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Microsoft Global e-governance Strategy

Microsoft as a leader in government sector, analyzed e-gov framework of federal, provincial and
local governments of developing and developed countries, how they use modern IT tools,
emerging e-gov trends and digitally provides services to the citizens. We have seen only 15-20%
governments has a clear cut strategy, vision and roadmap to decrease beaurocracy, improved
citizens services, reduce costs, time and effort to provide those services for an accessible,
accountable, responsible and transparent government functioning. We also have seen lot of
issues, challenges, confusing roadmap and architecture of existing e-gov initiative of countries.
Microsoft Public Sector Group with United Nations, World Bank ; US Department of State
and with other partners is working on a Global e-governance Strategy to address all those issues,
challenges and worldwide needs of respective federal, state and local governments of
developed and developing countries; provide government services directly to the citizens in most
efficient manner and making efforts towards the social inclusion of masses in the technology.

Although e-government technologies have potential to improve the lives of 80 % of world’s

population that lives in developing countries. The developed countries of North America and
Western Europe are so far leaders in e-government and reaping the vast majority of initial gains
of e-government implementation. Actually the gap between developed and developing countries
in technology and information infrastructure, practices and usage has been wider rather than
narrower over recent years. Besides the lack of sufficient capital to build up expensive national
information infrastructure on which e-gov is based, developing countries also lack the sufficient
knowledge and skills to develop suitable and effective strategies for establishing and promoting e-

e-gov needs, demands and priorities of the developed and developing countries are entirely
different; developing countries are in the catch up mode while developed countries are in the
maintenance mode in the use of technology. We have different Working Groups for the
developing and developed countries and with those working groups, we are helping governments
globally to be able to fine tune and develop their national level roadmap; step by step approach
and procedure to use current business practices, innovative technologies, emerging trends in e-
gov and to modernize National level IT infrastructure, increase efficiency, transparency and
improve service delivery to citizens and the whole initiative support Service Oriented Architecture
with Citizen Centric Approach.

Objectives and Challenges of e-Governance :- The strategic objective of e-

governance is to support and simplify governance for all elements, governments, citizens and
businesses. The use of ICTs can connect all three elements and support and stimulate good
governance; that can be seen as an exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to
better manage affairs of country at all levels. The following factors have taken into account when
examining the risk of implementing e-governance solution.

• Political Stability (democracy and dictatorial regime)

• Level of trust in government (perception of service levels)
• The importance of government identity ( fragmentation and integration )
• Economic Structure ( education , agriculture , industry or service )
• Government Structure ( centralized or decentralized )
• Different levels of maturity of services within government
• Technology infrastructure
• Constituent demand
e-gov Development Model :- Most governments and their agencies start their e-gov
programs by delivering content to citizens or government workers, focusing on as many as
services online , but public demand and internal efficiency soon require more complex services.
Of course this takes and transformation effect gradually; some services will be online earlier than
others. In some cases, the public demand is the driving force, in other cases; cost saving aspects
for the government is leading.

The critical benefit of e-gov is more than the online and content presence to improved service
delivery, government process reengineering, integrated and cross agency applications,
shared service infrastructure to economic and social benefits. Microsoft advocates a
development model and citizen centric architecture for government organizations and their
maturity to delivery of e-gov services in step by step phased manner in Global e- Governance
Strategy, The model has four phases to represent the traditional evolution of e-gov and the
respective countries and their e-gov programs.

 Emerging Presence Phase :- In the first phase, e-governance means being present on
the web, providing the public (G2C & G2B) with relevant information. Here few services
are available online by early adopter agencies and early infrastructural investment by
them. In this phase governments need to create the infrastructure (software firms,
methodologies, consulting skills) to acquaint governments and citizens with the concept
of e-government. Services Maturity : - Simple web presence, Few services available
online, Early infrastructure investment by some agencies. ( South Asia and African

 Enhanced Presence Phase :- In the second phase, the interaction between government
and public is broader, most of the citizen centric services are online. Government develop
national level e- government roadmap and plan for efficient, transparent and responsive
government functioning which improves democracy and services. Finance, accounting
and office related application installed. Services Maturity : - Broad online presence,
Accounting and Office automation capabilities, Central plan created and legislative
framework developed. ( Greater China , India , Central and South American countries )

