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Technology Update

Validating Computer Systems, Part 1

A GCP Computer System Is

a Lifetime Responsibility
Teri Stokes

Users are
responsible for the
ongoing care and
feeding of their
systems. Is your
GCP system a
pampered pet or a
dirty dog?

urchasing a computerized system for use in

a GCP-regulated work
process is like buying
a family pet. Like a
well-trained pet, the system is
expected to do what we want it to
and perform as expected. No
mistakes on the carpet, please!
Dont crash in the midst of our
rush to prepare the final study
report, please! Buying a pet is a
lifetime responsibility that begins
with the initial excitement of first
encounters (housebreaking) and
continues on for years with daily
feedings and walks and health
check visits. Buying a GCP
system is also a lifetime responsibility, with initial validation (user
acceptance) and ongoing change
control, repeat testing, maintenance, enhancements, backups,
and audits.

Regulatory authorities require

life cycle management for GCP
systems both during the systems
development (referred to as the
software development life cycle,
or SDLC) and for the rest of their
existence through to retirement
and replacement. The initial
validation plan prepared by users
for user acceptance of a new GCP
system must include provisions
for the care and feeding of a
validated system for the rest of its
lifeafter startup through to
retirement. The computerized
system validation (CSV) package
developed at system launch must
also establish the ongoing validation environment to keep the
system fit and performing as
expected over the years it is
being used. Such long-term
planning requires the involvement of management to ensure a
supply of user resources to
support the system over time.
This first of a series of articles
on the subject of system validation discusses the users role in
the process. Later articles
describe the roles of the software
supplier and of the system
Anatomy of a GCP system
In the 1980s, the computer validation committee of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association produced a diagram to help
define terms for validation work.1
Figure 1 shows an updated view
of that classic drawing using an
adverse event (AE) system as an

Lifetime system validation goals

Management control
Controlled GCP work
processes using
computerized systems

System reliability
Consistent, intended
performance of
computerized systems

Auditable quality
Documented evidence for
control and quality of
e-data and e-systems

Data integrity
Secure, accurate, and
attributable GCP e-data

Operating environment (pharmacovigilance)

Computerized system (serious AE management system)
Computer system

Work process






Platform system

Software application system

Figure 1. An example of the configuration of a system

designed for serious adverse event management.
example. In this view, a computer
system is composed of hardware
and software, and a work process
is composed of people, standard
operating procedures (SOPs),
and often equipment or instrumentation.
When a computer system is

used to support a work process,

the two together become a
computerized systemin the
example, a serious AE management system. The computerized
system performs in an operating
environment such as pharmacovigilance (in the example) or

August 2000

Application life cycle

Testing Components

1. System idea
Needs analysis
report & RFP

2. System plan

8. Maintain

7. Operate

Fix & modify

Use & monitor

6. Commission
Accept &
validate to URS

Test fit to work


What? URS

Software development
life cycle

RFP Request for
URS User requirements
SDD Software design

3. Design
How? SDD

Test fit
to design

9. Retire
& replace

PQ package

Platform system

5. Test
Verify to SDD
& release



Test fit to install specs.

4. Build
Program or

OQ package

IQ package

Figure 2. The life cycle of a GCP-compliant system, illustrating the PQ, IQ, and 0Q packages in relation to one another.
product safety. To make user
acceptance validation work
practical, however, it is necessary to add to the basic diagram
two new concepts. The software
that performs in the work
process and that users see and
touch with a keyboard, mouse,
or bar code wand is the software
application system. Everything
else that is required for the
software application to perform
as expected is part of the
platform system. The platform
system includes the hardware,
operating systems, databases,
query and other software tools,
and network communications for
ser ver and desktop configurations that supply the infrastructure support to the
regulated application.
The software application
cannot function without its platform system support and users
cannot reach the software application without desktop or
handheld systems and network
communications. One platform
system can, however, support
more than one software application system if it is large enough
and the infrastructure requirements are the same for both
August 2000


Creation of validation
Figure 2 shows the full life cycle
of a regulated software application and its platform system. As
shown in the figure, there are
three separate CSV packages to
be prepared at the startup of a
new computerized GCP system:
the performance qualification
(PQ) package, the installation
qualification (IQ) package, and
the operational qualification (OQ)
Software application: The PQ
package. Preparation of the perfor-

mance qualification pack-age for

the software application system is
the responsibility of the user
acceptance team. This process
focuses on how the application
performs in its operating environment. It consists of a package of
documented evidence that paper
trains your system to behave
itself in the work process. Regulator y authorities hold users
responsible for GCP validation of
both the application and its
platform. Because a user team is
seldom equipped to address
platform issues, the users
normally depend on subcontracting development of the platform
CSV package to the information

performance qualification (PQ) User

testing to answer the question,
Does the application system
perform as expected to meet user
requirements specification (URS)
in a simulated work process
installation qualification (IQ) Platform
testing to answer the questions,
Is the software application
properly installed, are all its
physical and logical requirements
(per manufacturers specifications)
met, and is its platform
adequately configured for user
access in the work process?
operational qualification (OQ)
Supplier testing to answer the
question, Does the application
software work as intended just
above, just below, and at the
operational limits set in its design

technology/information systems
(IT/IS) department. An internal
or external ser vice level agreement (SLA) is then used to define
roles and responsibilities for the
startup validation support and the
ongoing ser vice and success of
the system over time.
Platform system: The IQ package.

The installation qualification

package for the platform system
includes startup testing, backup,
recovery, contingency planning,
SOPs, change control, maintenance, configuration management, and ongoing services. This
platform CSV package process is
like preparing the yard so your
pet dog can play in safety and
comfort (invisible fencing, dog
house, water dish); it is the
subject of Part 2 in this series.
This formal division of validation labor allows the respective
teams to focus on what they know
best. An IT/IS team cannot know
the work process as well as the
user team and thus cannot
conduct performance testing that
fully exercises the application in
the same way users can. It is also
important that real users have the
chance to work with the system to
prepare their working materials
(SOPs, work instructions, guide-

lines) and fine-tune their work

process to the idiosyncrasies of
the system and vice versa before
the application goes live. Software
problems arising during user
acceptance testing can then be
resolved without interrupting
GCP operations, which can lead
to a troublefree launch of the
Figure 3 illustrates the division
of labor between the user acceptance team and the platform
package team.
Software supplier testing: The OQ
package. Yet a third team involved

in the startup of a new software

application system is that of the
software supplier and/or configuration provider, who perform the
operational qualification of the
system. Regulator y authorities
also hold the users responsible
for the quality of work and testing
performed by this third team,
whether the team is internal or
external to the users organization. Thus, the pedigree of your
GCP system must be as well
documented as the kennel registration of your purebred pet,
including what kind of shots
(testing) it has had to ensure
good health and immunity to
known diseases.

IT/IS team
CSV pkg.

User team
CSV pkg.


Computer system

Work process


level agreement




Platform system

Software application system

Figure 3. Two packages, two teams.

The operational limits programmed into an application are
tested by the module and system
integration level testing is performed by the software supplier.
This testing is performed before
the release of the application for
shipping to a customer. Usually
the user team exercises its check
of the supplier/providers work
by conducting an audit or walkthrough review of the software
development life cycle and
writing a formal audit report of
their findings. The suppliers CSV
package is the focus of Part 3 of
this series.

Managements role in
lifetime system validation
Buying a purebred pet requires
taking on daily responsibility for
the animal during its lifetime, and
purchasing a strategic GCP
system requires a similar level of
care and attention. For management to be in control of a computerized work process, the organization must be set up to support
lifetime validation for a regulated
system. Figure 4 shows how a
sponsor or CRO can be organized
to support lifetime validation for
strategic GCP systems.
The business decision group.

Senior managementsuch as the

Business decision group (BDG)

Funds & approves computerized work process

System sponsor
Funds & approves
CSV package

Quality assurance
Audits CSV package &
hosts GCP inspections

CSV package team

Develops & maintains
CSV package
System owner
Package manager

Figure 4. Lifetime validation requires a lifetime package team:

system owner, package manager, and testing coordinator.

director of clinical research and

the directors for clinical data
management, biostatistics, pharmacovigilance, and clinical quality
assurancehas ultimate regulatory responsibility for GCP data in
the clinical trial work process.
This group of managers forms the
logical composition for a business
decision group (BDG) to plan and
provide resources for compliance
efforts for strategic GCP systems.
The BDG addresses broad
issues, such as: Can we add
another country of users to the
system? Should we add another
application to the same server or
get a new server? How many
users can we send to the
suppliers user training this
quarter? Which work process gets
the next upgrade to its computerized system? When do we retire
this system, and do we upgrade
with the current supplier or move
to a new vendor or new technology at retirement? How much do
we redesign our work process to
fit the system? Who is responsible
for keeping the system in a
validated state?
The system sponsor is the senior
manager responsible for a particular computerized work process
such as clinical data manage-ment
or pharmacovigilance. The
system sponsor carries the local
responsibility for funding and
approving the validation effort of
computerized systems in that
work process.
The system sponsor addresses
such issues as: Who will I appoint
as system owner to lead a CSV
package team? How can I locate
others to help the three key
package team members with
regular tasks so that they have
time to develop the startup CSV
package on time? How do I
budget and gauge their ongoing
duties for training new users,
troubleshooting, and keeping the
system validated after the system
goes live and they return to their
full-time jobs?
The system owner is usually the
key user in the operating environ-

ment who is held responsible for

having the system available for
users in the computerized work
process. This person assigns a
package manager who drives the
documentation process and a test
coordinator who manages the
testing activities. The system
owner leads this core team in
developing and maintaining the
CSV package. Other users are
included in an ad hoc capacity as
testers and witnesses, and
specialty resources may be added
as necessary to provide specific
The quality assurance role stays
outside of the package development process to be able to audit
the CSV package. QA audits of
the CSV package midway and at
the end of development give the
team and the BDG an independent view of the ability of the
package to pass compliance
The user acceptance CSV
Once the need for a new GCP
system has been established, the
needs analysis document itself
starts the application life cycle and
becomes the first document in a
users CSV package. The request
for proposal (RFP) becomes the
second document in the
package. When a system is
chosen, it is time to identify the
package team and write a validation plan. The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Inc. (IEEE) gives a document
outline and explanation of
expected content for a validation
plan in its standard 1012-1986.2
The user acceptance package
for computerized system validation is designed by the validation
plan to provide documented
evidence for
management control of the
system, its users, and its
regulated data.
reliability of the system to
perform as intended every
protection of data integrity

August 2000

CSV Package Items

The validation plan developed by a user acceptance
team includes more than
just testing. The boxes on
the left side of Figure 5
focus on control of the physical and logical environment
for the application and the
two boxes on the right
address control of user
interaction and the human
interface to the system.
Each of these items is discussed briefly below in
order of appearance in the

