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Pain is that emotion which all of us had experienced and will experience and this is
inevitable truth of our life. It can affect everything from mood to quality of life. We
just can't reject it but can control and reduce its concentration at home with or
without having pain killers. In this post i am going to give tips from top medical experts,
you can learn to control pain instead of being slave to it and get rid of it.

1) Scorched Mouth (pizza burn)

What is it- The tissue in the roof of mouth is very thing, so it's sensitive and prone to
painful burns when very hot foot meets the palate.

Stop it- Place an ice-cube; you're numbing the area and reducing swelling. An oral-use
topical anaesthetic helps, too.

No improvement- After eating, rinse with a solution of 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 250ml of
warm water. The salt will help disinfect your mouth. But don't swallow.

Prevent it- Be careful with foods from microwave. They seems cool but internally (like
patties), they are hot. Let the food be in normal atmosphere for some time before
entering your mouth.

2) Plantar fasciitis

What is it- The band of tissue that runs along the arch of your foot is inflamed from
hitting the treadmill or pavement.

Stop it- Ease up on the cardio until stabbing pain's edge dulls. If it flares back up, take
ibuprofen and ice your heel for 15 to 20 minutes, Kiisebubg yo tge area might also help.
"Men with this problem often have tight calf muscles and Achilles tendons, “says Dr
Arora. Try rolling each foot over the tennis ball for 10 to 15 minutes many times a day.

No improvement- Use a night splint to keep your foot, calf and plantar fascia stretched
overnight, reducing the pain.

Prevent it- Don't set the treadmill on an incline position. Running uphill strains the
plantar fascia. Find running shoes with strong arch supports that fir your foot's
structure to relieve pressure.
3) Heartburn

What is it- Stomach acid spills into your oesophagus, burning like a forest fire.

Stop it- Reach for an over the acid counter blocker, or chew sugarless gum. A study in
the Journal of Dental Research found that chewing gum for 30 minutes after a high-
fat meal lessens acid reflux by generating enough saliva to make you swallow more and
push acid back down.

No improvement- Your might have gastro oesophageal reflux disease, or GERD in short.
Consult your doctor immediately if the problem persists or can leads to oesophageal

Prevent it- Make stomach acid work against gravity at night by placing two-inch blocks
under the legs at the head of your beds says Ted Epperly, MD, president of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. If you're a smoker, here’s one more reason to
quit. "Nicotine relaxes the LES valve, the muscle at the end of the oesophagus, which
usually opens only to allow food to pass into the stomach, “says Dr, Smith."Once it's
loosened, acid can shoot back into the oesophagus."

4) Haemorrhoids

What is it- The veins in or around your anus are swollen and irritated.

Stop it- Apply a haemorrhoid-shrinking non-prescription ointment (like preparation H)

in the morning, at night, and after each bowel movement. And soak the offending area
in a tub filled with several inches of warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, three or four
times a day. This can help to decrease the painful swelling.

No improvement- If the pain persists after to weeks, surgery might be another option.

Prevention- Consume at least 25gm of fibre and drink no less than eight 250ml glasses
of water every day.

5) Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is it- A nerve running from your forearm to your wrist squeezed or inflamed
within the narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand.
Stop it- Hit the mat. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found
that twice-weekly yoga regime practices for eight weeks eased symptoms and improved
grip strength. You can also wear a wrist splint at night or whole typing or driving. It
keeps your wrist neutral, which prevents further compression and irritation of the

Prevention- Set your keyboard at the height that allows your hand to work in a straight
or neutral position. Bending your wrist too far forward or backward can pressure the

6) Sunburn-

What is it- UV rays inflame skin cells and irritate nerves. Reinforcements-bloogborne
repair cells and nutrients-arrive on the scene. Skin temperature rises. Friends remind
you of this crazy new invention called sun block.

Stop it- To reduce inflammation (in case), take a few ibuprofen and apply a cool, wet
cloth. Next, slather yourself with skin cream. Covering the skin with moist ointment can
reduce the pain on contact. For extra cooling, place the lotion into freezer for 10 mins
approx before applying.

No improvement- Take 900 mg of vitamin A and 15mg of Vit. E every day for two weeks
after a toasting. Sunburn creates cell damaging molecules called free radicals resulting
increase in inflammation causing more pain. These two vitamins help by scavenging free

Prevent it- Wear full covered cloths if possible to prevent the skin from Ultraviolet
radiation. Read the warning on the label. A whole range of medications, from antibiotics
to blood-pressure medications, increase sensitivity to the sun.

7) Tendonitis

What is it- The thick cord that attaches muscle to bone becomes worn, irritated or
inflamed, causing pain or range-of-motion limitations at your shoulder, elbow, Achilles
tendon or knee. Blame repetitive use, like swinging a tennis racket, or using an incorrect
technique, or both.

Stop it- Take a week off from the activity during which time you can dull the pain with
a nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug. ice the tendon for 15 to 20 minutes, two or
three times a day, until the pain subsides.
No improvement- See the physical therapist or certified athletic trainer at the

Prevention- Cross training helps relieve stress on the muscles and tendons involved.

8) Migraine headache

What is it- Changes in brain chemical activate neuropeptides that invade the brain's
covering, resulting in increased blood flow and inflammation. The result is the headache
which can last for hours or days.

Stop it- Try a medicine for a mild to moderate migraine. You also need to slow down.
People with migraines have hyper excitable brains, so they’re more prone to headaches
after experiencing stressors. Laying a pack of frozen peas across the back of your
neck for 10 minutes helps.

No improvement- If your condition is severe, talk to your doctor about migraine-

specific drugs called triptans, which are very effective when taken in moderation

Prevention- To decipher what trigers migraines, chek out Add 600mg of magnesium (gradually-too much at
once can cause diarrhoea) and 400mg of riboflavin to your daily vitamin intake. In one
Neurology study, nearly 60% of people who took riboflavin daily for three months cut
their migraine days by at least half.

9) Toothache

What is it- bacteria-filled plaque that settled on your teeth has been feasting away on
sugars and other carbs. The acidic by-products ate away at the tooth enamel; the
resulting cavity allowed bacteria to invade the tissues and nerves inside, causing an

Stop it- Take a few ibuprofen, and ask your dentist for an antibiotic if you can't see
him right away. Although the antibiotic won’t cure the toothache, it can reduce the
infection in the gum and jaw around the tooth, easing pain. Rinse with warm salt water
four to six times throughout the day to ease any swelling.

No improvement- Once a toothache occurs, the only solution is a root canal or having
the tooth pulled. It's too late for a filling.
Prevention- Limit your intake of high-carb foods like candy. Every exposure allows an
acid attack on the teeth for about 20 minutes. If you must drink soda or sugar-filled
drinks, sip through a straw to bypass your teeth. To rid your mouth of cavity-causing
plaque, brush and floss.

10) Low-back pain

What is it- The muscles are stretched and microscopic tears in the fibres release
chemicals that activate nerve endings in the area

Stop it- Take ibuprofen and heat the area for 15 minutes a few times a day. Bed rest
leads to stiffness and decreased flexibility, which increase pain. Up your activity as
pain eases.

Prevention- Stretch your hamstrings once you warm up. If the hamstrings are tight,
they pull on the small postural muscles of the lower back, causing pain.


- A yoga regime practiced twice a week for eight weeks can ease carpal tunnel

- University of California researchers report that using a chair with a forward tilting
seat prevents neck pain. When 247 workers sat on either a levelled or an angled (15
degrees forward) seat for a month, the latter group reported 65% less neck

- Laying a pack of frozen peas across the back of your neck for 10-15 minutes can help
ease a migraine.

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