 Interactive Presence Phase :- Here government and public interaction is stimulated

with various applications. People can ask questions via e-mail, use search engines and
download forms and documents. Driving to make as many services as possible available
as quickly as possible. Some sophisticated transaction capabilities implemented and
cross agency cooperation initiated. Internally (G2G) government organizations use
LAN’s, intranets and email to communicate and exchange data. Services Maturity : - e-
forms, basic workflows and portals, automated web publishing , basic line of business
application ( Greece , South Africa , Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and South East Asian ,
Gulf & Middle East countries )

 Transaction Phase :- With Transaction Phase, the complexity of technology is

increasing, but customer ( G2C & G2B ) value is also higher. Complete transactions can
be done without going to office. Examples of online services are filling income tax, filling
property tax, extending / renewal of licenses, visa, passport and online voting. Phase
Four is made complex because of security and personalized issues. Example digital
(electronic) signatures will be necessary to enable legal transfer of services. On the
business side, government is starting with e-procurement applications. Internal (G2G)
processes have to be redesigned to provide good services. Government needs new laws
and legislation to enable paperless transaction and clear ownership and authority with
CIO and central agency. Services Maturity : - self service applications, cross agency
services , internal portals, ERP systems, integrated workflows , advanced line of
business application , document and record management ( Germany , Belgium ,
Netherlands , Spain , Japan , Singapore , Hong Kong , Russia , New Zealand , Italy and
most of the Western Europe countries )

 Transformation Phase :- The fifth phase is the when all information systems are
integrated and the public can get G2C and G2B services at one virtual counter; one
single point of contact for all services is the ultimate goal. Constituent access
multichannel services through Web, telephone, SMS and face to face to suit their needs.
Operational efficiency and to increase the productivity of government operations is also
the main focus in this phase with cost saving and customer satisfaction. Internally
( G2G ); initiate government process reengineering , process reforms, employee
development to drastically change culture , processes and responsibilities within
government , health and social care services and budgetary details are also
implemented. Services Maturity : multi channel strategy , IT flexes with organizations ,
multi agency delivery , integrated applications , integrated customer info , integrated ID
schema , shared services , performance management , business intelligence . ( Sweden ,
United Kingdom United States, Norway , Canada , Austria , Denmark ,France , Finland )

Most of the developing countries are in Emerging and Enhanced Presence phase; while the
developed countries are in Interactive, Transaction and Transformation phase. The
differences are huge in agency, department, government level wise even within a country like tax
department is in phase three while public works and agriculture department is in phase one in
developed countries; In India, South India States are in phase three while North Indian States are
still in phase two; In United States metro and mega cities and their governments are in phase five
and four while small cities, counties and local government are still in phase two and three.

The goal of most e-government programs worldwide is to progress from offering basic presence
services to using technology to trigger organizational transformation. Microsoft with its Global e-
Governance Strategy and Public Sector Group making this transformation easy and accessible
with efficient enterprise architecture approach provides mature service delivery capability and
technology infrastructure for national , state , local government and their agencies worldwide.

Microsoft Active Governments :- Microsoft’s Active Government is our next generation

innovative model for governments of all levels and their agencies to provide maximum value and
high performance in their functioning and service delivery mechanism with citizen centered
perspective. This model supports governments in defining their e-gov vision with Microsoft Global
e- Governance Strategy that provide high level goal and value to constituents and government
functioning. Here government and their agencies work in an open and collaborative ways .This
model delivers some common characteristics for governments

 Generate maximum public value and high performance government services and internal
organizational efficiency.
 Governments are relentlessly citizen centered and outcome focused.
 Governments are committed to cost effectiveness; make their operations and results
transparent and accountable to all.
 Governments are innovative and flexible, continually striving to improve value delivery
and are able to respond creatively to new challenges and opportunities.
 Governments are integrated and futuristic in nature for economic and sustainability
development mechanism.
 Develop National Security Mechanism through the use of economic military and
political power and the exercise of diplomacy

Governments face a broad range of demanding issues, ranging from improving organizational
efficiency through to providing better services to citizens and constituents. e-gov can be a
vehicle to deliver significant efficiency, customer service, economic and social benefits to any
nation. Microsoft with its Active Government model addresses three main key areas – internal
organizational efficiency, high quality service delivery and integrated national sustainability
mechanism and provide solutions, technologies and products for those areas.

 the drive for internal organizational efficiency and adoption of best practice in government
processes ;
 the cost-effective delivery of high quality services to citizens.