Validation plan

Application administrative SOPs &

application configuration
management logs

Change control log,

QA audit log, supplier
reports & BDG minutes

Test plan(s)
startup & ongoing

Test cases, scripts,

data & results logs

Needs analysis, RFP,

contract, URS, SLAs

User manuals, CVs &

training records, dept.
SOPs, problem/help logs

Test summary

Control of physical/
report & updates
logical environment
Application administration
SOPs. Descriptions of user
types and their privileges
Users CSV package summary report
on the system, procedures
for system administration,
backup and restore
Figure 5. A standard user acceptance CSV package, prepared and maintained by a user
departments team.
Application configuration
management logs. A logbook
Contract. A legal document describing the roles, responsibilities,
binder used on an ongoing basis to keep a current description
and financial elements in the business relationship (purchase,
of the application, its backup log, maintenance records, support
lease, rental) between system users and external suppliers of
actions, change control decisions and actions taken, ongoing
systems or services.
testing, problem tracking, release notes, supplier
User requirements specification (URS). A formal, approved
correspondence, the service level agreement (see below) with
document describing the users needs for a computerized
the platform supplier and/or with the application provider, record
system from a work process perspective, such as the types of
of user training events, and list of authorized users.
data to be handled, the flow of data across the work process,
Change control log. A change control SOP for the system and
data inputs and outputs to the work process, size and location
monthly change control reports for system changes made by
of user groups, types of user roles, and access privileges
user, platform, and/or supplier actions. Report should include
the extent of repeat testing performed and/or updates made to
Service/success level agreements (SLAs). Formal, approved
relevant CSV package items.
documents between system user BDGs and internal or external
QA audit log. A record of any QA audits performed on the CSV
suppliers to describe roles and responsibilities on both sides for
package itself or on behalf of the CSV package, such as QA
keeping the regulated system in successful operation and
audits of suppliers.
continually validated.
Supplier reports. This log includes any walkthrough reports
User manuals. Printed materials from system suppliers
developed by the users when reviewing the platform CSV
instructing users how to work with the regulated system.
package or other supplier activities. It also includes follow-up
CVs and training records. Curriculum vitae showing the users
reports on supplier milestone performance under service level
educational backgrounds and work experience that indicate
competence to perform in the work process, and training
BDG minutes. The business decision group, consisting of line
records showing formal and on-the-job training given to ensure
managers responsible for the operating environment and its
that a user is qualified to use a regulated system in the work
computerized work processes, documents its financial,
operational, and resource decisions about the regulated system
Department SOPs. Department standard operating procedures,
in meeting minutes that are a part of the systems CSV
guidelines, and/or work instructions that are specific for using
the computerized system in the GCP work process.
Control of user interaction
Problem/help logs. Logbook binder to record user problems as
they arise and their resolution as they are settled. A standard
Needs analysis. The initial document examining the work process
incident report form might be used to facilitate this recording.
and describing the type of computerization it might benefit from.
Department should have work instructions for how to report
Request for proposal (RFP). A formal document sent to
problems and where to go to get help with the system. Records
prospective suppliers describing the work process needs and
describing problems and resolution should be reviewed monthly
requesting a response from vendors showing how they could
for trends and training issues.
meet those needs with their products and/or services.
August 2000



Test Plan Outlinefor Startup or Ongoing Testing

Test plan ID number. Coded to relate the test
plan to the associated validation plan.
Introduction. Briefly describes system to be
tested and references the related URS.
Test items. List of software application and
system versions to be tested.
Features to be tested. System features
traced to requirements from URS.
Features not to be tested and why. Installed feature not used by work process.
Approach. Describes overall strategy, techniques, and limits for testing.
Pass/fail criteria. If just one test script fails,
does the whole system fail?
Testing suspension criteria and resumption

Test deliverables. Documents required: test

plan, test cases, test logs, test sum-

mary report.
Testing tasks. Tasks necessary to prepare
for, perform, and report testing.
Environmental needs. Physical, logical, and
security requirements for testing.
Responsibilities. Identified for test developer, tester, and witness.
Staff training needs. Specifies skill level for
test writer, tester, and witness.
Schedule. Estimated time to do each task
and definition of milestones.
Risks and contingencies. Identify high-risk
assumptions of test plan and specify
how plan addresses each risk.
Approvals. Specify names and titles of all
who must approve this plan with space
for signatures and dates.

Validation plan
created at startup

Application administrative SOPs &

application configuration
management logs

BDG minutes,
change control log &
QA audit log

Test plan

Change control test

cases, scripts, logs


User manuals, CVs &

training records, dept.
SOPs, problem/help logs

Change control test

summary reports

Users CSV package summary report

Figure 6. The ongoing test plan illustrates management control through to retirement.
during handling by the system.
auditable quality of the system,
its data, and user activities with
the system over time.
Figure 5 shows the contents of
a standard user acceptance CSV
package. Although the testing
functions in the central column
are the usual perception of activities under a validation plan, the
other two columns are of even
greater importance for ensuring
the smooth, ongoing operation of
the system in a validated state.
See the CSV Package Items box

for brief descriptions of these

other activities.
Formal testing practices in CSV
packages. All testing performed in

support of releasing a computerized system for GCP use is to be

performed in a formal manner.
That means it is to be fully
thought through, documented,
approved, and reported upon
under the guidance of a signed
validation plan and a signed test
A startup test plan is used at the
installation of a new system. The

Institute for Electrical and

Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) provides a good standard
outline to be used for any system
(see Test Plan Outline box).2
The test plan points to other
formal testing documentation to
be developed under its directives.
These documents include the
Traceability matrix. A threecolumn table that identifies the
key user requirements in the work
process down the first column, the
system features/functions sup-

porting each key requirement

down the second column, and the
test cases checking and challenging the respective system
functions down the third column.
Test case description. A
document that describes a logical
grouping of test activities associated with the system and its place
in the work process. Test Case 1
should be designed to check for
workplace preparedness by
reviewing system manuals, work
instructions, SOPs, and training
records. Test Case 2 should check
system administrative functions
for setting up users, database
structure, and so on. Test Case 3
should be designed to check and
challenge the system with
examples of the work process
activities in a simulation mode.
Test script. A document that
manages the individual testing
experience and records the pass/
fail conclusion. There can be one
or more test scripts per test case.
Step procedure. A document
specifying the detailed steps to be
performed during testing, the
expected results, and identified
spaces for recording system
response, problems occurring,
and resolution to problems. There
can be one or more step procedure documents per test script.
Result log. Identified space in
a step procedure for recording
system response to the testing
Change control and the ongoing
test plan. For repeat testing after

the system has gone live and fixes

and updates occur, a separate
ongoing test plan is created, as
shown in Figure 6. The ongoing
test plan is written and approved
as one of the final validation plan
tasks to be completed before
writing the CSV package summary report. Figure 6 also shows
the other CSV package items that
may require updates or adjustments depending on the size and
scope of the fixes, updates, or
enhancements made to the

August 2000

Change Control Test Summary Report

Test summary report identifier. Unique ID traceable to associated ongoing test plan.
Summary. Describes change(s) being tested. Describes
items tested (application version), test environment (platform system), and test approach (test cases used).
Variances. States any deviations from test case or test
scripts and reasons for deviations.
Comprehensive assessment. Discusses assumptions and limits
to scope of testing. Were scope of testing and results
obtained sufficient to assess system reliability for
change(s) made? Discuss reasons for limits chosen.
Summary of results. Gives table of testing results per test
case. Table of anomalies and their resolutions. List of
outstanding issues and risks (unresolved anomalies).
Evaluation. Pass/fail conclusion based on test results and
criteria in the ongoing test plan.
Summary of activities. Describes tester/witness staffing, testing location(s), and test documentation preparation and
approval process.
Approvals. Names, titles, signatures, dates with meaning of
Appendix. Table of contents list for test documentation
dated requires keeping all of its
relevant documentation up-to-date
as the system is tuned to a changing work process or a problem is
resolved, or when a supplier
provides a new feature. User training and user instructions in
manuals and SOPs may have to be
adjusted to ensure proper use of
the system. Management needs to
be kept informed of trends in
changes and the scope of changes
over time.
System change requires
repeat testing to some extent
determined by the ongoing test
plan, and all formal testing
documentation must be kept for
audit purposes. The reuse of
startup test scripts provides a
degree of regression testing
that checks for consistent results
with prior findings. Some startup
test scripts can also be used for
training new users on the
system. Such training test experience can also be used for
periodic checks of the system,
and so should be kept and
recorded for double credit
whenever possible.
Test summary report. When any
August 2000


formal testing is performed, a test

summary report must be prepared to give management a
review and analysis of the experience and assessment of the
testings impact on the validation
status of the system tested. A pile
of test result logs remains just a
pile of paper until a responsible
person who understands what the
testing means has analyzed it and
reported the conclusions. A good
test summary report includes the
points outlined in the Change
Control Test box (adapted from
the IEEE Standard for Software
Test Documentation).3
As Figure 7 shows, many
changes can occur with a GCP
system after startup. The longest
part of a successful systems
lifetime is during its operational
phase in the work process.
The user team continues to
focus on the GCP software application system by training new
users, resolving issues and
problems with the system, and
keeping the configuration management logbook binder up-todate with system activities. The
user team also manages the SLA

Application life cycle

1. Sytem idea

2. System plan

9. Retire

8. Maintain
Fix & modify

Fit ?

7. Operate
Use & monitor

6. Commission

Application Patches &

support SLA updates
Help desk


support SLA


Updates & audits

of user CSV package

Configuration mgt.
log binders

User team focus

Business decision group (BDG): Prioritize change & resources

Figure 7. User team focus and business decision group

responsibilities through to system retirement.
process with platform and application suppliers, performs formal
testing of changes to the system,
and keeps the BDG informed with
quarterly updates on system
status. When the GCP system user
community becomes multisite,
multinational, and multidivisional,
the user team roles become fulltime positions.
A successful relationship
We have all seen uncontrolled,
poorly disciplined pets become a
nuisance to everyone around
themsometimes their behavior
is a danger to themselves and
others. The same situation can
easily arise with computerized
systems left unmanaged. The
purchase of software for clinical
research is serious business and
the failure of software to function
as intended must be considered
for its impact on the safety,
efficacy, and quality of study data
and the medical decisions made
on the basis of computerized
systems in the GCP work process.
The operational phase of a GCP
software application system is the
longest phase of its life, and management must exert ongoing control of the system to ensure its
continued compliance to validation standards. The user teams
startup CSV package should also
establish the documented procedures for ongoing control of the

GCP system, and management

should provide the strategic focus
and ongoing resources needed to
achieve the goal of expected performance with lifetime system
validation for its essential GCP
1. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association Computer Systems
Validation Committee, Validation
Concepts for Computer Systems
Used in the Manufacture of Drug
Technology 10 (5), 2434 (1986).
2. Institute for Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE
Standard for Software Verification
and Validation Plans, Standard
1012-1986 (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ,
1992), pp. 1219.
3. Institute for Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE
Standard for Software Test
Documentation, Standard 829-1983
(IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1993), pp.
1012, 1516.

Teri Stokes, PhD, is senior

consultant and director of
GXP International, 131
Sudbury Road, Concord,
MA 01742, (978) 287-4393,
fax (978) 369-5620,


Technology Update
Validating Computer Systems, Part 2

GCP Validation of Platform

and Infrastructure Systems
Teri Stokes

The IT/IS team not

only implements
the platform
system that
delivers the GCP
application to the
work process, but
is responsible for
its continued care.

art 1 in this series discussed the user acceptance validation of

application software
as a lifetime responsibility to ensure its ability to perform as intended in a good clinical
practice work process. The
metaphor of buying a dog was
used to compare the ongoing
responsibilities for keeping a family pet healthy and fit to the need
to provide ongoing care to keep a
computerized GCP system fit during its lifetime.
Part 2 now addresses the other
half of the system operation story
that is often hidden from the users
view. Like the tip of an iceberg,
however, multiuser and global
GCP applications sit atop a huge,
unseen, but necessary, mass of
support. Below the application
software tip is the rest of the sysSeptember 2000


tem iceberga collection of

server, desktop, and peripheral
hardware, operating systems,
database engines, query/reporting tools, and the communications
networks needed so the application will work as intended. These
components make up the platform
and infrastructure systems usually
supplied to users by the information technology/information systems (IT/IS) department.
Often the phrase Out of sight,
out of mind can be used to
describe the typical validation
focus for such platform and infrastructure systems. To meet regulatory requirements, however,
what is needed is a focus for computer validation in the IT/IS

department that documents the

health and fitness of the platform
systems and network infrastructure for the way they are used to
support GCP applications.
Platform system life cycle
The life of a platform system
begins when the user group
decides to purchase a particular
application software to perform a
certain set of GCP work process
tasksclinical data management,
adverse event reporting, electronic subject diaries, statistical
analysis, Web-based clinical data
entry. For major applications, an
IT/IS person often consults with
the user team to provide technical
expertise in the purchase pro-

cess. This person also advises

about how well the technical
requirements of the application
software candidates fit into the
current IT/IS setting and whether
any new platform/infrastructure
components will need to be purchased to handle a particular
Figure 1 shows the traditional
life cycle for application software
with a division between the steps
performed by the user group purchasing the software (1,2,69) and
the steps performed by the supplier that develops the application
software (35). The life cycle of
the platform system is also shown
in Figure 1, operating in support
of the user group during steps

Application life cycle

1. System idea
Needs analysis

2. System plan

URS User requirements

8. Maintain
Fix & modify

Test fit to work


6. Commission
Validate & retest
after fixes

Software development
life cycle
3. Design

Test fit
to design

9. Retire
& replace

7. Operate
GCP work

User group

Platform system
5. Test

SLA Service level

4. Build

1. Configure

6. Retire

2. Install

5. Maintain

3. Test fit to
SLA needs

4. Operate
IT/IS dept.

Figure 1. The platform system life cycle in detail, and how it fits with the rest of the application development cycle.

