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STEM 433/533 Lesson Planning

Name: Kristen Gayle Grade: Fourth Topic: Geometry

Brief Lesson Description: Students will be using a variety of different formats to understand and justify their knowledge of the
classifications of quadrilaterals. Students will have numerous opportunities to document, show, and present their understanding in
many different creative ways.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Students will successfully classify quadrilaterals as parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, and/or trapezoids.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
This lesson offers an abundance of different resources for ELL, disabilities, and student interests. Students have each equal opportunities
to strive throughout this lesson due to the addition of different types of learning style activities. Students are also provided additional
help and well as activities for students who have grasped concepts.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
3.11 The student will identify and draw representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.
3.12 The student will
a) define polygon;
identify and name polygons with 10 or fewer sides;
4.10 The student will
a) identify and describe points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices; and
b) identify and describe intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines.
4.11 The student will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures according to their characteristics (number of
angles, vertices, edges, and the number and shape of faces) using concrete models and pictorial representations.

Math VA SOL: Visual Arts VA SOL: NCTM Standard:

Measurement and Geometry 4.4 The student will create works of art  explore congruence and similarity
4.12 The student will classify quadrilaterals that connect ideas, art forms, or cultural  build and draw geometric objects;
as parallelograms, rectangles, squares, themes to personal experiences.  build and draw geometric objects;
rhombi, and/or trapezoids.

Specific Problem Solving Strategy being used:

Jigsaw Method

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
 Students only looking at one characteristic instead of all characteristics that apply.
 Students only sticking to one specific quadrilateral instead of branching out and understanding others.
 Students using shapes that are not quadrilaterals.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use
 To begin the lesson the teacher will add the morning warm up Morning PowerPoint.pptx to the
SMART Board, students will look at the morning warm up to answer the following questions:
1. What is one example of a quadrilateral?
2. Draw an example of the quadrilateral in question one.
3. Please name one quadrilateral that is in our classroom.
Students are allowed to share answers, ask for help from peers/desk neighbors. This is not a graded
activity. It is simply to assess knowledge.
 Then the teacher play the video Classifying Quadrilaterals found on the PBS website.
 After each of these activities have concluded, the teacher will address questions, concerns,
thought, misconceptions, ideas, etc.
(Day One)
EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
The students will begin the process of interacting with the Jigsaw Method.
 The teacher will divide the class into groups of five. The divided groups will be titled “The Rhombus Group”, “The Square
Groups”, “The Rectangle Group”, The Trapezoid Group”, and lastly “The Parallelogram Group”.
 Once groups have been divided into five, each student will draw out of bag which “Expert” they are going to be.
 As an example, with a group of five students- there will be a student who is the expert of Rhombuses, there will be an expert of
squares, there will be an expert of rectangles, there will be and expert of trapezoid, and lastly and expert of parallelograms.
Each student needs to have the title of “Expert of _______”
 The “Expert” of each group will leave their home base and meet together with the experts with the same title( square experts
will meet with ALL of the other square experts) from the other groups.
 The teacher can put an example on the board or even have sections broken down in the classroom as to where each group
belongs. Example: “All Square Experts will meet at the Cubbies”
 Each “Expert” will receive a “Classifying Quadrilaterals Worksheet” to take to each expert group. Experts are required to
collaborate/fill out the worksheet. Every expert group member needs to agree with the properties, facts, definitions, and hash
mark placement being discussed.
 The “Expert” is responsible also for providing two additional questions for their home base group to complete. There should be
a total of 10 questions that should be answer. ( Five groups, two questions each, 10 questions answered by each student)
 After each “Expert” group has completed their worksheet, created their questions, and provided all the knowledge from there
quadrilateral (Expert Group) they are to return to their home base and share knowledge with each other.
 Once groups have conversed, created/answered their questions, and completed their worksheet they will return to their own
desk and then share as a class about their results they have discovered throughout this method.
 Allow student directed instruction, have students ask their questions, have other students provide answers, this should be a
time for classroom collaboration with the teacher to make clarifications if needed.
(Day 2)

 Students will be playing Quadrilateral I Spy

 This game can occur outside or indoors. The weather determines placement. For the sake of the lesson plan the activity is
 Prior to students entering the classroom the teacher will add quadrilaterals around the classroom that students have
 The teacher will add pictures, items, any format to make the game a little challenging for students.
 Prior to the class beginning the teacher can give a quick refresh of information that has been taught throughout Day One and
Day Two.
 The teacher will have students pull out an index card and a writing utensil.
 The teacher will have students glance around the room, document each hidden quadrilateral.
 The students will document where the quadrilateral was hidden, which quadrilateral it is, ONE description of the quadrilateral,
and lastly appropriate hash marks to justify complete understanding.
 Once students have finished, the teacher will do a quick checking making sure each quadrilateral was found.
 Lastly students will share as a class their newly found quadrilaterals. This is supposed to be a fun and light hearted game to
reinforce understanding.
(Day 3)
1. SMART Board
2. Anchor Chart
3. Vocabulary Words
4. Pictorial Representation of words
5. Math Journal
6. Writing Utensil’s
7. Index Cards
8. Bingo Board/Card Sheet
9. Classifying Quadrilateral Sheet
10. Exit Slip Post It Note
11. Venn Diagram Sheet
12. Geo Rubber Band Boards
13. Geometric Figure Blocks
14. I Spy Representation
15. Index Cards with Ring
16. Velcro
17. Word Wall Definition, Picture, and Example Slips
18. Classifying Quadrilaterals Mobile Template
19. Classifying Quadrilaterals Mobile Rubric

