments imessedaround

with modality modes. I didnt even know that word until I started
doing these assignments. I was
, and
even changing the
of words in my assignments
sometimes for visual modality. I asl changed around the paragraph
spacing a lot for spatial modality. I guess it made me grow
intellectually. I now have an easier time with reviewing someones
work and providing constructive feedback. In a different assignment I
feel like I had a growth in maturity. My literacy Narrative did that
because I wrote about my emotional literacy. It helped me reflect on
myself some. Think about who I was, and who ive become. I felt more
mature because it got me look at myself again and essentially
re-evaluate things about myself. I got to think about how important
my goals for after college was. In my literacy narrative I thought
about how I wanted to help people who may have went through
anything similar to what I did,
I felt their hearts and so I here I

decree, I wanna save those that ever felt like me!

I have worked very hard on my work. There were some
assignments I put my heart into. I wrote about an experience that
most people would have trouble writing about knowing that other
people would have to read it. Ive put more time into some of these
assignments than I have most of the ones in my highschool career. I

had to do more thinking than I was use to. Think about myself as a
person and evaluate my life for me to do these assignments. For these
assignments I had to see myself without a mirror (reference to my
favorite band Alesana that I mentioned in my portrait of a writer
assignment). Self reflection can be a long and arduous path. I walked
that road back into the very depths of the darkness that I once called
home to finish these assignments.I included everything that was
needed in my e-portfolio as well as personalized it to my own liking
and everything had a reason or showed who I was as a person. Not
only have I dont all the necessary work, but I would like to bring up
the fact that I have even done extra work. For that and all my
creativity, I feel I deserve an A. If I dont
my pet fish, Jeff, that likes to
ride my hat wearing llama I call Carl
will be very upset.

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