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Teacher(s): Naram and Nicole

Nature Booth Day 1

Skill: Speaking, Writing

Subject: Nature Vocabulary

Objective: 1. Students will know and understand words pertaining to their natural environment.
2. Students will be able to communicate and apply nature vocabulary within their everyday lives.
Key Vocabulary:

Key phrases: (Will students be tested on any specific
Vocabulary Key:
Italics = Hard to pronounce
Bold = Unfamiliar

Activity 1:
In Summer Video and projector, laptop, phone, or other
electronic device, printout of In Summer lyrics (6
copies) (as a backup), student textbooks, supplemental
vocabulary list, paper (1/group/class) writing utensils
Activity 2:
Notebook with vocabulary words and pictures for the
following words: hot, cold, tree, bird, bee, sun,
mountain, river/(stream), rock, sky (handout list)
Activity 3:
Arizona brochure example, white or light colored
construction paper (2 for each class), (pre-cut) printed
pictures of Korean geographical areas, markers/colored
pencils, tape/glue
Whiteboard and white board markers to write directions
and words, word lists for room, room decorations,

*All Page Numbers, Vocabulary and Key Phrases will be written/printed on board, posters, and/or
handouts before class.*
Introduction (5-7 minutes) (Student Directions in Bold)
1. Introduce attention getter: look, look, look.
2. Introduce ourselves to students and class topic.
Activity 1 (15 minutes): Testing for Knowledge In Summer
1. Tell students we will show them a video, and to look and listen for nature as they watch the video.
2. Play In Summer video. (If needed, students may get up from their seat to see video on teachers phones or
other electronic device ).
3. Divide students into 3-4 groups (no more than 4 per group) as desired (counting off, grouping by location, mix
students by behavior or proficiency, etc.). Ask students to quickly select a nature-themed team name.
4. Hand out In Summer notecards and vocabulary word/image list.
5. Tell students that we will play the video again. This time, ask students to hold up the notecards that they see
in the video when the teacher stops the video. They can use the vocabulary word/image list to help. If the
word is correct, the team may set the word aside. and The team with the most words set aside wins.
6. At the end of the video, ask students to count how many notecards they have held up. The team with the
most points will take turns reading words their cards to the class and receive a big round of applause.

Activity 2 (7-10 minutes): Speed Game Charades

1. Divide students into two teams. Allow them to quickly choose a wildlife, bug, or insect vocabulary word
from the book as their team name, such as the bees, the dragonflies, or the frogs. Count down from ten to
ensure students decide on time. (keep team name, do this the first time)
2. Tell students that we will be playing Speed Game. Tell them that there will be one change: the person at
the front of the line will not speak, but will act out the word instead. (Most students should be familiar with
this game, but if some students are not sure what to do, the teachers will guide them through gestures during the
game). Tell students that they will receive one point for each correct answer.
3. Teachers will demonstrate using an example, with one teacher as the actor/actress, and the other as the guesser.
4. As students play, teachers will show students the words and record points. Teachers will also ask students to
repeat each word as a team. One teacher will work with each team.
5. At the end of the game, each team will take turn reading each word that they guessed correctly, and the
team with the most points will earn double stickers in their textbooks!
Activity 3 (10-15 minutes): Nature Brochures
1. Ask students to sit down with their speed game teams.
2. Nicole will show students a model brochure of nature in Arizona and briefly explain it. Ask students to listen
respectfully as Nicole shares.
3. One teacher will tell students to create their own brochures with their team, using paper, pictures, and
markers (or other writing utensils). Tell them to use at least two pictures in their brochure, and to write at
least 3 words from each of the 3 textbook boxes in their brochure. The other teacher will hand out materials
during this instruction.
4. Walk around and assist students as they create their brochures.
5. If time allows, ask each group to share their brochure with the class.
Bonus Activity (As much time as desired): Beetle, Mosquito, Bee
1. Tell students that we will play Beetle, Mosquito, Bee. Ask students to sit in a circle. One teacher will join
the students. One teacher will stand in the middle and assign one bug to each student and teacher.
2. The teacher in the middle will tell students that if their bug name is called, they must stand up, and find
another seat. They will then shout out either beetle, mosquito, or bee, and begin the game.
3. The game will be played until the class is over, and the student who remains in the middle will remain a bug all
day! (Just kidding! )

Teacher(s): Naram and


Nature Booth Day 2

Skill: Speaking, Listening

Subject: Nature Walk

Objective: 1. Students will know and understand how to communicate about nature through physical interaction.

