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Category: Other

Tite: #32 K-W-L

Time Needed: 30 Minutes
Room Arrangement: No change needed
Materials: Large Chart Paper, markers
Process/Directions: When introducing a topic, have students come to the carpet (for younger
grades), or have them sit at their desks. Break the poster into three columns, a K column, a W
column, and an L column. Tell the students what they stand for, or remind them if they already
know. Introduce the topic and have them raise their hands and talk about what they already know
what about it (the K). Write or have each student come up and write down their ideas. Then, talk
about things that they wonder, or what they want to know. Write these things under the W. After
or during, the lesson or unit, revisit the poster and write down what they have learned in the L
column. This can also be done individually other than in a group.
Example of when I would use this: When introducing any new topic such as a lesson on different
types of trees, the water cycle, or the Civil War.
Source: Full APA or other reference (like a teacher)

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