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

Students will write each word, definition, and picture example individually on their ring of index cards.
 For example, on the blank side of the index card the word will be Quadrilateral. Then the sides with the lines the student will
write the definition and a picture example.
Students will be required to have the index card with the ring. This will give students the opportunity to refer back and forth throughout
the unit and add additional words also.
 A pictorial example is listed below with additional resources.
Once students have completed their Index Vocabulary, as a class the teacher will direct the creation of the Quadrilateral Word Wall. This
wall will have Vocabulary Words.
 Underneath the Quadrilateral Word Wall there will be a small bucket with definition slips, picture slips, and examples that
students can pull out and use for reference.
The Quadrilateral Word Wall will be used with Velcro so as a class throughout the unit students and the teacher can move words,
definitions, pictures, and examples around to meet the correct terms.
 The Quadrilateral Word Wall is simply to be used as a reference in the classroom, this is not a graded assignment. This wall is
for classroom discussion and individual practice.

 Quadrilateral
 Parallelogram
 Rectangle
 Square
 Rhombus/Rhombi
 Trapezoid

 Polygon
 Congruent
 Parallel
 Perpendicular
 Opposite Sides
 Opposite Angles
 Angles
 Equal
 Hash Marks
(Day 4)
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
Learners who need additional practice:
 A vocabulary, picture, and description version of Quadrilateral Bingo will be given. The Bingo card has picture representation,
description and term cards that will be read. Students can use this in the classroom and even at home. Students will then apply
knowledge to become successful in winning the game.
Learners who are struggling:
 The students who are struggling will work through this activity together with the teacher leading discussion. Students are to
have their math journals to write down the math terms with descriptions/pictures. The teacher will draw representation for
the class, but pictures will be provided on the anchor chart as well. The anchor chart will always be available in the classroom
other than quiz/test/project dates. ALL students can use this anchor chart in the classroom, but students who are struggling
and need more small group/explanation will have small group with the teacher completing this activity.

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

Exit Slip Questions:
1. Are Rectangles also Squares?
2. Squares have _______ right angles.
3. True or False: A Rhombus has only 1 set of parallel lines.
4. Draw a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel lines.
5. Define the term Congruent.
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):
 Students will be creating a Classifying Quadrilateral Mobile to display in the classroom.
 Students will be required to assemble a mobile that states a chosen Quadrilateral, four characteristic cards, and lastly a picture
to represent the chosen Quadrilateral.
 Students are allowed to have classroom time to work on their project, but this project should also be taken home to be worked
on as well.
 To prevent students from choosing the same quadrilateral there will be a limit based on classroom number to choose certain
 The teacher will explain the purpose of this project and how this connects to the all of the information that has been taught
and presented for this chapter.
 This is the final assessment to test knowledge, each student will receive a copy of the template and rubric to show
expectations for this assessment.
 Students are allowed to use whatever materials that they would like to creative this project but, they need to keep in mind
these will be hung and displayed in the classroom.
 The teacher will grade accordingly to the exact rubric students receive.
Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders)
Students will have pictorial representation, seating can be moved according to their needs such as hearing and vision disorders, larger
print worksheets, and manipulatives such as geometric figures/Geo Rubber Band Boards.
Students will have pictorial representation, translator if available, or even paired up with a student who is fluent in both their language
and English as well.
 Gifted learners
Students will create a colorful and creative poster giving directions about how to draw a quadrilateral of their choice. Students will
provide step by step instructions how to draw the quadrilateral. This description needs to be clear as if a person who has never learned
about the chose quadrilateral will understand. Students need to provide vocabulary terms, the quadrilateral, appropriate hash marks,
etc. They will then present and teach the class how to draw the actual quadrilateral.
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:
 How will you evaluate your practice?
Students will be evaluated with a series of checklists, observations, the exit slip answers, and lastly surveys.
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
Students may struggle with adding hash marks to the quadrilaterals when justifying their answer. Hash marks can often get confusing so,
this may be a challenge. Also some students may struggle with the Jigsaw Method. It can get a bit complex if it is not completely
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
This lesson could be improved by allowing more technology interaction, small group differentiation, and maybe even a literacy aspect
(poem, short story, book, etc.) Everyone learns differently this would cover a visual/auditory aspect.
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
This lesson reflects culturally sustaining pedagogies to an extent. This could be enhanced by adding maybe translation of English to a
different culture to the vocabulary words. Also maybe create different culture environments throughout the classroom to find the
quadrilaterals in the I Spy Game. For Example: By the cubbies is the dessert, maybe use a rectangle to create a cactus. Have students
room to different environments/cultures throughout the classroom. Also provide race and gender pedagogies.
Exit Slips
Bingo Board Example with Bingo Cards
Classifying Quadrilateral Worksheets
Summative Mobile Instructions/Template Project
Mobile Template Rubric

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