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Usiminas Belo Horizonte

Rua Prof. Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3011

31310-260 Belo Horizonte MG
T 55 31 3499-8000
F 55 31 3499-8899


CNPJ/MF 60.894.730/0001-05
NIRE 313.000.1360-0
Publicly Traded Company
Usinas Siderrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. USIMINAS (Usiminas or Company),
pursuant to the terms of 4 of article 157 of Law n 6.404/1976 and CVM Instruction n
358/2002, hereby informs the market that it has received, on October 30th, 2014, a letter
from its shareholder Ternium Investments S..r.l., which states the following:
Pursuant to article 12, 1 e 4 of CVM Instruction n 358, dated as of 03.01.2002, as
amended, and in addition to the letter sent to you on October 02 nd, 2014, we hereby inform
that, on this date, Caixa de Previdncia dos Funcionrios do Banco do Brasil - PREVI, a
closed pension fund based in Praia do Botafogo, n 510, 3rd and 4th floors, CEP 22250-040,
Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil, CNPJ No. 33.754.482/0001-24 ("Previ") and Ternium
Investments S. rl, Luxembourg, a Luxembourg company with registered office at 29,
Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, CNPJ No.
12.659.927/0001-17 (Ternium") have concluded the transaction of purchase and sale of
shares described on such letter.
Belo Horizonte, October 31st, 2014.

Ronald Seckelmann
Vice President of Finances and Investors Relations

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