69, but also depicted next to the

software supplier that specifies
the physical and logical requirements of the application for the
IT/IS department to use when
configuring the platform system.

ration must meet the specifications of the application software

supplier, the platform component
suppliers, the user groups work
process, and the IT/IS departments work process.

both the database engine and the

printer to produce a report.
Operation. The IT/IS platform
team then performs ongoing operations using standard operating
procedures (SOPs) to meet the

he documentation required for a platform system CSV package

also helps the IT/IS department to be organized in its operations.

The life cycle of the platform
system requires that the IT/IS
platform team configure, install,
test, operate, maintain, and
eventuallyretire the system.
Details of each stage follow.
Configuration. The IT/IS platform team must first define the
hardware, software, and network
components to be assembled for
server and desktop systems to be
used for access to and operation of
the application. Platform configu-


Installation. The team assembles and installs all platform components according to relevant
manufacturers specifications.
Testing. Team members perform an installation qualification
(IQ) test to ensure that the many
components work properly as a
platform system unit. They install
the GCP application and ensure
that platform functions are accessible to the applicationfor example, that the desktop can reach

user group GCP needs stated in a

service level agreement (SLA)
for example, nightly or weekly
backups, security checks, system
administration, disaster recovery,
support for new user groups. The
team performs periodic testing of
the platform for ongoing quality
Maintenance. The IT/IS platform team is responsible for
installing patches and upgrades
from the application supplier.

Team members service, repair,

replace, and install new components to the platform system as
needed over time. They perform
problem resolution, maintenance,
and repeat testing, as dictated by a
documented change control SOP.
Retirement. When the time
comes, the IT/IS platform team
will plan and execute the orderly
decommissioning of the platform
and its infrastructure componentsin part or as a whole
when new technology decisions
are made for the application itself
or for platform support.
Platform system CSV
The first regulated application
installed on a new or existing platform system automatically makes
the entire platform subject to regulatory inspection, even though
the rest of the applications on that
platform are not regulated. Thus,
it is smart for an IT/IS department


September 2000

Platform Validation Plan Outlinea

Purpose and scope

Inclusions, exclusions, and limitations.

Reference documents

SOPs, manuals, and policies referenced by the plan.

Operation and maintenance phase. SOPs, logs, audits,

and training.
Retirement phase. Archive plan and transition plan to
next platform system.
System validation reporting


Terms required to understand the validation plan.

Required and optional records/reports to be written.

Validation overview

Validation administration procedures

Organization and master schedule for the validation

Resources summary and responsibilities for validation
tasks (usually a three-column table listing validation
tasks, role(s) responsible, and due date).
Tools, techniques, and methodologies used in the validation effort.
Life cycle validation tasks at each phase from purchase/install to retirement

Concept phase. SLA based on users needs analysis,

URS, and application suppliers specifications for platform requirements.
Development phase. CM logbook description of platform
Installation and checkout phase. Test and validation
summary reports.
to plan its platform environments
with a realistic strategy for establishing and maintaining a documented approach to system operations. Grouping several GCP
applications on the same platform
system configuration can minimize IT/IS work by requiring only
one computerized system validation (CSV) package for the common platform.
In many ways, the documentation required for a platform system CSV package also helps the
IT/IS department to be organized
in its operations. The CSV package makes it possible for new
hires and backup operators to
work with the system and to take a
knowledgeable approach to
resolving issues that arise.
The platform CSV package is
very similar in content to the
users CSV package outlined in
Part 1, but reflects the particular
responsibilities of the platform
package team. The IT/IS platform
package needs to reflect the work
process in the data center and
infrastructure support functions.
It also needs to have a practical
approach that eliminates redundant work and allows for a

response to multiple applications

and user support for all regulated
applicationsGCP, GLP (good
laboratory practice), GMP (good
manufacturing practice), Rule
11collectively referred to as
GXP. Goals for the platform CSV
package are the same as for user
acceptance. The platform system
must have documented evidence
to show that it is under IT/IS managements control, that it operates
reliably, that its database engines
and communications networks
protect the integrity of GXP data
being handled, and that documentation is in good order for audit
Validation plan
The Institute for Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) publishes a standard for
software verification and validation plans that can easily be
adapted to the purpose of writing a
platform system validation plan
(see Platform Validation Plan Outline box).1
Every plan in the CSV packagevalidation plan, startup
test plan, disaster recover y
planmust have a defined task

Reporting and resolution process for system and user

problems and issues.
Task repetition policy. When and how to repeat testing
and other validation tasks.
Deviation policy. How to handle actions that differ from
the plan.
Control procedures. How software application and platform system(s) are configured, protected, and stored
SOPs for backup/retrieval, disaster recovery, change
control, and system testing.
Standards, practices, and conventions for validation
work. Template formats for logs, reports, and other
items in the validation package.

from IEEE Standard 1012-1986.1

list stating just what actions are

to be taken to execute the plans
strategy. Figure 2 and the Platform CSV Package box give an
itemized description of each
component of the package to be
addressed by the validation
Every plan must have its own
summary report written to
explain to management the outcome of the planned tasks. The

includes the outcome of individual
tasks as well as the highlights of
summary reports from subordinate plans. The Platform Package
Summary Report box shows an
outline for such a summary
A collaborative effort
The GCP application software
cannot function without its plat-

Platform Package Summary Reporta

Plan identifier. ID number indicating system associated with
the plan.
Summary of all validation life cycle tasks and their current status.
Summary of all CSV package items and their current status.
Summary of unexpected problems/issues and their resolution.
Summary of deviations from the validation plan and rationale
for deviations.
Assessment of overall system quality based on package documentation, test summary report, and QA audit report.
Recommendations. Release statement from management for
the GXP status of the platform system.
Approval signature(s) and date(s).
Appendix A. Update report form for recording major system
changes with related regression testing.
Appendix B. Summary reports for periodic quality control

from IEEE Standard 1012-1986.1


September 2000

Platform CSV Package

Validation plan. Document describing the
Validation plan
purpose, scope, approach, resources,
and schedule of intended validation
activities. It identifies the CSV package
Test plan(s)
items; the tasks, roles, responsibilities,
Configuration mgmt. log,
SLA, SLA monthly reports,
startup & ongoing
and schedule for developing package
system manuals, & SOPs
security logs, help desk log
items; and the standards, methods,
and procedures used to quality assure a
Test cases, scripts,
computerized system throughout all
data & result logs
Disaster plan, change
phases of its life cycle (Figure 2).
IT/IS dept. SOPs, CVs
control log, backup &
& training records
Configuration management (CM) log. First secarchive logs, supplier
tion in a CM logbook binder that conTest summary
records, audit log
tains a written description of the platform system configuration in text and in
diagrams. Section includes a list of all
Platform CSV package summary report(s)
major components of the platform with
relevant identifiers, such as server
identifiers, associated disks, software
Figure 2. The platform CSV package.
versions, overall network topology.
connectivity to desktops/printers/remote sites across a
System manuals. Supplier documentation for major componetwork.
nents of the platform such as server hardware, operating system, database engine, network management.
Test script. Document specifying inputs, predicted results,
and a set of execution conditions for an individual test.
System SOPs. System administration standard procedures
Includes one or more step procedures that describe
and/or department work instructions for operating the
keystrokes or other tester actions and provide log space
platform, performing backups, providing security.
for recording system response to test activity.
Disaster plan. Document describing exactly how the plat Test summary report. Document summarizing testing activiform system can be reconstructed in case of its destructies and results. It also contains an evaluation of the
tion by fire, flood, theft, or other catastrophe.
platform system tested.
Change control log. Section of CM logbook binder where
Service level agreement(s) (SLAs) with user groups owning a
records are made for the approval, implementation, and
regulated application on the platform system. Document
repeat testing of changes to the platform system. It is
that describes the respective roles and responsibilities
expected that IT/IS has a department level change conof IT/IS and the user group for successful support of the
trol SOP and that records in this log conform to the
GCP application on the platform system.
departments procedure.
SLA monthly reports. Brief notes describing ongoing mile Backup log. CM log record of performing daily, weekly,
stone results and important decisions/actions taken for
monthly backups for the regulated applications on the
the platform system in supporting a GCP application and
platform system.
its user group.
Archive log. CM log record of off-site storage location for
Security log. Section of CM logbook binder that defines
any backup media stored that relate to the platform
security levels for the platform system and records any
system or its regulated applications.
incidents of security breach and their resolution.
Supplier records. CM logbook binder section(s) for filing any
Help desk log. Record of platform system issues arising
correspondence or visit reports from component suppliand their resolution.
ers. Should also include an area for logging telephone
conversations with supplier support desks.
IT/IS deptartment SOPs. Standard operating procedures
should be defined for physical-logical security of the data
Audit log. CM logbook binder section to record date, time,
center and platform systems, change control for applicaand participants in any audits or inspections of the plattions and platforms, installation/operation of a reguform system by internal QA, external clients, or regulalated platform system, performing system backup procetory authorities.
dures, actions for disaster recovery, and training of
Test plan. Document that describes the technical and manpersonnel.
agement approach to be followed for testing a system or
Curriculum vitae (CVs). Resums of education and profescomponent. Typical contents identify the items to be
sional experience related to current work assignment.
tested, tasks to be performed, responsibilities, schedules, and required resources for the testing activity (see
Training records. All IT/IS department personnel working on
IEEE standard1).
a platform system supporting GCP applications should
have CVs and updated records for ongoing training rele Startup test plan. Document describing the strategy for testvant to their work. Training in the regulatory requireing at the time of the initial installation of a platform
ments for computerized systems is also expected.
CSV package summary report. Document summarizing all CSV
Ongoing test plan. Document describing the approach for
package activities initiated under the validation plan and
testing performed under change control throughout the
the results of those activities. It also contains an evaluaoperational life of a platform system.
tion of the platform systems readiness to perform and
Test case. Document specifying the details of the testing
be operated in compliance with regulatory requirements
approach for a platform feature or combination of fea(see Platform Package Summary Report outline).
tures and identifying associated test scripts, such as
system power up/down, system backup/recover, server
September 2000



IT/IS team

User team

CSV pkg.

CSV pkg.

Computer system

Work process


area network




delivery system

Platform system


Software application system

Figure 3. The IT/IS team delivers the system to the desktops

of the users.
form system support, and users
cannot reach the application without desktop or handheld systems
and network communications.
The size and complexity of a platform system varies with the
design of the application software
and the size and diversity of the
user population.
Validation of the computerized
system requires the collaboration
of two teamsthe user acceptance team and the IT/IS team
(Figure 3). The user acceptance
team is responsible for the CSV
package that documents whether
the software application performs
as intended during the GCP work
process. The IT/IS team is
responsible for the CSV package
that documents the assembly and
validation of the platform system
configuration to deliver the application to the work process. The
platform system configuration will
include the components of the
server system(s) hosting the software application, the components
of the desktop delivery system
(PC/laptop/device) bringing the
application to the users, and
all network communications
required for the application to
operate as intended in the work

For GCP systems, the user

team and the IT/IS team must
work closely together for the life
of the system. The need for collaboration is usually quite clear during the excitement and attention
paid to the initial project for
startup of a new system. But as
time goes on, it is often overlooked that both teams must continue to exist and must continue to
work together to operate, maintain, and fine-tune the computerized system to its GCP work process while keeping it in a validated
state. Ongoing activities and
updates to the CSV package items
of each team must continue.
The SLA. The businesslike way
to address a lifetime partnership
is to develop a service level agreement (SLA) between the parties.
The SLA needs to clearly describe
the expectations on both sides for
application and platform activities
to ensure the success of the computerized system in the GCP work
process and its ability to have
uneventful audits and inspections.
Developing the SLA is the start
of a long-term partnership
between the users and the platform support group. As with any
lifetime partnership, it is important to be clear about roles and

responsibilities, to set specific

expectations with measurable
milestones, and to have a problem
resolution process defined and
understood. Platform support can
come from IT/IS departments
that are internal or external to
clinical research or to the company as a whole, and the SLA process is the same for any source of
platform support. Figure 4 shows
the partnership process.
There are many topics to consider when developing a service
level agreement. Topics will vary
depending on the size and complexity of the role the application
plays in the GCP work process.
The following items are given as
examples of the types of questions
to be discussed between the platform team and the user team.

security are needed?