Key Vocabulary:
(Same as above)
Sentence Starters:
Can you find the
Where is the
Look at the
is here!
Here is the
I found a
I see the

Activity 1: Textbooks, writing utensils, vocabulary word/image list.
Activity 2: Pick Me cards for same words as scavenger hunt (1/each student), 2
teacher copies of card list, sentence starters on board in large font.
Activity 2: 2-4 bags/class (if needed, students can hold items instead), items in
nature, scavenger hunt list
Whiteboard and white board markers to write directions and words, word lists for
room, room decorations, stickers

*All Page Numbers, Vocabulary and Key Phrases will be written/printed on board, posters, and/or
handouts before class.*
Activity 1 (5-7 minutes): Textbook Matching (Student Directions in Bold)
1. Ask students to say name and something they like about nature. Model this before students begin.
2. Ask students to take out their textbooks and open them to the nature matching page.
3. Hand out the vocabulary word/image list.
4. Ask students to use the list to write the word that goes with each image.
5. When all students are finished or when time is up, review the page together as a class, with each student
reading one answer.
Activity 2 (10-15 minutes): Pick Me Warm Up
1. Ask students to stand in a line, and hand out a Pick Me name card (a notecard with a string around it for
students to hang around their necks) to each student. Tell students that if they pull on a friends card or damage
a card they will be out of the game.
2. Begin the game by asking students either Can you find a
?, Look at the
! or Where is the
3. Tell students to search for their friend with the word on their back, and to repeat the question as a class
until they find the student with the word
on their back.
4. Once the word is found, ask the student with the correct pick me to choose a sentence starter from the
board to answer, either The
is here!, Here is the
! or I found a
! Tell the class to repeat
the answer clearly, correctly, and together. If the class does not, tell them to continue repeating until their
answer is clear, correct, and in unison.
5. Tell students with a correct pick me card to keep his or her card and stand in a line at the front of the
6. Continue steps 2-5 until all students are standing at the front of the room.
5. If students need more practice, have students play a variation of The Name Game (see camp handout for
directions) by turning around Pick Me cards to the front and repeating the words on the card instead of names.
Activity 3 (15-25 minutes): Search and Find
1. Divide students into 2-4 teams as desired. Ask students to pick a group name. Countdown from 10 as students
discuss to ensure that students decide quickly.
2. Once students decide their team name, one teacher will label one bag for each group. The other will tell
students that they will be going outside and that they will go on a search and find nature walk. They will
search together to find all of the items on the list. When they find all of the items, they will return to a

teacher to show them their items.

3. Ask the students to repeat these directions by asking them questions, such as Where should you go when you
have found all of your items? Remind students to have fun and be safe.
4. Walk the students outside (in the event of bad weather, the teachers will have found several sets of all of the
items, and hidden them around the room/camp, or may proceed to an activity from lesson 3.)
5. Tell students that the winner will have first pick of tomorrows supplies. Countdown for students to begin
the game. Hand students bag and list once time begins. Be sure that all teams are together, nearby, and on-task.
6. Monitor students as they play the game. Once students find all items on their list, (or time runs out and teachers
ask students to return), they will show their items to their teachers.
7. Ask students to name (and, if ready, describe) each of the items that they have found. If students are not willing
or ready to describe their objects, ask them yes or no questions about the objects. Repeat and reward answers. Ask
the whole group to repeat challenging words together.
8. Reward either the first team to return, the team with the most items, or the most correct team with jelly beans.
9. Return with students to the room and save the items in their bags for the next day.
Bonus Activity (As much time as desired): Beetle, Mosquito, Bee

Teacher(s): Naram and Nicole

Nature Booth Day 3

Skill: Speaking, Reading

Subject: Nature Picture

Objective: 1. Students will use nature to make pictures and scenes of nature and describe their scene.
Key Vocabulary:
(Same as above)
Sentence Starters:
The is
This is a
Look at the
I drew a

Activity 1: Make a Circle questions, pictures, or items
Activity 2: Teacher and student-found items from nature, glue/tape, colored construction
paper, markers or other writing utensil, scissors, example picture
Activity 3: Chairs, Music and player(*), item, picture, or word from nature under each
Whiteboard and white board markers to write directions and words, word lists for room,
room decorations

*All Vocabulary and Sentences Starters will be written/printed on board, posters, and/or handouts before
Activity 1 (10-20 minutes): Make a Circle Warm Up (Student Directions in Bold)

Activity 2 (20-30 minutes): Abstract Picture

1. Seat students into tables.
2. Give students the items that they collected in the search and find activity from the previous day. If necessary,
give each group a pile of additional small vocabulary nature items. Give each group glue/tape, paper, scissors, and
writing utensils as well.
3. Ask students to use the items to create a picture (such as sticks to make an animal, sand to make a beach,
pine cones to make a tree, etc.). Show students an example.
4. Walk around the room and assist students as they create their picture. Provide suggestions, ask questions, and
clarify confusion as needed.
5. If time allows, ask students who would like to volunteer to share their picture with the class.
Activity 3 (20-30 minutes): Nature Musical Chairs
1. Arrange chairs in a circle. Place a vocabulary item, word or picture under each chair.
2. Tell students that we will be playing musical chairs. If the game is unfamiliar, provide directions. Tell
students that the last player wins!
3. Play music. After each round, ask one student to say or tell about their word or item to the class before
removing their chair.
4. Give the last player a round of applause and a special sticker!
Bonus Activity (As much time as desired): Beetle, Mosquito, Bee

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