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N° 8.“Per poco fra le tenebre.,, ¥ Finale Chorus and Cavatina. (A, fective hall, prepared for the reception of Sir Arthur Bucklaw. As the back a practicable door) Piano. f, Chorus. ess ~ el dey, giu- ti - lo, Bria _ al__ day, te veg-giam Ti ev'- ry heart with te. veg-giam ri ev'- ry heart with te veg-giam ri ev- ry heart with ‘Strings, Con. Pag. tut - to shv-vi - vain Hence, ev’ ry thought of tut - to shv-vi - vajn Hence, ev’ ~ ry thought of tut - to” gavavi - vajn Hence, ev’ - ry thought of ma - hope hope na - hope qu Ta - mi- i Friend- shi love will qui Ta - mi- i Friend-ship and love will 7 ts aia Fiend shi Hi con- du - ce from ta — ti con- du - ce from temp-ta - tion ti _con- du - from temp-ta - fut - to rav-\i-vajn ~ ui fi —con-du - ce May ev’- ry good be - ‘hat__on__ thy head tut. to rav-ti- vain — ui? con-du_— May ev'- ry good be - | ti hat on thy head ‘ 2 tt - fo rav-vi- vain ~ to qa con Tu May ey om thy pet Tl tie so nel 10 now -will part qual ti so nel 30 now will part qual i - fo bel now will part 80 nel thy brid 0 nel thy brid nel. thy brid "B qual al fe a-strajn not - téjn thou t grief a a-strqin Hot - tejn thee "to" gre“ st thou not - tin fo gricl a Sir Arthur Bucklaw. Meno mosso. Po = = 400, fra le te” ne-bre r - - tunes fic-kle frowns betray’, Thy vo - stra stel - Is fe-fo_ mt - hathlong been shroud - ed, shall break from rt Sitwge, pu ful =. sor, di - ‘fen more, part ‘ory di more, part Sor, re sory re, ai part ir part a naught e fr — Ten May —ngught di ven-go di- fen- sor. . more,we part no more. wor, edi - fen - |sor. more, ye part no re. i - fen - [eor. part no fmore. HARVARD UNIVERSITY EDA KUHN LOEB MUSIC LIBRARY —

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