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Aldrin C.



Narrative Report

Feb. 23, 2010 we have our general orientation for our community and meet
our clinical instructor Mrs. Elisa Lasanas.

Feb. 24, 2010 Our first community in Marulas Puericulture Center. We arrived
in the center at 8:00am on that day the center gives immunization to the
patient in the center. Mrs. Elisa Lasanas assign. Me and Jave to the record
books. I also take the temperature and sometimes weight of the patient. Mrs.
Lasanas give our first quiz after the quiz Dra. Zenaida Gutierez give another
quiz because our group is noisy. That will happen on my first community.

March 1, 2010 we have an health teaching. on that day Jeff is assign to

discuss about the temperature, Jave for common colds, Danity for
Hypertension and me for Cholera. After the health teaching , we back in our
duty in the Center. at 11:30am our C.I give us a lunch break for 1 hour. After
the break Mrs. Lasanas give some lecture and share some knowledge to us.
This is my 2nd day on our community.

March 2, 2010 the center give a prenatal check up to the patient. Me and
Aiko assign for taking the weight, and temperature. Mrs. Lasanas decided to
go in Maysan to take the supplies of the 4 center. After taking the supplies
our C.I treated us rice pourage for a job well done. This is my experience on
a Marulas Puericulture Center.

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