Type of user activities to be
per formed. How does data get
into the database? Batch upload/
download of data from internal/
external sources, manual data
entry from what locations, data
acquisition from instruments?
How is data retrieved from the
database? Who manages the database? What kinds of reports are
needed requiring what types of
printers? Location of specialty
printers? Is the application
expected to communicate with
other applications or databases?
How? Diary upload to CRA laptop
followed by upload to platform
server? CRO SAS (statistical analysis system) tapes to platform
server? Instrument data to lab
server followed by upload to platform server?

The application users GCP work

process needs. Size and scope of

IT/IS platform support process

needs. Support services. What

user population. How many

users? At how many locations?
Across how many time zones and
countries? Likely number of concurrent users? Are users internal
or external to the organization?
Who approves adding new users?
What is the expected expansion
rate for adding new usersCRA
laptops, investigator site entry
systems, subject palm diaries?
What types of physical-logical

kind of system and data backup

schedule is needed? When can
maintenance be performed without disrupting the users work
process? What hours will help
desk response be available for
user support with desktop and
ser ver issues? For what time
zones? Is special technical
expertise needed to support this
application? How much support

IT/IS team

User team

CSV pkg.

Computer system

CSV pkg.

Work process
level agreement



Users GCP work

process needs

IT/IS platform support

process needs


User and IT/IS roles

and responsibilities

Monthly progress


Figure 4. A service level agreement (SLA) defines the ongoing partnership that must exist between the user team and
the platform team over the life of the application.

September 2000

is the application supplier providingfor users and for IT/IS?

What is the application suppliers process for contacting
support services?
Support training. Is special

form system issues? Who manages contact with the application

supplier and for what purposes?
Who approves change requests?
Who pays for what? What notices
will be given and to whom when

Does ever y SLA requirement

have a measurable outcome? If
the user group or IT/IS expectation cannot be measured, it is a
wish, not a requirement, and it
should be omitted from the SLA.

s with any lifetime partnership, it is important to be clear about

roles and responsibilities, to set specific expectations, and to have a

problem resolution process defined.
training needed for platform
operators? How and when is
training available? Can the application supplier provide backup
for the IT/IS help desk? Who
delivers the special training?
How will installation and training
for remote site users be handled?
User and IT/IS roles and responsibilities. Business par tnership.

Who speaks for the user group

and who speaks for IT/IS on plat-


application changes are to be

made that require platform
changes and vice versa? What is
the problem resolution process?
How are unsolved problems
escalated for resolution? What
are the GCP audit/inspection
response roles?
Monthly progress. Lifetime partnership success is measured by
application success each month.
SLA success milestones.

IT/IS view. How many help

desk calls are handled and
closed per month? Length of continuous platform server and network uptime for the application
without any interruptions in
work process operations? Number of printer or desktop problems reported and resolved for
the application versus number of
printers or desktops in use for
the application? Any changes to

platform system components

resulting in updates to the configuration management logbook
binder? Any change control and
repeat testing records for the
month? Any updates to the platforms CSV package? Any new
announcements from the platform component suppliers for
upgrades, enhancement patches,
or new versions of product coming soon that could affect the
User group view. Number of
new sites or new users added per
month? Number of application
suppliers fixes or updates
installed and retested? Number
and type (system/data/application, daily/weekly/monthly) of
backups performed for the application? Any audits or inspections
expected for the CSV packages?
Any application training needed
for system fixes and/or new
hires for IT/IS or user groups?
What is the training, who deliv-


September 2000

ers it, and how is it recorded?

Any new announcements from
the application supplier for
upgrades, enhancement patches,
or new versions of product coming soon that could have an
impact on the platform configuration? Any security issues arisingserver, database, network?
It is important for all parties to
remember that the goal of the
SLA is the successful operation
of the application software in the
GCP work process. The ultimate
measurement of SLA success is
the controlled, reliable handling
of GCP data in clinical research
and protection of the integrity of
such data throughout its processing, storage, and retrieval by the
application software.
Lightening the IT/IS load
To make life simpler, many IT/IS
departments identify one standard desktop configuration of PC
and core applications to be used

September 2000


across the clinical research organization. This standard desktop

configuration is then validated on
its own in a single desktop CSV
package. The CSV package for
the standard desktop is then referenced across multiple application platforms with only a brief
installation qualification (IQ) test
performed per new application.
In similar fashion, many IT/IS
departments identify standard
server configurations for certain
types of ser ver technologies
(HP/UNIX, for example) and
database environmentssuch as
Oraclethat are often used by
regulated applications. The standard server configuration is then
validated on its own in a single
CSV package to support the first
regulated application being used.
Subsequent GCP applications
going on to the same server configuration would reference the
first platform CSV package and
just add package updates for the

Lifetime system validation goals

Management control
Controlled GCP work
processes using
computerized systems

System reliability
Consistent, intended
performance of
computerized systems

Data integrity
Secure, accurate, and
attributable GCP e-data

specific needs of the new application. Updates might include testing new printer types, network
communications to new user
sites, and special data backup
For platform ser vers dedicated to a single application, the
IT/IS CSV package is performed

Auditable quality
Documented evidence for
control and quality of
e-data and e-systems

separately on the one platform

system. The platform CSV package should be completed before
the time for formal testing by the
user team. A test environment is
then built on the platform system
in time for the user team to execute test scripts in a simulated
production environment.


Systems QA Plana
Purpose of plan

Documentation for quality control of systems

Problem reporting

Business, regulatory, and technical purposes.

Logs, plans, reports.

Minimum documentation requirements are defined for standard
system packages and special
types of systems.
Standard formats and templates
are referenced in appendices.

Problem reporting and corrective

action process.

Standards, practices, and metrics

Records collection

Scope of systems QA plan (SQAP)

Inclusions. Types of platform systems to be validated.

Exclusions. Internals of platform
system components.
Limitations. Shared systems controlled elsewhere.
Reference documents

Regulations, company policies,

department SOPs.

Organization. Roles defined for

CSV package team.
Tasks. Validation package activities described.
Responsibilities. Role responsibilities identified for package activities.

SOPs for responsible installation,

maintenance, and support of validated platform systems, company
policies, and external regulations
applied to SQAP scope.
Reviews, audits, and inspections

Type and frequency of system


Formal testing practices required

for validating systems.

Code and media control

Security, archival, and retrieval.

Supplier control

Content for quality and service

level agreements (SLAs).
Records collection, maintenance,
and retention practices.

Materials and instruction for system support personnel.

Risk management system

Risk management, data security,

disaster recovery, legacy systems.

Authorized signatures for this


from IEEE Standard 730-1989.2

Management support
It is important that IT/IS management provide an organizational
framework for developing CSV
packages for regulated platform
systems. The framework includes
SOPs for how to develop a CSV
package, for how to perform formal testing in a documented fashion acceptable to regulatory
inspection, and for describing a
standard approach to service level

agreements with parties that are

either internal or external to the
In addition to SOPs for performing CSV work, IT/IS management should agree or approve
a systems quality assurance plan
(SQAP) for data center operations
that provides an overall strategy
for ensuring the quality of system
operations. The IEEE Standard
for Software Quality Assurance

(IEEE Std. 730-1989) can be

adapted to this purpose.2 All platform system CSV packages would
then operate under the auspices
of the approved IT/IS systems
QA plan (see Systems QA Plan
CSV package team
Just as we described for the user
CSV package team in Part 1, a
business decision group funds

and approves the IT/IS work process for providing platform systems to clients with regulated
applications (Figure 5). A data
center manager is appointed as
sponsor of a particular platform
system and then assigns a team of
IT/IS operations personnel to
develop and maintain the CSV
package for the platform. The
quality assurance function stays
independent of package work and

Platform CSV Team Roles

System sponsor (CIO/head of IT/IS function)

The IT/IS dept. manager owning the

regulatory responsibility for the GXP
platforms. Provides personnel, budget,
and equipment. Approves CSV package
validation plan and package summary
report. Assigns a team leader.
System owner and team leader (senior manager,
IT dept.) Person responsible for ensuring

the system functions as intended for platform purposes. Functions as team leader
for CSV package effort. Identifies and
leads a package team. Approves test
plan and test summary report. Drives the
package preparation process and
identifies ad hoc members as needed.
QA auditor (IT or GCP QA) Trains the team

on regulatory requirements for the

system and audits the package for
progress toward plans and compliance
with regulations.

Package manager (senior administrator, IT

dept.) Systems analyst trained in CSV

Test script writer Individual with a

package documentation practices.

Drives item preparation, manages
package archive, and checks the quality
of documents in production for their
ability to pass audits.

technical understanding of the

configured platform system to be
tested. Creates specific conditions to
test the platform and writes instructions
for how the platform system is to be
used to operate to those conditions.

Ad hoc members Provide administrative

Tester(s) Trained platform specialist who

support, specialty expertise, consulting,

training, testing, or other support as
needed. Platform size and scope
determine the size of this component.

executes the directions in the test

script. A tester observes system
response and records it in a testing log
or by capture of a screen or by printing
an expected report. The writer of a test
script can never be the tester for that
same script.

Test coordinator (support specialist) Systems

analyst who understands the specific

use of the platform by the GXP
application. Develops test plan and
other test documentation. Identifies and
trains testers and witnesses in formal
testing practices. Manages formal
testing process.

Witness Responsible individual trained in

GXP testing practices (testing SOP).
Ensures that GXP practices are followed
and that test logs contain all the items
requested by the test script. The writer
of a script can witness its testing.

September 2000

Business decision group (BDG)

Funds & approves computerized work process

System sponsor
Funds & approves
CSV package

Quality assurance
Audits CSV package &
hosts GCP inspections

CSV package team

Develops & maintains
CSV package
System owner
Package manager

Figure 5. The CSV package team.

audits the CSV package for compliance to company and regulatory standards.
The various CSV roles and
responsibilities for the package
team effort are described in the
box, Platform CSV Team Roles.
Given the high turnover rate in
many organizations, it is wise to
always keep the CSV package
team populated by at least three
rolesthe system owner, the
package manager, and test coordinator. Thus, several knowledgeable people are available who
know the system and its package
and can defend both in case of an
audit or inspection.
Developing a CSV package for
a platform system takes time,
costs money, and requires a team
of people. It is not a casual experience and must be planned for as
an ongoing business responsibility for organizations supporting
regulated application software
with platform systems and infrastructure. Good practices for computer validation can, however, be
integrated into normal good practices for running stable, unsinkable operations in the IT/IS
department. Lifetime system validation goals are also good business goals for IT/IS services.

dard for Software Verification and

Validation Plans, Standard 10121986 (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1993),
pp. 1219.
2. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans, Standard 730-1996
(IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1993), pp.

Teri Stokes, PhD, is senior consultant and director of GXP International, 131 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742, (978) 287-4393,
fax (978) 369-5620.

1. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Stan66


September 2000

Technology Update
Validating Computer Systems, Part 3

GCP Software Verification

Teri Stokes

Writing software
for GCP use is
serious business.
Applications must
be tested and
retested to ensure
that they actually
do what they are
designed to do.

oftware suppliers have

a tough job. Writing
software for use in a
GCP work process
adds an extra complication: preparing for many audits
of the software engineering process itself as well as the software
application produced. Part 1 of
this series (August 2000) discussed a user acceptance package
for computerized system validation (CSV) to prove that the
right software was built for the
user requirements in the GCP
work process. Part 2 (September
2000) addressed the IT/IS departments CSV package to document
that the software was installed on
the right platform of components and infrastructure. Part 3
explores the software suppliers
CSV package that documents the
way the software was built right
to meet its design specifications.
The life of a software application, as shown in Figure 1, has
November 2000


nine steps, beginning with a system idea and needs analysis and
continuing through to retirement.
The software development life
cycle (SDLC) portion is shown in
detail in steps 3 through 5 (design,
build, test). These steps are the
focus of the suppliers computer
system validation (CSV) package.
Figure 1 also illustrates the
areas of close coordination with
the user group for refining the
user requirements specification
(URS, step 2), being audited in the
commissioning step (step 6), and
providing ongoing support and
enhancements under a service
level agreement (SLA).

Showing these steps in a flat,

two-dimensional picture with
arrows going in one direction is
misleading, because there is usually a lot of cycling back and forth
and refinement of specifications
between steps 2 and 3, when users
are shown demonstration or prototype versions of an application.
At some point, however, the URS
must be frozen so that the functional requirements can be finalized and the software design
description made for the programmers to use as a blueprint for
building the software application.
Requirements. The Questions
on the Path to a URS box lists

questions for defining requirements on any size of software

application. The key factor here is
that the users work process
requirements are written down
and agreed to by all parties before
the start of building the software.
Extra time taken to refine the URS
with the supplier can pay huge
dividends, because the rest of the
development process evolves as a
response to the URS. Any error at
the start builds error into the rest
of the process and the final product. The cost to fix errors in specifications grows exponentially
through each succeeding step of
the development cycle. Unclear

Application life cycle

8. Maintain

1. System idea
Needs analysis

Fix & modify

2. System plan

7. Operate
GCP work

6. Commission
Validate & retest
after fixes


9. Retire
& replace

User group

URS User requirements
SLA Service level
FRS Functional
SDD Software design

3. Design
Functional requirements
specification (FRS)
Software design
description (SDD)

5. Test
Fit ?

Peer review, code review

unit, system, integration,
& regression testing

Platform system

4. Build
to SDD using standards


IT/IS dept.

Software development
life cycle

Figure 1. The software development life cycle in detail, and how it fits with the rest of the
application development cycle.

Questions on the Path to a URS

Extra time here pays off in a
smoother design process.
Who are the sponsors and
intended users?
What job is the system
expected to do in the work
process? Which tasks?
Where is the documentation
to describe in detail the users
GCP work process?
When is the software to be
released, updated, fixed,
tested, and maintained?
Why does the work process
need this software? Is it
safety- or efficacy-related?
How are users to be trained
and problems resolved during
ongoing operations?

requirements result in unreliable

Designing. The suppliers
response to the URS may be in one
or two technical documents, but
will include both functional specifications and design description.
Functional requirements specification (FRS)document to
describe the functions a system
or component must perform.1
Software design description
(SDD)document to describe
system or component architecture, control logic, data structures, input/output formats,
interface descriptions, and
The Software Specifications
and Testing box shows that all

Work process



Software application system

requirements must be testable. A

good requirements document
lends itself to direct translation
into test scripts. If a user, function,
or design requirement cannot be
stated in a clear and precise way
so that it can be objectively tested,
then it is a wish and not a
Building. Well-defined requirements also smooth the path for
the team building the software.
The software application can be
built in two ways.
Programming. The supplier
can use a programming language or object tool to write
source code for a unique software application such as SAS
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC) or

Software Specifications and Testing

User requirements, functional specifications, and design
specifications must represent actual requirements of
the work process and its platform system.
All requirements must be testable.
Testing must exercise all GCP aspects of specifications,
Invalid entries
Error messages
Access control
Online help messages.

Excel (Microsoft, Redmond,

Configuration. The supplier
can configure an application by
setting preprogrammed variations in a configurable system
and writing small routines to
adapt it to the users specific
needs. Examples of such applications are a macro for randomizing treatments and a
spreadsheet for scheduling
patient visits.
Testing. As different levels of
software code are built, tested,
adjusted, and retested, there is
frequently a great deal of recycling between development steps
4 and 5 (Figure 1). Testing is conducted in several ways. Peer
review is informal testing; a programmer gives the code to
another software professional to
try out and asks for comments
and suggestions. Formal types of
testing are defined below as per
IEEE Standard 610.12-1990.1
Code review. A meeting at
which software code is presented to project personnel,
managers, users, customers, or
other interested parties for
comment or approval.
Unit testing. Testing of individual hardware or software units
or groups of related units.
System testing. Testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the
systems compliance with its
specified requirements.
Integration testing. Testing in
which software components,
hardware components, or both
are combined and tested to
between them.
Regression testing. Selective
retesting of a system or component to verify that modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the
system or component still complies with its specified requirements.
Although this formal development and testing process is clearly
needed for large systemssuch

as a sponsors clinical data management system and high-end statistical systemmany people
question its usefulness for spreadsheets, macros, and small applications used at investigator sites. In
fact, the same nine steps shown in
Figure 1 need to be traversed for
the life of any software used for
GCP purposes, but the size and
scope of each step is scaled to the
size and scope of the software
application. The CSV package
documents are also scaled to fit
the size of the software. A small
software systems development
form can be designed to cover
steps 2 through 6 using two sides
of one sheet of paper.2
Software supplier CSV
Producing a good CSV package in
software development is good
business and exercises the standard practices for good software
engineering. A well-defined and
well-documented software development life cycle provides the
software supplier with management control of the engineering
process. Clear requirements and
documented coding standards
lead to efficient and effective
building of software and the ability to bring new programmers
into a project with minimal rampup time and reduced risk of
Documented formal testing of
a product under development provides traceability for changes and
a measure of the reliability of the
software and its capacity to protect the integrity of data it handles. It lays a strong foundation
for problem resolution when the
application is out on the market or
future enhancements are considered. Test summary reports give
developers and testers the opportunity to present objective evidence for how good they are at
creating robust, reliable software.
Good online and off-line user documentation facilitates user training, increases customer satisfaction with the application, and

November 2000

Software Verification Plana

Purpose and scope

Inclusions, exclusions, and limitations.

Reference documents

SOPs, manuals, and policies referenced by the plan.


Terms required to understand the

verification plan.

Verification overview

Organization and master schedule

for the software verification effort.
Resources summary and responsibilities for verification tasks (usually a three-column table listing
verification tasks, role[s] responsible, and due date).
Tools, techniques, and methodologies used in the verification effort.
Life cycle validation tasks at each phase
until retirement

Management of verification process. Control procedures of quality management system requirements for SDLC.
Concept phase. Market analysis of
user needs.
Requirements phase. Refinement
reduces the volume of help desk
support calls.
Experienced software suppliers to the clinical trials marketplace understand that their clients
are responsible to the authorities
for the validation of software they
use. To meet that responsibility,

of URS for specific client and

preparation of functional requirements specification.
Design phase. Development of
and approval for system design
description. Perform design traceability analysis, design evaluation,
and design interface analysis.
Develop test plans.
Implementation phase. Perform
source code traceability analysis,
evaluation, interface analysis, and
documentation evaluation.
Test phase. Execute test scripts
for test plans and write test summary reports.
Installation and checkout phase.
Audit software installation package and check replication process
for accuracy. Write CSV package
summary report.
Operation and maintenance
phase. Establish help desk and
any other support/maintenance
activities. Develop bug fix,
release, and upgrade plan for software product.
Retirement phase. Plan for product retirement in original design.

suppliers will be subjected to

client QA audits to assess the way
quality was built into the software
during development. A well-organized supplier CSV package that
emerges from the normal good
engineering practices of the suppliers business will reduce audit

Software Package Summary Reporta

Plan identifier. ID number indicating system associated
with the plan
Summary of all verification SDLC tasks and their status.
Summary of all CSV package items and their status.
Summary of unexpected problems/issues and their resolution.
Summary of deviations from the verification plan and
rationale for deviations.
Assessment of overall software quality based on package documentation, test summary report, and QA audit report.
Recommendations. Release statement to management for
the release status of the software application system.
Approval signature(s) and date(s).
Appendix A. Update report form for recording major system changes with related regression testing.
Appendix B. Table of contents for CSV package.

from IEEE Standard 1012-1986.3

November 2000


Establish the off-site archive with

access and retrieval SOP.
Software verification reporting

Required and optional

records/reports to be written.
Verification administrative procedures

Anomaly reporting and resolution.

Problem/issues handling.
Task repetition policy. Criteria for
when to repeat testing or any
other verification task when its
input changes.
Deviation policy. How to report
actions taken that differ from the
Control procedures. How the software application and engineering
system(s) are configured, protected, and storedSOPs for
backup/retrieval, disaster recovery, change control, and system
Standards, practices, and conventions for verification workpolicies, procedures, and templates
for logs, reports, and other items
in the CSV package.

time and audit follow-up work.

The Software Supplier CSV box
lists the items in the package.
Whether each item is covered by a
sentence, a paragraph, a page of
text, or a manual of information
will depend on the size and scope
of the software product being
developed and the size of the
effort being described.
Verification plan
The Institute for Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) publishes a standard for
software verification and validation plans that can easily be
adapted.3 The Software Verification Plan box shows a sample of
an outline for this purpose.
Every plan in the CSV packageverification plan, master test
plan, subordinate test plans
must have a defined task list stating just what actions are to be
taken to execute the plans strategy. Every plan must also have its
own summary report written to

from IEEE Standard 1012-1986.3

explain to management the outcome of the planned tasks. The

includes the outcome of individual
tasks as well as the highlights of
summary reports from subordinate plans. After all the tasks in
the suppliers verification plan
have been completed, a package
summary report is written (see
the Software Package Summary
Report box for an outline).
CSV package team
The suppliers CSV package is
produced by an identified process carried out by a team of
responsible people. The roles
and responsibilities are essentially the same as for the user
acceptance and IT/IS CSV packages. As shown in Figure 3, the
product decision group initiating
product development designates
a CSV package sponsor. The
package sponsor in turn assigns
a package team from among the
project group members, and the

Software Supplier CSV Package

Verification plan. Document describing
Verification plan
the purpose, scope, approach,
resources, and schedule of intended
verification activities for a specific
Master test plan
SDD, application code,
Software engineer SOPs,
software development project (see
SDLC docs., support
code & tools mgmt. logs,
Software Verification Plan box).
contract (SLA)
SDLC, programmer
Software engineering SOPs. Standard
training records
Test cases, scripts,
procedures for naming conventions,
data & result logs
Application manuals,
application interfaces, database
user training, problem help
calling conventions, documenting
Software upgrade plan,
Test summary
QMS & audit logs
source code, testing practices, writreport(s)
ing system manuals, release notes,
online help formats, debugging process, change control.
Supplier's CSV package summary report
Code and tools management log. The
first section in this tools manageFigure 2. The software suppliers CSV package.
ment logbook binder contains a written description in text and in diadesktops/printers/remote sites across a network.
grams of the software engineering system configuration. It
Test script. Document specifying inputs, predicted results,
also includes a list of all major components of the develand a set of execution conditions for an individual test.
opment environmentserver identifiers, associated
Includes one or more step procedures that describe
disks, versions of database, language, and software
keystrokes or other tester actions and provide log space
tools, code management and testing tools, and overall
for recording system response to test activity.
network topology.
Test summary report(s). Document(s) summarizing testing
SDLC. A written and approved description in text and diaactivities and results per test plan under the master test
grams to describe the software development life cycle
plan. Include(s) an evaluation of software quality based on
with documented input and output requirements per
testing results.
phase and the roles responsible for review and approval
to allow software to progress from one phase to the next.
SDD. Software design descriptiona blueprint or written
model of the software system created to facilitate analy Programmer training records. CVs and training records to
sis, planning, implementation, and decision-making in
show that everyone on the software development team
building a software system.
has experience and training appropriate to his/her role.

