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5E Lesson Plan Template


Date 09/24/2020

Subject 12th Grade Math – Alabama Alternate Achievement Standards

e level

Materials Precut cardstock cylinder net, cone net, and rectangular prism net, tape,
computers, internet, Promethean board

Standards (State M.G.AAS.HS.39 – Identify objects that have a similar shape to a cylinder,
and ISTE rectangular prism, and cone.
Standards for
ISTE – 6. Creative Communicator - Students communicate clearly and
express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their
goals. Students:
a. Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.
b. Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.
c. Communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or
using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or
d. Publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.

Objectives Students will create a power point presentation using a computer template
to show real-world objects that have a similar shape to a cylinder,
rectangular prism, and cone.

Differentiation Because all of my students have special needs, accommodations and

Strategies (How modifications of the lesson will be made based on each student’s IEP.
will the lesson Accommodations and modifications include extended time, one-on-one
address the assistance, prompting, and all assignments will be read aloud by the
various learning teacher or paraprofessional. Some students require hand over hand
styles of the prompting, as well.
students and the
needs of those
with special

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The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement The teacher will begin the lesson with a bag of items that the students cannot
see. The bag will consist of a candle, a paper cup in the shape of a cone, and
a small box. The teacher will tell the students they are to reach into the bag,
and without pulling an object out, to feel an object and describe what they feel,
or what they think it is. After each student has had a turn, the teacher will pull
all of the items and the class will discuss each object. The teacher will explain
that each object is similar to a certain solid shape: the candle is similar to a
cylinder; the paper cup is similar to a cone; the box is similar to a rectangular
prism, showing these solid shapes on the Promethean board.

Engagement The teacher will observe students during the discussion to check for
Assessment understanding.

Exploration The teacher will then explain that the class will build these solid shapes using
pre-cut nets. Each student will work with the teacher or paraprofessional at
stations to create each shape. Station 1 will be the cylinder station, station 2
will be the rectangular prism station, and station 3 will be the cone station. At
each station, the students will see the word that names the shape. They will
then work with the teacher or paraprofessional to fold the shape and tape it
together. The teacher/paraprofessional will show the name of the shape again,
and have the student repeat it while looking at the shape. The
teacher/paraprofessional will then have the student look around the room to find
an object that is similar to that shape.

Exploration The teacher or paraprofessional will observe the students as they identify an
Assessment object in the classroom that is similar to each shape.

Explanation The students will then come back together to discuss the shapes they made
and the objects they identified as similar. The teacher will show the following
key terms again on the promethean board and the students will name them:
Rectangular prism
The teacher will then ask: What objects can you think of that are not in the
classroom that have a similar shape to each of these solid shapes? Tell me
why you think that? The teacher will allow time for processing and discussion.
As the students discuss objects outside of the classroom that are similar to
each shape, use the internet on the Promethean board to find pictures of those
objects to compare, and discuss.

Explanation The teacher will observe to check for understanding as the students discuss
Assessment outside objects similar to the solid shapes.

Elaboration The teacher will then tell the students that they will show what they know by

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E Description

creating a presentation using the computer. An example of a pre-made

presentation will be shown on the Promethean board and the teacher will
explain that presentations are used to provide information to others. Each
student will work with the teacher or paraprofessional to create their product.
They will use a power point template of their choice. The presentations will
include a title, a labeled picture of each of the three solid shapes, and a
description of each. It will also include a labeled picture of at least one real-
world object that is similar to each shape.

Evaluation The students will be evaluated using a teacher-made rubric that assesses
student participation, learning, and final product.
The students will also be evaluated near the end of the school year by the
Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program Alternate test.

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