Microsoft National Enterprise Architecture :- Microsoft National Enterprise

Architecture is our blueprint of IT strategies that are best developed within the context of an
enterprise architecture under Microsoft Global e-Governance Strategy which provides a
consistent set of standard for e-gov and IT development within the nation and ensures that all
systems, technologies work together seamlessly – regardless of vendor – as a way to share
services and manage costs. Microsoft structured approach to the development of National
Enterprise Architecture includes:-

• Interoperability enablers – so that information can flow freely and consistently between
• Metadata framework – so that information has consistent meaning and context across
• Security framework – to ensure protection and separation of restricted and confidential
and that which can be made public.
• Management and operations framework – to ensure reliability, security, availability and

Governments are increasingly focused to delivering results to citizens and spending a huge
amount of funds in IT investments and for modernizing and enhancement activities. National
Enterprise Architecture is also help governments and their agencies to maximize the impact of IT
investment. A comprehensive assessment and strategic roadmap in NEA can assist governments
and their agencies to align their technology investments with the mission and can help identify
how well existing IT portfolio meets national requirements. The roadmap we offers in NEA are :-

• Detailed inventory of existing technology investments and guidelines on how to better use
those assets to meet both short-term and long-term business goals.
• Advice on how existing IT investments can meet national goals and address funding
• Analysis of how to integrate governments and their agencies architecture plans within the
NEA framework.
• Detailed project descriptions for specific IT initiatives that will help provide a rapid return
on investment while supporting key agency objectives.

Microsoft Solutions and Products for Active Governments :- Microsoft Active

Governments with Microsoft Government Excellence Centers offer proven and innovative
solutions at low cost to solve the challenges and issues of government organizations face
everyday. Our People Ready Technology solutions are designed to provide organizations with long
tem stability and maximum agility in responding to the evolving needs of the governments and
their agencies.

In Microsoft Public Sector Group we have Central and Regional Government Excellence
Centers ;the purpose of those excellence centers are to work very closely with the governments
worldwide so that they are able to help them in a systematic fashion and guide them in their
specific e-gov programs , technology and solution needs. Our Central Government Excellence
Center is to make sure that the messages, strategies and visions of Microsoft Public Sector
Group, Global e- Governance Strategy and Active Government model are consistent across the
regions globally; while Regional Government Excellence Centers would take down strategies,
messages and visions to the market and make sure that what Microsoft is trying to do
organizationally is best translated to the governments and citizens globally.

Microsoft Government Excellence Center is ours most unique technique to address all the
issues and challenges of disparate computing environments, IT infrastructure and solutions
needs of governments of all levels and sizes with our Connected Government Framework.
Here Microsoft gives governments and public sector the more secure, reliable, flexible and well-
mannered IT infrastructure with its software solution stack and products in every area of
computing, provide the most fascinated IT environment from Business Solutions of Dynamics
to Windows on a solid foundation of integrated technologies from Office, Share Point, SQL
Server, Biz Talk, Communication Sever, .Net architecture to Windows Mobile and Windows
Azure. We provide all the key software components from Operating Systems and Servers,
Desktop Applications and Unified Communication tools, Database, Middleware and Applications
all based on open industry standards

Microsoft High Value e- Gov Programs :- Microsoft High Value e-gov programs are
the projects and ventures helping the governments in terms of competitiveness and nation’s
building or emerging technology trends which are valuable for efficient government operations
and functioning . In each High Value e-Gov programs we address technology, solutions, IT
infrastructure and e-gov needs of individual project and program with Microsoft global delivery
model on top of our great software and platform.

 Gov 2.0 :- Most government and their agencies start their e-governance programs by
delivering content to citizens or government workers. Content delivery is made through
individual web sites and it may provide citizens with information about the function of an
agency. This landscape is characterized as being Web 1.0. Recent developments in web
technologies termed as Web 2.0, those are second generation web based communities
and hosted services such as social networking sites, wikis, RSS, blogs, tagging which
aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users .It is the transition of web from
collection of web sites to new platform that take advantage of cloud computing and more
collaborative and always on in nature. Microsoft Gov 2.0 is our vision to use Web 2.0
technologies in governments and their agencies to give power to the people by
strategically using technology to deliver better citizen service faster and to welcome
public participation.Gov 2 0 deliver better citizen services, participation and collaborations
of public with government , transparency and cooperation in government operations,
enhanced security , public trust and make government more lean in enterprise
architecture and infrastructure.

