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Category: Identifying Similarities and Differences

Tite: #2 Comparisons Using a Venn Diagram

Time Needed: 20 Minutes
Room Arrangement: Typical Room Arrangement
Materials: Venn Diagram, one per student, pencils, research materials like textbook, notes,
computers, supplemental books, or projector, depending on if it is student or teacher led.
Process/Directions: Hand out a venn diagram to each student. Explain that they will be
comparing two things, have them write the two things above the two circles. Model for them on
the projector or board. Do at least one example (depending on if you have done it before and
grade level). Then have students complete the rest, filling in the differences on the outside and
the similarities in the middle where the two circles meet.
Example of when I would use this: Students could use a venn diagram when comparing two
different types of governments like a democracy and a dictatorship.
Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based
strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development

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