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Directions for investing

Vasthu Sastra
Location is all-important when investing in property but direction is just as crucial
for real estate success.
SO, youre keen to buy a property at The Stars Penang Property & Home Fair 2007
which is now underway at the Penang International Sports Arena (Pisa).
Well, before you make that huge investment, take into consideration Vasthu Sastra
Do not buy a property based on gut feelings. It could end unfavourably because the
inauspicious placement of things can create challenges.
More housing developers are now becoming aware of the importance of building their
projects so that buyers can live in harmony with the environment and the enclosed space
they occupy.
Several of them have incorporate Vasthu and feng shui tips in their properties in response
to greater awareness among buyers who acknowledge the importance of these ancient
values for good health, happiness, peace of mind, prosperity and joy.
According to the Indian Almanac, following the moon sign called rasi, the horoscopes
that are enjoying favourable period for property investment are Mithunam (Gemini), Tula
(Libra), Dhanus (Sagittarius), Meena (Pisces), Kumbha (Aquarius) and Vrischika
Now that you know this is your auspicious time, the next step is to choose a property
facing the direction that best matches your horoscope.
Here is a guide on favourable directions for the six zodiac signs:

Mithunam (Gemini) All directions except south-west.

Tula (Libra) All except south.
Dhanus (Sagittarius) All except north-west.
Meena (Pisces) All except south-east.
Kumbha (Aquarius) All except west.
Vrischika(Scorpio) All except south.

My advise for those born under the other zodiac signs is to hold off purchases for the next
two and a half years because the planet Saturn, which made a significant transition last
month, has made it less favourable for such ventures.

For potential buyers who want to grab a house or office premises at the fair, prepare a
checklist and observe the following guidelines.
When you view the site or floor plan, look or ask for the compass direction the property
is facing. This is vital because without knowing the proper compass heading, you will not
be able to determine the direction of the unit you are interested in.
In Vasthu, it is fine to have the main door located in the north, south, east, west, northeast, north-west and south-east but the south-west is inauspicious.
Ensure the property does not have a staircase, toilet and bathroom in the south-west and
north-east quadrants.
For a house that faces north, the kitchen should be located in the south-east while for a
south-facing house, it should be in the north-west.
It is highly recommended the master bedroom is located in the south-west, which is the
master and prosperity corner.
The number of pillars in a house should be even and the number of steps in the staircase
should be odd.
If the house has a split-level floor layout, ensure the northern and eastern areas are
depressed and the western and southern areas are raised.
Avoid a house with spearing roads that form a T or Y junction. Roads on all four,
three and two sides of the plot are fine.
Analyse the surrounding of the plot and ensure it is not close to places of worship,
graveyards and premises that attract large number of people, like a community hall or
If there is an extension on the plot, it should be in the north-east; all other extensions are
not favourable.
I will be at the property fair to provide tips and free consultations to house buyers from 23pm today. Come and meet me there to clear any doubts or find out how to choose a
Vasthu-friendly property.
Vasthu talks
The columnist will present a talk on how to enhance energy flow into a house by using
pyramids at 3pm on Sept 30 at Tropical Inn Hotel in Johor Baru. Admission is by
contribution of RM10 to the non-profit Nyana Yutham Organisations welfare activities.
To register, contact Arumugam at 016-789 8303. A similar talk will be held in Penang at
3pm on Oct 7 at Auditorium F, Bangunan Komtar. Admission is by contribution of RM10

to Malaysia Hindu Sangams Penang womens section. To register, call Kalarani at 012405 2949.
T. Selva, The Stars Sunday Metro Editor, has spent years researching and writing
about the ancient Indian science of construction, better known as Indian feng shui. He
is the first disciple of 7th generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai,

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