 Government Performance Management Framework :- Governments are under

pressure to provide accurate information to citizens and businesses about the
effectiveness of programs and spending. In many countries key performance indicators
have become the metrics by which elected governments are judged. Health care, public
safety, economic performance and financial responsibility are areas to judge the
government’s performance. Federal, State and Local Governments initiated ground
breaking projects, strategic and operational plans to support the economic well being of
its people. To ensure efficient implementation of government plans, it needed a
technology to closely monitor the progress of each entity involved—ministries,
departments, agencies and other government authorities. Microsoft Performance
Management Framework solution provide the Head of the Government offices like
Prime Minister Office (Presidential, Prime Minister, Governor, Mayor) monitor the
progress of government plans, organizing and analyzing business methodologies,
metrics, processes, and systems that drive excellence in public sector performance
management.PMO assesses each one’s progress based on certain KPIs with Balanced
Score Card perspectives.
 Digital City Initiative : - Nowadays citizens not only need best class physical
infrastructure for better quality of life; same time there is an urgent demand of advanced
IT infrastructure with e-gov initiative, administrative reforms and government process
reengineering to facilitate citizen services to be more transparent, simplified, efficient and
accountable in modern booming cities. Microsoft is working with respective local
governments worldwide with its Digital City initiative to develop best class IT
infrastructure, service delivery mechanism and improve internal operations with its
successfully leverage technology landscape, software solutions stack and product
portfolio. Here we streamline and integrate backend processes as HR, finance,
procurement, taxation, project & asset management, land records and property
registration to improve internal efficiencies; establish Citizen Service Portal; Citizen
Facilitation Center (CFC) or Common Service Center; city wide computer network;
municipal Wi-Fi; GIS; Transport and Solid waste management in the city; Grievances and
their redressal to deliver high quality services to the citizens.

 Smart Villages and Counties : - Rural masses and citizens living in villages and
small counties face lack of reliable communication infrastructure, delay in providing
services to the citizens (licenses, certificates, etc), low mobilization of federal and state
schemes at village and counties level. Our Smart Village venture aims at the socio,
economic and political development of people living in rural areas and small counties by
establishing network of Village Information Centers (rural kiosks), Public Information
Booths, Common Service Centers for efficient delivery of services at the same time
manage back end administrative functions of counties with Microsoft technology and
solutions. This venture is information super highway infrastructure for rural development
and bridges the digital divide between urban and rural areas.

 Citizen ID and Card Initiative : - Today government organizations demand more

from the IT, which play an increasingly vital role in determining the success of national
security and service operations. In Microsoft Citizen ID and Card initiative, national or
federal Government Issue common personal identity verification card usually called smart
card and specific number – national id and security number to every citizen with the
objective of increasing national security, managing citizen identity and facilitating e-
governanance. Citizen ID and Card initiative has the potential to transform the delivery of
public services in an important way and simplifies the life of citizens with its multiple
applications functionality. This initiative has three facets for federal governments and its
constituents: first to issue national security number, then physical smart card and the last
one e-card, electronic identification concept.

 i-COPS :- The police is an important component of the government machinery and

modernization of police is the national competitive project. i-COPS (integrated cops)
streamline and reengineer the total policing functions by utilizing technology and IT tools
and provide, online web based interaction with the citizens for speedy processing,
efficiency and transparency. Here we provide use of business applications, software and
other solutions in management of police functions as in finances, human resources,
procurement, inventory, operational matters, communications; creation and sharing of
crimes and criminal databanks and also in advanced biometrics, image processing and
analysis capabilities.i-Cops also provide horizontal and vertical linkages with other
policing areas of prisons, hospitals, municipalities, judiciary, forensic labs, crime record
bureaus and other departments of federal and local government level. In i-Cops we
assist to use IT tools, security solutions and framework in cyber crime and cyber forensic

 Crisis Management :- When public safety and national security personnel face a
crisis, citizen lives are at stack. Sometimes in disaster the nation’s survival is at risk.
Nowadays government agencies around the world handle wide variety of data, ranging
from criminal arrest reports to sensitive and highly classified intelligence to weather and
geospatial imagery. In disaster situation, knowledge gained through careful analysis,
organization and dissemination of this information can protect citizens. Microsoft Crisis
Management offer solutions that help public safety and national security organizations to
plan and build powerful computer and communication technology and applications. Here
we provide robust Microsoft suite based solutions provide an architecture and vision to
improve and even transform a public organization’s IT imperatives to help governments
facilitate information sharing, collaboration and response capabilities for crisis situation.

 e - Postal :- Nowadays postal organizations have the opportunity to build a bridge

between physical and electronic delivery space. Mailers want the flexibility to reach out to
consumers through traditional mail, electronic channels or even combination of media
types. As the PC and mobile phones are more and more becoming the main
communication tools in the enterprise and consumer market, postal organizations look for
ways to integrate their services into the devices to facilitate the access, convenience and
positive customer experience. Microsoft is working in collaboration with the post and the
Universal Postal Union to build e-Postal services such as Digital Postmark integrated
with Microsoft technology portfolio from Business Solutions of Dynamics, Office Suite,
Database to Windows platform. Here postal organizations can take advantage of
emerging technologies and new communications channels to add value to the traditional
business they deliver in the physical world.

