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Mara Fernanda Carbo Gonzlez

1. Did you learn anything from this story? If you did, what was it?
I learned that although the problems presented to us in life, you should be able
to pass your way and continue.
2. What is the message of this story? Do you agree or disagree with it?
The message of the story is that you should not complicate your life but try to
solve problems and that we are not alone at night.
I disagree because to my opinion should have had another final invisible
alligators should have rectified and make people the good and not evil.
3. Was there something you didn't understand about the story? What was
Yes, because the invisible alligators said helped but that was no true.
4. What did you like best about the story? Why?
For me the part i like best of the story was when Sari put a stop and started to
fixed all his trouble because was the best option that he took.
5. What did you like least about the story? Why?
For me the part i like least of the story was when the invisible alligators causing
problems to the people because in my opinion that is not correct.
6. Who was your favorite character in the story? Why?
My favorite character in the story was Sari because it was a little funny and
7. Who was your least favorite character in the story? Why?
My least favorite character in the story was Invisible alligators because they
were stupid and ugly
8. Would you recommend this story to a friend? Explain your reasons.
Yes, i would because it is a very short story and leaves a great message.
9. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part of the story was when the invisible alligator recibed to
Sari into the invisible alligator main headquarters because it was so interesting.

Mara Fernanda Carbo Gonzlez

10. If you had a chance to ask a character in this story a question, what would
it be?
To Invisible alligators, Why can't you just make everything right?"
11. Did any of the characters in this story make you angry? Tell us why.

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