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Dang Ly

Edit 2000
Reading Response 1 Meaningful Learning
How did this reading change your idea or opinion about learning with technology?
This reading revealed several key facets about learning with technology that I
never considered. Mainly I learned that, up until recently, students were being taught in
an antiquated way. Students still just use technologies like computers in the way that
people used books and chalkboards from the 17th century. That is to say, those modern
technologies like television only record and present information to students in the way
that book does. However, educators have realized that computers should be use more like
tools. And like any other tools, in order to meaningfully learn with technologies, students
should be using and learning with them in an active and practical manner along with the
other characteristics of meaningful learning.
Which of the skills described in this chapter are most important to you as an
educator/ life-long learner? Which are most important to comprehend and be able
to apply them in your discipline?
The skill most important to meaningful learning for me as a political science
major is cooperative learning. Being in the social science field, we mostly focus on
theories of philosophies. In the case of political science, the major centers on theories of
law and governing. However, when actually on the job, John Lockes theories just do not
apply in the modern work force. Instead, you are constantly working with your peers to
accomplish tasks and solve real world issues. This is especially true as a political science
major where you not only work with peers but with constituents as well. Other skills like

constructive and intentional learning is necessary as well. But as far as learning to

comprehend and being able to apply them in my discipline, I feel that cooperative
learning is the most crucial to have.

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