 Integrated Justice :- Day in day out, the successful functioning of the justice system
depends on your highly educated, articulate, talented and devoted people. To help them
operate more effectively, and improve the timeliness and quality of judicial decisions,
With Microsoft Integrated Justice solution everyone, from citizens to professionals
benefits by being able to operate more efficiently across courts, correctional facilities,
police and related institutions. Legal professionals, for example, can manage cases
across multiple agencies and jurisdictions by securely sharing case notes via a single
online point of contact. Our technology is also being used to create expert systems
drawing on connected knowledge bases to give legal professionals easy, secure access
to decision support and provide citizens with legal information and services.

 Shared Services Business Center :- Government agencies today are facing many
of the same challenges as enterprise organizations, limited budgets, the need to
modernize, consolidate or optimize IT infrastructure and the need for improved
processes. Additionally government agencies are under pressure to provide secure
access to information to other government agencies and to the public at large. Microsoft
Shared Services Business Center government agencies can improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of their processes by Microsoft Shared Services Solutions sharing best
practices, enhance collaboration by making inter agency communications easier; make
more informed decisions and improve access to information and government services
and also enable agencies to share data and applications, fostering inter-agency
cooperation and the creation of single view government data. Our unified solutions and
flexible technology platform consolidate IT systems and infrastructure – including
hardware, applications and network services within and across agencies and their
partners to make best possible use of their resources.

 Cloud Gov :- Cloud Computing brings together the best aspect of cloud-based hosted
services and the software that resides on a variety of devices to provide flexible and
effective solutions for doing business. It is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand
access to a shared pool of computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
applications, and services) that can be provided and released with minimal management
effort or service provider interaction. Microsoft Cloud Gov is initiative to modernize
Information Technology (IT) of a nation by identifying enterprise -wide common services
and solutions and adopting a new cloud-computing business model; offers a cost-
effective service oriented approach for sharing computing resources, where common
infrastructure, applications, information, and solutions can be utilized across the
Government. We create a more agile citizen centric enterprise, where services can be
provisioned and reused on demand to meet business needs and improve data sharing
and promote collaboration among national, state and local governments.

 Government Productivity and Admin Solution :- Governments are looking for

more flexible and broader-reaching ways to serve their constituents and their operations
are hampered by legacy technology infrastructures. Governments must consider new
processes and systems to change the business of government by implementing
affordable and innovative solutions. Microsoft Government Productivity and Admin
solutions evaluate government business needs to establish a plan for integrated,
security-enhanced, and reliable citizen-centric solutions. It helps to build, maintain, and
extend a security-enhanced supportable standards-based platform to provide a
consistent approach for delivering services in a cost-effective and low-risk manner. We
offer best of the class operational efficiency, productivity and service delivery solutions for
managing finances, human resources, citizen relationship, case management, supply
chain, funds & grants and compliance obligations all with lower TCO.

 Microsoft Enterprise Tax and Revenue Solutions :- Governments and taxpayers

are demanding greater capabilities and more transparency from revenue systems
technology. Governments are also asking revenue authorities to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of their operations-to cut the cost of revenue collection and improve
reporting practices with reduced funding. Microsoft Enterprise Tax and Revenue
Solutions provide effective accounting services to upgrade outdated revenue systems to
next generation technology standards encourage compliance, increase the efficiency of
existing systems. The solutions enable tax collection authorities to optimize all aspects of
revenue collection processes and quickly respond to tax law and regulatory changes.
Here we provide core tax processing features to support registration, forms processing,
and penalty and interest determination, allowing for quicker and lower- risk
implementations with sophisticated tax calculation capabilities with customer centric
approach for web based service delivery model through electronic tax fillings, online
fee payment , e- banking , web based licenses and registration services while
simultaneously improving internal operations

Those High Value e-gov programs are implemented on a service clustered approach with Public
Private Partnership model with our partner network. Microsoft and our partners have wide range of
experience, products and solutions. We have developed strong partnership model with
governments at all levels and acquired considerable front line experience in helping to make the
world work with seamless interoperability on a micro and macro scale.

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