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Presidential Foreign Policy Chart

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________ Hour _________

President Platform for Events occurred Decisions on the Result from Right
Foreign Policy during Presidency events decisions decision?
>Neutrality >French Revolution >Maintained >Riots and Ambassador >Yes, Country was too weak
Genet causing sedition. to fight against Britain or
Neutrality French Monarchy.
>Jay Treaty >Signed the Jay Treaty
• British troops still in • British agreed to
Ohio Valley and remove from area.
>French felt betrayed and >Yes, U.S. gained
>Isolationism causing problems • U.S. promised to attacked U.S. merchant’s enormous wealth through
maintain PEACE with ships sailing to Britain. trade with Britain and
Britain. France.
George Wahington -

>Neutrality > Riots and Ambassador >Alien Act >Many arrest on aliens who >Was not a factor but supported
would most likely vote for D-R the idea that Adams was not a
Genet causing sedition. Party popular President.
>Sedition Act
>Many Democratic >Many D-R writers were
arrested causing angry mobs. >NO, the Federalist Party collapsed in
Republicans criticized the the next election.
Gov. >Did not want to go to war
>Isolationism >XYZ Affair even though the public was >No war between France and >YES, No money to fund for the war
U.S. and too weak to fight.
ready for it.
John Adams

>Neutrality >French and British > Embargo > Merchants were losing a > No, Merchants were
lot of money and the losing a lot of money and
were attacking economy fell apart. the economy fell apart.
merchant ships
>With support from
>Pirates demand more >Started the Barbary European Nations, they >Yes, merchants were able
to trade without worries of
Thomas Jefferson Tribute War. were able to rid the Barbary

>Pressure from “War >Both sides decided to end >Yes, U.S. was able to end
Hawks” the war and establish peace the Confederation of Indians
>Imperialism >War of 1812 with no winners. by killing their leader
>British were supplying Tecumseh.
weapons to the Natives. >No, U.S. lost many battles
and Washington D.C. was
>Impressments burnt to the ground by
James Madison British.
President Platform for Events occurred Decisions on the Result from Right
Foreign Policy during Presidency events decisions decision?

>Latin Americans were gaining their

>Isolationism >Monroe Doctrine >European nations >Yes, this allows the
>Britain guaranteed protection with
their large navy because this would backed down their U.S. to control trade
allow them trade with Latin Imperialist goals to with Latin America
regain Latin Americas. and in the end gained
>Trade was opened to U.S.

James Monroe

Presidential Timeline

Year 1789 - 1797 1797 - 1801 1801 - 1809 1809 - 1817 1817 - 1825
President G. Washington J. Adams T. Jefferson J. Madison J. Monroe

Political No Party Federalists Democratic- Democratic- Democratic-

Party Republican Republican Republican

Additional First President First Vice First Secretary of Father of the Monroe Doctrine
Info President State Constitution


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