code. Computer instructions and data definitions
Software upgrade plan. Documented business process for
designed to fulfill the specific needs of
developing and releasing enhancements to the software in
a user.
a controlled manner after first release to the market.
Includes archive process for past versions with retention
SDLC documentation. All QMS documentation associated
times suitable for regulatory requirements.
with the SDLC processsigned phase review documentation, testing documentation, code annotations.
QMS. Documented quality management system with management commitment to a corporate quality policy and QA
Support contract (SLA). Service level agreement(s) with
organization to conduct independent internal audits of the
clients purchasing a regulated application from the softSDLC activities for compliance with engineering SOPs and
ware supplier (see Figure 4).
corporate quality policy and practices.
Application manuals. Instruction manuals to train IT/IS
Audit logs. Configuration management logbook binder secand/or system administrators in how to install and mantion to record date, time, and participants in any audits or
age the software application system and instruction manuinspections of the supplier by internal QA, external clients,
als to train users in how to operate the software in their
or regulatory authorities. Audit reports per se are kept
GCP work process.
company-confidential by QA department.
User training. Online or hard copy training courses and
Master test plan. Document that describes the technical and
materials for the clients users and their system adminismanagement approach to be followed at project level for
trators working with the software application in the GCP
testing a software product. Typical contents identify the
work process.
items to be tested, tasks to be performed, responsibili Problem help. Documented process with defined escalation
ties, schedules, and required resources for the testing
procedure for help desk technical support to resolve user
activity. Document also describes the number and type of
problems with the software application.
specific test plans to be developed for a given software
Suppliers CSV package summary report. Document summarizproductunit test plan, system test plan, integration test
ing all CSV package activities initiated under the verificaplan, regression test plan.
tion plan and the results of those activities. It also con Test case. Document specifying the details of the testing
tains an evaluation of the software application systems
approach for a platform feature or combination of features
readiness to perform as intended and be operated in comand identifying associated test scriptssystem power
pliance with regulatory requirements. (See Software Packup/down, system backup/recover, server connectivity to
age Summary Report box for recommended outline.)


November 2000

Product decision group

Funds and approves software development

Package sponsor
Funds & approves
CSV package

Quality assurance
Audits CSV package &
hosts client audits

CSV package team

Develops & maintains
CSV package
Team leader
Package manager
Test coordinator

Figure 3. The software verification package team.

quality assurance department

will audit the CSV package process and its documentation for
compliance with the firms quality management system and software quality standards.
The package sponsor is usually
the senior manager responsible
for the products development
effort. The team leader is
assigned by the package sponsor
and is usually the individual who
carries the engineering responsibility for building a quality prod-

uct. The team leader selects the

rest of the team. The CSV package
roles and responsibilities are
shown in the Software Supplier
CSV Team Roles box. These roles
apply to the software supplier during development and also to the
CSV package teams of the user
group and their IT/IS department
for validation of the software product in the work process.
It is extremely unwise to give in
to the temptation to reduce the
number of CSV package team

Software Supplier CSV Team Roles

Package sponsor Provides personnel, budget, and equipment. Approves CSV package plan and package summary
report. Assigns a team leader.
Team leader Identifies and leads a package team. Approves
test plan and test summary report. Drives the package process and identifies ad hoc members as needed. Writes
package summary report.
Package manager Drives item preparation, manages a pack-

age archive, and checks the quality of documents in production for their ability to pass audits.
Test coordinator Develops test plan and other test documentation. Identifies and trains testers and witnesses in formal
testing practices. Manages formal testing process. Writes
test summary report.
Ad hoc members Provide administrative support, specialty

expertise, consulting, training, testing, or other support as

needed. System size and scope determine the size of this
QA auditor Trains team on regulatory requirements for the
system and audits the package for progress on plans and
compliance with regulations.
November 2000


members from three to one. With

turnover in the workforce, it is
only good business sense to have
more than one person understand
the software product and its CSV
package well enough to defend it
in audits and inspections. It is also
good to assign roles to people
whose jobs in the project are associated with creating key items in
the CSV packagefor example,
project manager as team leader,
quality control secretary as package manager, and software tester
as test coordinator. In this way,
package items can flow out of the
direct work activities in the project rather than being seen as
added overhead at the end. For
very small projects, the team
leader can choose to also carry
one of the other two rolesbut
not all three.
Software development
Software applications are created
using various configurations of
hardware, operating systems, networks, databases, programming
languages, design and coding
tools, graphical user interfaces
(GUIs), and testing tools. When
developing critical software applications, it is important to document this platform and to check
the application for any effects
from changes made to the development platform.
Changing a database version,
for example, may interfere with
the performance of some
database calls already programmed into the application; and
these would have to be rewritten.
Changing automated testing tool
versions may result in certain
prior test cases not executing as
expected. Moving to a new GUI
version may cancel the action of
or hide the view of certain buttons
previously programmed.
Replacing like-for-like components in a platform should not
cause problems, butas with
generic replacement of branded
drugssome unexpected variations can emerge. Installation

qualification testing should be performed on all components of the

development platform. Checklists
can be used to verify and document that all key aspects of the
installation adhere to the specifications and recommendations of
the components manufacturer
and that the component is appropriate for the development platforms configuration. The configuration
documented and changes tracked
in a configuration management
As the Documenting the SDLC
Platform box illustrates, platform
security, maintenance records,
backup and recovery logs, and the
disaster plan are to be documented in an organized way for
software development platforms.
It should always be possible to
trace the logical and physical environment used for creating critical
The escrow process is one
major difference between user
platform systems and software
development platforms. The
escrow process goes beyond the
usual archive activity to specify
that an official third party will
have secured custody of a master
copy of the firms software product. In the event that the software
supplier goes out of business, its
customers have a defined legal
right to contact the third party and
access a copy of the source code
for use in ongoing support of their
Supplier and user SLA
The service level agreement
(SLA) for a critical software system used for GCP purposes is
more than a commercial contract.
It is a commitment from both
sides for supporting the success
of the application in its operational
environment and compliance with
regulatory standards. The more
direct impact the software application has on the safety, efficacy, and
quality of subject care or the
integrity of safety and efficacy

Documenting the SDLC Platform

The software development platform must be traceable
through careful documentation.
Configuration management
logbook binder
Configuration. System components and versions of hardware,
software, languages, and tools.
Platform security. Access rights,
user privileges, software code
manager, training.
Maintenance and support records.
Change records, service visit
Backup and recovery log. Disaster
plandaily, weekly, monthly,
Archive and escrow process. Control
of master copy of software and

Computer system


SDLC platform

data in the trial, the more important is the need for an actively
managed SLA. Examples of highimpact software in GCP areas
would be software that calculates
the amount of radiation treatment
to be administered, or measures
tumor reduction on digitized X
rays, or tracks and reports serious
adverse events.
An SLA establishes the mutu-

ally agreed-upon criteria and milestones for success of the software

application during its operational
phase. It discusses the ongoing
needs for the users work process
and the suppliers ongoing needs
for providing service and support.
Both sides of any partnership
have responsibilities. If the user
group doesnt perform its half of
the job (for example, allowing

Software supplier
CSV pkg.

access and downtime for routine

maintenance), the suppliers
capacity for service and support is
diminished and the application
may be put at riskif, for example, unresolved small issues lead
to a major breakdown. Figure 4
illustrates the SLA process
between software supplier and
user team.
The number and type of topics
to be addressed in an SLA will
vary with the complexity of the
application and the extent of its
interaction with the work process.
As the GCP work process
changes, the software may have
to be adjusted with interface modifications, functional enhancements, or performance improvement. Such fixes or patch releases
then need to be retested under
change control and reissued with
relevant updates to the user training materials (release notes).
While the user team retrains
users, the supplier retrains the
help desk personnel on query resolution for the new fixes and/or
Documented control of software change on both sides of the
SLA partnership is critical, and

User team

CSV pkg.

Help desk

Work process
level agreement


Users ongoing work
and training needs

Supplier's help desk

and support needs

Fixes &


User and supplier roles

and responsibilities

Ongoing problem


resolution tracking

Software application

Software application system

Figure 4. The service level agreement (SLA) defines the ongoing partnership between the
users and the software supplier over the life of the application.

the tracking of problem resolution

activities over time is important
for analyzing trends and taking
preventive action to ward off
major system malfunctions. Regular reviews and reports of
changes, problem trends, and
continuing training efforts by the
SLA partnership to the user
teams management (business
decision group) should keep the
software application system in
robust good health for GCP compliance.
Many of the SLA discussion
points in Part 2 of this series
(GCP Validation of Platform and
Infrastructure Systems, September 2000) can be adapted to the
software supplier SLA situation. In
addition, software suppliers are
advised to closely study the sections on servicing and other relevant topics in the quality standard
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-3-1997.4
This is the latest version of the
ISO 9003 standard that has been
updated with annotations by the
American Society for Quality
(ASQ) and approved as an American National Standard. It discusses in detail what constitutes a
strong quality assurance program
for software development and support in a reputable software company for any marketplace.
It is important for all parties to
remember that the goal of the SLA
is the successful operation over
time of the software application in
the GCP work process. SLA success is measured by its
controlled, reliable handling of
GCP data in clinical research.
protection of the system user
and/or clinical subject from
any hazard due to system operations.
preservation of the integrity of
GCP data throughout its collection, processing, storage, and
retrieval by the software application in the work process.
Part 4 will conclude this series
with a look at the role of quality
assurance professionals in computer validation and the preparation and maintenance of all three

November 2000

Software supplier's verification goals

Management control
Controlled software
development process
using computerized tools

System reliability
Consistent, intended
performance of
software product

Data integrity
Secure, accurate code
that is traceable to
product design specs

Auditable quality
Documented evidence for
control and quality of
product and process

ACT Online
ACTs Web presence continues to grow and change. New
items are posted frequently!

Validation series
Look for the current validation series online, along with Teri
Stokes' earlier series on validating GCP computer systems at
investigator sites.

Monitoring forms
Wendy Bohaychuks and Graham Balls monitoring reports are
available for download.

IT directory
Find IT solutions for your trials with up-to-date information from
our 2000 directorynow online.

CSV packages described in the

series. To be or not to be involved
is the QA question. How to be
involved will be the series answer.
1. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Standard
Glossary of Software Engineering
Terminology, Standard 610.12-1990
(IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1991).
2. Teri Stokes, Computer Systems
Validation, Part 4: Operating GCP

November 2000


Systems at Investigator Sites,

Applied Clinical Trials, April 1997,
5460 (available at http://
3. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Standard
for Software Verification and Validation Plans, Standard 1012-1986
(IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1993), pp.
4. American Society for Quality, Quality Management and Quality Assur-

The new and improved glossary of clinical trials terminology and
helpful acronym directory are also on the site.

See whats new today at

ance StandardsPart 3: Guidelines for the Application of
ANSI/ISO/ASQC Q9001-1994 to
the Development, Supply, Onstallation and Maintenance of Computer
Software (Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI, 1997; available for purchase at

Teri Stokes, PhD, is senior consultant and director, GXP International, 131 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742, (978) 287-4393,
fax (978) 369-5620.

