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Justice Act 111

Bill 1: Structure of Courts:

Municipal Court- Will exist in each Municipality.
High Court- There will be one high court in each Province. A High Court has
higher authority then a Municipal Court.
Supreme Court- There will be one Supreme Court in each Province. A
Supreme Court has higher authority that a high court.
Constitutional Court- Will be based in the Capital City and will be the highest
court of the Republic of Estro.

Bill 2: Governments policy towards the administration of law:

Each Court will deal with its own administration.

Bill 3: Voting rights of criminals

Criminals may vote.
Bill 4: Curfew policy

National government may set curfews, only in the case of a state of


Bill 5: Government policy towards death penalty.

Death penalty may only be sentenced by a Supreme Court or by the
Constitution Court.

Bill 6: Government policy regarding illegal citizens/immigrants:

The courts may decide what to do with illegal citizens/immigrants in the

Bill 7: Parliamentary privilege

Members of Parliament all have to obey the law of the country and the same
consequences apply to them.

Bill 8: Amending Government Acts

Acts may only be amended if 80% of Members of Parliament approve the

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