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The heavy plow already in use in the Slavic lands by 500 AD.
Horse shoes become common.
Estimated urban population in 528 AD.
Silkworms and the accompanying technology appear in Byzantium, though silk itself
has been imported for hundreds of years.
The breast strap horse harness appears in Europe.

The heavy plow is in use in Northern Italy (the Po valley) by the 8th century.
The stirrup arrives in Europe from China in the early 8th century.
Estimated urban population in 737 AD.

The heavy plow is in use in the Rhineland in the early 8th century.
The horse collar first appears in Europe.
The use of soap, a Gaulish invention, spreads through Europe.
Iron becomes common in western Europe.
Paper is introduced into the Arab world.

The first description of a rotary grindstoneoccurs in 834.

Estimated population in Europe in 1000 AD
Estimated urban population in 1000 AD.
The whippletree for the tandem hitching of horses to a wagon comes into general use
in the 11th century.
The use of hops in brewing beer spread between the 10th Century and the 14th.

The horizontal loom appears in Europe in the 11th century, and in mechanized form in
the 12th century.
The first artesian well in Europe was dug in Artois (hence the name) in 1126.
Percussion drilling was first used in 1126 by the Carthusian monks.
Tidal mills first appear in Europe.
Rat traps are seemingly well-known by the 1170's.
The first usage of glass mirrors is recorded around 1180.
Windmills first recorded in 1185.
Spectacles are invented in Italy in 1285.
Arabic numbers start being mentioned in manuscripts around the start of the 13th
Cakes of hard soap enter general use.

Paper is first mentioned in Europe in the early part of the 12th century.
Knowledge of magnets and magnetism available in Western Europe by 1140.
The compass is in use in Western Europe by the middle of the 12th century.
Estimated urban population in 1212 AD.
First illustration of a wheelbarrow in the first third of the 13th century.

Estimated population in Europe in 1300 AD
Though in use in China prior to 100 AD and in Islamic lands since the eighth century,
paper usage finally spreads to western Europe in the 13th century.
Cannon first used in Europe in the first third of the 14th century.

Estimated urban population in 1346 AD.

First blast furnaces built in Sweden.

Estimated urban population in 1483 AD.
Estimated population in Europe in 1500 AD

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