Technology Update
Validating Computer Systems, Part 4

The QA Role in Computer

Teri Stokes

QA staff members
can help develop a
system validation
policy and SOPs
that meet
standards for GCP
computer systems.

uality assurance professionals have important roles to play in

computer validation
workroles that do
not require them to be technology
experts. The QA role in computer
validation is to assess and support
the quality practices surrounding
the computerized system during
its development, installation, and
use in a GCP work process. The
QA focus is not on the details of
technology, but on the documented evidence used to prove to
an inspector that the GCP system
is under management control,
that it reliably operates as
expected, that it protects the
integrity of electronic data during
handling, and that its quality is
February 2001


The first three articles in this

series describe the creation of
computer system validation packages for user acceptance of a software application, IT/IS validation
of a platform infrastructure, and
the software suppliers verification of software development.
This fourth, and final, article in
the series discusses the quality
assurance role in the process,
including package audits and system inspections.
Quality rolesQA and QC
Quality professionals must be
careful to structure their involvement in validation activities so that
their participation is appropriate
for the role they intend to play. As
quality assurance (QA) professionals, they can lead the effort to
develop a computerized system
validation (CSV) policy for their
organization. They can develop
general standard operating procedures (SOPs) for conducting computer validation activities under
the CSV policy. They can support
line managers in developing and
administering a systems QA plan
for implementing the CSV policy
in their own regulated area. They
can instruct system teams in the
SOPs for validation and audit CSV
packages for their compliance to
policy, SOPs, regulations, and validation plan directives. QA personnel can also audit internal and
external suppliers for a CSV package. In the end, QA can host regulatory inspections that include
review of CSV packages.

When quality professionals

participate on the actual CSV
package team as package manager, test coordinator, or site QC,
they perform a quality control
(QC) function for the CSV package and are not eligible to audit
the same CSV package. In the act
of building quality into the CSV
package, quality professionals can
be very helpful on the package
team with the writing of user
SOPs and system SOPs to company standards. They can audit
internal and external suppliers for
a CSV package. Before testing,
quality professionals can check
the test documentation for its
compliance with standards and
completeness of coverage for all
test cases described in the test
plan. They can play a witness role
for formal testing and/or review
the test records right after testing.
As the package QC personnel,
however, the same quality professionals cannot provide the QA signature or make a QA audit for the
validation plan or validation package summary report, because
they are no longer independent of
the CSV package effort.
QA and CSV policy
The corporate director of quality
assurance joins the chief executive
officer, chief information officer,
and vice presidents of regulated
areas (research, development,
manufacturing) as a member of
the senior management team that
sponsors development of a (CSV)
policy for the organization. It is

important that QA not write the

policy by itself, because then people in line functions will lack the
sense of ownership in the policy, and that is where resources
must be committed to achieve
The goal of QA in this policy
effort is to integrate computer validation practices into the normal

CSV computerized system
EU European Union
GCP good clinical practice
GLP good laboratory
GMP good manufacturing
GXP good [pharmaceutical]
IEEE The Institute of
Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
ISO International
Organization for
MHW Ministry of Health and
Welfare, Japan
MVP master validation plan
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
SDLC software development
life cycle
SLA service level agreement
SOP standard operating
SQAP systems quality
assurance plan

(EU, FDA, MHW, ISO, IEEE . . .)
CSV policy
(Senior management)

General CSV SOPs

Local SOPs
Work process

project's CSV


SQAP for
GXP area systems

Software project MVP

Users CSV

Package plan

Per system


System SOPs

User SOPs
CSV package summary report

Figure 1. The policy framework for users CSV documents. Senior management uses the CSV
policy to translate regulatory directives and external standards into the local corporate culture
and to establish the companys standard approach to CSV documentation.
business activities of regulated
work processes just as GCP, GLP,
and GMP process validation have
been integrated into regulated
business areas. As shown in Figure 1, senior management uses
the CSV policy to translate regulatory directives and external standards into the local corporate culture and to establish a standard
approach to CSV documentation
across the organization for software development projects, user
applications, and platform infrastructure systems.
QA further supports the policy
team by helping to write general
standard operating procedures
(SOPs) for performing CSV work
consistently across the organization. Such SOPs reduce redundant efforts per system and make
it easier to train system teams
how to keep their computerized
process in compliance. Some
basic topics for general SOPs
CSV package development,
package team roles and responsibilities, and documentation
formal testing practices, types
of testing, and testing documentation.
system change control practices and ongoing testing.
managements rolethe busi2

ness decision group and area

systems QA plan.
audit and inspection response
for computerized systems.
QA and systems QA plans
In each GXP-regulated (GCP/
GLP/GMP/e-records) area, the
local QA organization should participate on the team of area managers that develops a business
strategy for addressing compliance to the CSV policy for systems
in their area. The systems QA plan
(SQAP) is the document used by
functional line managers to apply
the CSV policy directives to area

systems in a way that is integrated

into local business and system
knowledge.1 For example, the
clinical research area is subject to
GCP system compliance and must
harmonize its CSV resources
across the departments of clinical
data management and biostatistics, and with the system in pharmacovigilance for data management and reporting of serious
adverse events.
The SQAP for GCP systems
also has to consider the CSV
implications for its various external suppliers of GCP data, such as
investigator sites, CROs, central

laboratories, and subjects electronic diaries. Since clinical studies are usually conducted on a
global basis, the harmonization
and CSV control of worldwide
applications, databases, platforms,
and network communications
broaden the scope of the SQAP
considerations. Management control and the mandate of due diligence for the accuracy of GCP
data in this new century have
moved beyond people and paper
to the electronic process itself.
Clinical QAs support of management in developing and administering a SQAP for GCP systems is
the most direct way to address
business control of electronic process quality and achieve documented evidence of managements due diligence for audits
and inspections.
QA as trainers
Corporate and area QA professionals are a logical choice for
instructing system users and CSV
package teams about the content
of the CSV policy, general CSV
SOPs, and the regulations related
to the specific system area and
type of technology being used
(such as electronic signatures). A
well-trained organization will be
able to conduct CSV work more
efficiently. When users understand the reasons and methods

(Corporate HQ, FDA, EU, ISO, IEEE . . .)
CSV policy
(Company management)

General SOPs
General SOPs

Software engineer &
project management

Project MVP

Software project's SDLC

Verification package

Corporate QA



CSV package

Figure 2. The software suppliers quality management system. A team that audits a software
supplier can use the ANSI/ISO/ASQ quality standard (Q9000-3-1997) as a guide when examining this system.

behind CSV workas explained

in the CSV policy and general CSV
SOPsthey will be able to better
understand its benefits and fulfill
their role in keeping a GCP system in compliance throughout its
whole life cycle.2
This same knowledge helps
IT/IS organizations better organize their approach to regulated
platforms and ongoing preparation for audits and inspections. 3
Such training can also help internal suppliers of custom programs
to understand the benefits of reliability and data integrity that come
with good development practices.4
Current and new members of the
QA organization itself can benefit
from a program to train the trainers on the CSV policy and general
QA audits of system
When a user group is selecting a
GCP software application or
preparing a CSV package, QA is
usually asked to perform a supplier audit. QA professionals are
often concerned about their ability to audit computer technology
vendors, because their background is not in computers. It is
important for them to remember
that they are going to examine the
suppliers quality management
system, so their audit team should
include an IT/IS representative to
look at the technology practices
and a user group representative to
discuss the products fit with the
groups work process. QA should
not be expected to carry the full
audit burden alone.
Figure 2 shows a view of the
suppliers quality management
system with key items to examine
during the audit. QA auditors can
use the ANSI/ISO/ASQ quality
standard (Q9000-3-1997) as a
guide for specific concerns. In
general, however, auditors are
advised to look for
a corporate policy on building
quality into software to meet
the needs of regulated clients.
general SOPs for customer
February 2001


QUALITY reference documents

International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland,

ISO-9000-3:1997 Quality management and quality assurance standardsPart 3: Guidelines for the
application of ISO 9001:1994 to the
development, supply, installation and
maintenance of software

Good description of quality items for service level agreement

(SLA) contracts and for quality systems in software supplier
organizations. Requires independence of auditors from the
product or process audited.

American Society for Quality, Milwaukie, WI, USA,

ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-3-1997
Quality management and quality
assurance standardsPart 3: Guidelines for the application of ANSI/ISO/
ASQC Q9001-1994 to the development, supply, installation and
maintenance of computer software

Same good description as in ISO 9000-3, but with enhanced

discussions of many points. The extra detail is very useful.
Calls for independence of auditors from the product or
process audited.

U.S. FDA Rockville, MD, USA, www.

21 CFR 820Quality System


Directly applied to and mandatory for medical device manufacturers, but still a good regulatory view of expected components in a strong quality system. Requires independence of
auditors from the product or process audited.

21 CFR 11Electronic Records;

Electronic Signatures; Final Rule

Section 11.10 gives validation concerns in brief, and

Subpart C addresses electronic signatures.

Guidance for IndustryGeneral

Principles of Software Validation

In-depth discussion of validation practices for medical device

software. Useful to assess regulated software applications
generally. Requires independence of auditors from the
product or process audited.

Guidance for IndustryComputerized

Systems Used in Clinical Trials

Describes the basic computer quality principles endorsed by

sites and applicable to sponsor systems as well as to CROs,
central laboratories, and other end-user application systems.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA,

IEEE Std. 1062-1993

Recommended Practice for
Software Acquisition

This international standard includes a number of useful

checklists for evaluating software suppliers during the purchase process.

IEEE Std. 1028-1988 for Software

Reviews and Audits

Describes a variety of audit types and the audit process

and gives a standard structure for audit reports. Calls for
independence of auditors from the product or process

support, disaster recovery with

escrow protection, and producing user training materials.
a standard approach to producing a package of quality documentation during the software
development life cycle (SDLC).
standard practices for documenting software engineering
an independent QA structure
within the suppliers organization.
logs for internal audit reports
performed by the suppliers
QA group.
documented control (configuration management) of the platform system and software tools

used during product development.

QA professionals can study and
use several industry and regulatory standards to develop more
specific points for auditing a computer technology supplier either
internal or external to the auditors organization (see Quality
Reference Documents box).
Any supplier to the pharmaceutical industry should know that
regulations such as good clinical
practice (GCP) and 21 CFR 11 for
electronic records and electronic
signatures apply to computerized
systems. The supplier should be
able to discuss how the company
has applied the principles of these

regulations to its product design

and development.
The description of the software
suppliers CSV package in part 3 of
this series can be used as another
guide to the type of documented
evidence that should be in place
for a software supplier.4 Often, the
key challenge for QA auditors is to
find the same level of compliance
in their own companys internal
software organization as they see
at external suppliers. The standards of performance should be
the same for internal groups developing software for regulated environments. When it comes to GCP
compliance, internally developed
software has to be audited to just

QA Audit Questions
The QA audit of any CSV package should include at least
the following questions:
How do this system and this CSV package fit into the organizations strategy for GCP compliance? The validation plan
should state its relationship to the CSV policy, general
CSV SOPs, local systems QA plan, and GCP regulations.
Any team member should also be able to articulate this
What is the content of the CSV package and how does each item
relate to the GCP quality of the computerized system? The validation task list should match policy and SOP requirements for a CSV package of its typeapplication user,
platform system, or software development. Each item
should address one or more of the followingmanagement control of the system, system reliability, protection
of data integrity during electronic handling, and/or
auditability of the system.
Have all the tasks in the validation plan and the test plan been
completed according to their planned status for the day of the
audit? If not, why not? When package teams are not given

sufficient time and resources to perform needed work, it

is important that QA provides an independent audit view
of the situation so that management can decide to
accept a delayed go-live of the system or add more
resources to finish on time. The degree to which test
cases and test script documentation have been prepared under an approved test plan is a good indicator of
a teams progress to plan.
What is the testing strategy for this system at start-up and ongoing? How well do test cases and test scripts address the real
work process using the system? How do they relate to the system
requirements? The test plan should give a coherent

description of how the system is to be tested. It should

include a traceability matrix between the system requirements, the test case descriptions, and the test scripts
as high a quality standard as software from external sources.
QA audits of CSV
package teams
When a user group is validating a
major system, it is helpful for QA
to audit the CSV package twice.
Because large project CSV packages usually take 1214 weeks to
complete, the first audit should
occur at 67 weeksor halfway
through the package process. The
focus of this midway audit is to
ensure that the validation plan, test
plan, and general approach of the
package team are sufficiently rigorous to meet policy, SOP, and regulatory requirements. This first
audit also provides a checkpoint
for the team to prepare its best
effort, see how it is performing to

