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1- Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for murder and terrorism?

2- Is justice for the victim achieved through the death penalty?

3- What rights do humans have to use animals as they wish in testing
products and medical cures tests?
4- Are humans biologically determined o eat meat or is a socio-cultural
5- Is a vegetarian diet harmful or beneficial to humans?
6- What is intellectual property and how should it be defended?
7- Is abortion a womans right over her body or is it an illegal criminal
attack on another human being?
8- Should civil society and legal authorities do more to deal with the
problem of domestic violence, or is the problem exaggerated?
9- Should drivers of automobiles be banned from using cellular phones?
10The media, TV, newspapers and the internet: Is it information or
11Should some content on internet websites be monitored and
12Are video games harmful to the education of kids?
13Should kids be permitted to play video games most days of the
14Should university students be given complete freedom to select
their own majors and courses?
15Is cohabitation the same as civil marriage?
16Is herbal medicine an alternative/a replacement to regular
17Are women stereotyped in advertising?
18Can we consider war and military attacks as the solution to
terrorist activities?
19The end of the world in 2012: reality or scare-tactic?
20Is global warming happening?
21Should marijuana be legalized as a medication and be given on a
doctors permission?
22Is Wikileaks and their release of secret documents a threat to
diplomatic relations between nations of the world?
23Is addiction to smoking as destructive to public health and
mental abilities like the addiction to drugs?
24Does an increase in double of the prices of tobacco stop people
from smoking?

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