project schedules, and identify any

major issues or concerns arising
that could prevent compliance or
delay the go-live schedule of the
system. QAs audit report to the
system sponsor then becomes a
midstream assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the system teams CSV package effort.
The second QA audit of the
CSV package should be performed at the end, just after the
CSV package summar y report
has been written and before it
goes to the system sponsor for
approval. This last audit should
be used to provide the CSV package team with a practice inspection response experience. It is
the teams opportunity to present
and defend its package and it is
QAs opportunity to make a seri-

used for system testing. Both normal and problem data

and system stress situations should be included in testing. The rule of three should be applied to show consistent performance across three examples of system
use. There should be a test script document for every
test described in the test case description. When automated testing tools are used, reports should be generated to show how the system was tested and how the
tests are traced back to system requirements.
Where is the system description? How are changes to the system
being documented? How are problems with the system being
reported, addressed, and recorded? The configuration man-

agement log binder should have documents and forms

to answer these questions.
What happened during testing and during the whole CSV effort?
How does the team support its final conclusion about the GCP
status of the system? At the final audit of the package,

there should be a summary report for every plan in the

CSV package. A summary report should identify its
related plan and describe the strategy of the activities
performed, the size and scope of the effort, the problems encountered and their resolution, any deviations
from the related plan, the results of the effort, and a
judgment made on the quality of the outcome with a recommendation to management for approval or other
action with the system.
What plans does the team have for disaster recovery of the computerized system? Have they been exercised? If an external
disaster recovery service is to be used, there should be
a record confirming the continued existence of this supplier and of its preparedness to support the system. The
user requirements for disaster recovery should be documented to include the user procedure for checking the
data integrity and data management operations of the
system once recovered.
ous assessment of the systems
ability to pass regulatory inspection. It is also a good time to make
any suggestions for improvement
needed to ensure that ongoing
change control, user support, and
supplier service level agreement
(SLA) practices are in place to
keep the system compliant during
its use in the work process. The
system sponsor receives an unbiased evaluation of the inspectionreadiness of the package and the
system, and the audit report
becomes QAs contribution to the
CSV package.
Depending on the size and
scope of the platform system and
the experience of the CSV package team, QA may conduct one or
two audits of the IT/IS platform
CSV package. When multiple GCP

applications are being put on the

same server platform configuration, common sense dictates a full
CSV package for the first application with QA auditsthen minor
efforts to address any changes for
the rest. The QA involvement is
also reduced in proportion to a
change control audit. The QA
Audit Questions box lists some
basic questions and expected
responses for any CSV package.
An excellent description of the
audit process can be found in section 8 of the IEEE standard 10281988 for Software Reviews and
Audits (see Quality Reference
Documents box). That standard
explains how to plan, prepare,
conduct, and report an audit (key
points are shown in the CSV Audit
Report box).

February 2001

CSV Audit Reporta

Inspection Checklist

Audit identification. Report title, audited organization,

auditing organization, date of audit.
Scope. Scope of the audit including types of items
audited, standards used, auditing practices, and metrics
for decisions.
Conclusions. A summary and interpretation of the audit findings including the key items of nonconformance. This is
an executive summary of the bottom line" for the audit.
Synopsis. A listing of all the audited elements and their
associated findings. This can be concisely done using a
table format.
Follow-up. The type and timing of audit follow-up activities
for example, expected written responses or further audits.
Additionally, when applicable, recommendations can be
reported to the audited organization or the group that initiated the audit. Recommendations are reported separately
from results.

Dos for QA audits

Check CSV packages
for match of package
summary report to
tasks in validation


Review test plans and

test summary reports.
Check backup tapes,
system logs, training
records, SOPs.
Check sponsors control of system for ongoing GXP use.
Train teams with internal audits of CSV

Donts for package

Do not meet inspectors unless QA is present.
Do not re-create missing documents, lie, or
argue issues with
Do not volunteer war
stories about fixing
the system.
Share only the log of
prior audits.
Do not give system
access to auditors or

on IEEE Std. 1028-1988 for Software Reviews and Audits

QA hosts regulatory
Corporate QA in a GCP-regulated
company or service provider usually has a standard procedure for
hosting a regulatory inspection
it should be followed for computer
audits and inspections as well (see
Figure 3).
QA manages the logistics of
the inspectors workspace, interview schedule, and documentation review. The inspection visit
starts with the QA host asking
participants to complete the form
for an audit/inspection log (reference the audit log example) and
notifying the respective user and
platform CSV package teams.

Sponsor responds to inspection

report. It is usually the QA host

who tracks down answers to

inspection concerns and writes a
formal response.
Every audit report with findings should have a written
response. For internal QA audit
reports with findings, the system
team responds in writing to QA
and the system sponsor. For
inspections, the QA host collects
responses from participants and
prepares a written report for the
company to send to the authority.
When QA audits a supplier, it
should request a written response
to critical findings from the sup-

pliers organization through its

QA department. Follow-up audits
and inspections may then check
on how the replies have been
The Inspection Checklist box
shows some general guidelines
for QA auditors and package
teams having an inspection. The
inspector sees only what you have
documented. Remember that you
get credit only for those quality
practices for which you can present documented evidence that
supports their existence. As noted
in the list, auditors can use internal package audits as training to
prepare package teams to present

and defend their documented evidence during an inspection. The

package team also must protect
system security and recognize
that auditors and inspectors are
not authorized to use a GCP system. An auditor or inspector who
asks to see database material can
watch an authorized user query
the database and make a printout.
If the inspector and the package team have a difference of
opinion about the system, it is
very important to avoid arguing
with the inspector. A polite statement of the package approach and
an expression of willingness to
consider the new information are

Team presents CSV package.

The CSV package team then presents its documented evidence

for the quality of the GCP system
to the inspectors and answers
any queries about the system.
Inspectors query CSV package.

The inspectors review the package and write an inspection report.

Sponsor receives inspection
report. For U.S. FDA inspectors,

the visit report is on a Form 483

that is presented to management
(system sponsor) at an exit meeting. The regulatory authority
expects a written response to any
critical issues raised in the inspectors report.
February 2001



Quality assurance
QA hosts
inspection visit

CSV package
Team presents
CSV package and
answers queries

Inspectors query
CSV package
and write
inspection report

System sponsor

Quality assurance

Sponsor receives
inspection report
(FDA form 483)

QA prepares a
formal response

Team leader
Package manager
Test coordinator

Figure 3. An inspection response model. The QA team hosts the inspection visit and prepares
the formal response to the findings.

Audit and Inspection Log

Audit and Inspection Log

Date of audit/inspection:


Documents copied for reference of auditor/inspector

This is an audit (yes/no) ________ or an inspection (yes/no) ________.

Reason for audit/inspection:
Company initiated (yes/no): ________

Authority initiated (yes/no): ________

Internal QA (yes/no): ________

Pre-approval (yes/no): ________

Follow-up to prior audit (yes/no): ________

For cause (yes/no): ________

Other (specify):

Name(s) & organization(s) of audit/inspection team:

Signature(s) and date:

Site host for audit/inspection:

(Signature) ________________________________________

Date: ____________

Summary report in company confidential file (yes/no): ________

Document ID for initial report: _________________
Document ID for follow-up report: _________________

Interviewee name & title


sufficient. (This has been our

approach, but we are always looking to improve it.)
Although it is not permissible
to re-create a missing document, a
clearly labeled history of the
system is allowable, and can document known experiences by a person in a position to witness such
experiences. The author should
sign and date it as a current history document and provide credentials that indicate the author is
a relevant and credible witness to
the information it contains.

No evidence = no credit
System description
System and data security
Training and SOPs
Change control
System testing
Service and support
Logs and records
Backup and recovery


Quality control of the

CSV package
A quality professional who participates on a CSV package team can
make a valuable quality control
contribution by examining documents as they are produced to
ensure the audit- and inspectionreadiness of the package as it is
being developed. When a quality
professional is not available to
make a QC check of the package,
it is the package manager who performs the quality control role for
all documentation as it is prepared.

Platform(s) Application(s)
Sponsors global system

Platform(s) Application(s)
Central lab/CRO/site systems

Figure 4. Audit and inspection topics of interest. Any computerized system handling GCP data requires these areas.

The quality professional working as QC on one system CSV

package can be QA auditor for a
different systems CSV package in
the same company or can be QA
auditor at any supplier site. This
concept of independence from
auditing ones own work is
described in many regulatory and
standards documents and must be
followed for CSV work (see Quality Reference Documents).
For global systems used by
multiple sites, it is important to
include the local QA organization
as site QC on the extended package team to ensure that systemrelated SOPs, test cases, and test
scripts appropriately reflect regulatory requirements and work
processes at its site. The SOPs,
work instructions, and other documented evidence for inspection
topics noted in Figure 4 can have
variations depending on location
and the way user groups at that
site operate the system in their
work process.
For computerized systems
used in clinical trials, auditors and
inspectors can look at systems
used in sponsor sites and external
suppliers to the trial such as laboratories, CROs, and investigator
sites. As the conduct of clinical trials has become more technologyintensive, the concern for
auditable quality of electronic data
has produced more regulatory
guidance. Figure 4 identifies the
areas for which documented evidence is needed at any location
using a computerized system to
handle GCP data. The FDA has
stated its basic concern for

auditable system quality this way:

Persons using the data from computerized systems should have
confidence that the data are no
less reliable than data in paper
QA success in validation
The first computer validation goal
of the QA role is to ensure the
quality of electronic data, records,
and systems related to the safety,
efficacy, and quality of work processes and regulated products.
The second goal is to pass audits
and inspections on the first visit.
The CSV activities for quality professionals described in this article
are designed to achieve both
The four parts of this series can
be read as a suite of material that
fits together as a practical view of
CSV work. The material in this
series is based on more than 10
years of hands-on consulting
experience with CSV projects
large and small in sponsor firms
and supplier organizations around
the world. The practices in this
series have focused on GCP, but
are equally applicable to and have
been used for GLP, GMP, and erecords projects as well as by
technology and service suppliers
to such projects.
As discussed in part 6 of the
19961997 series of articles on
computer validation audits and
inspections, good CSV work is all
about taking pride in your system
and its ability to support your
work process. Passing audits and
inspections is just a by-product of
that pride in system perforAPPLIED CLINICAL TRIALS

February 2001

Management control
Controlled GXP work
process using computerized

Data integrity
Secure, accurate, and
attributable data protected
from corruption

System reliability
Consistent, intended
performance of
local and remote
computer systems

Auditable quality
Documented evidence for
control and quality of
e-records and e-systems

Figure 5. Auditor and inspector goals for GXP systems.

mance.6 The auditor/inspector
goals shown in Figure 5 are also
good business goals for the QA
department, for senior management, and for the CSV policy.
1. Teri Stokes, Computer Systems Validation, Part 4: Operating GCP Systems at Investigator Sites, Applied
Clinical Trials, April 1997, 5460
(available at www.pharmaportal.
com/articles/ stokes.cfm).

February 2001


2. Teri Stokes, Validating Computer

Systems, Part 1: A GCP Computer
System Is a Lifetime Responsibility, Applied Clinical Trials, August
2000, 3843 (available at www.
3. Teri Stokes, Validating Computer
Systems, Part 2: GCP Validation of
Platform and Infrastructure Systems, Applied Clinical Trials,
September 2000, 5566 (available at
4. Teri Stokes, Validating Computer

Systems, Part 3: GCP Software

Verification, Applied Clinical Trials, November 2000, 4858 (available at
5. Food and Drug Administration,
Guidance for Industry: Computerized Systems Used in Clinical Trials (FDA, Rockville, MD, April
6. Teri Stokes, Computer Systems
Validation, Part 6: A Survive and
Thrive Approach to Audits and

Inspections, Applied Clinical

Trials, August 1997, 4044 (available at

Teri Stokes, PhD, is senior consultant and director of GXP International, 131 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742, (978) 287-4393,
fax (978) 369-5620.

ACT Online Articles

Teri Stokess six-part series on validating GCP computer systems at investigator sites can be found
online (
Youll also find her current four-part series on validating computer systemsalong with other articles and
columns from past issues of Applied Clinical Trials.
Visit ACT today at

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