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Lesson Plan Day: MTW(@F Date: 15 time:_110 Year: _Z. _Learning Area: English | topie:_Liteucy — Proced wre Curriculum content description: (‘rom acaRs\ F ae Coleen x peabe es and information, inchading inutucbons | ACELY 4. Geel Se rates au Taridclhers* iseas-tn deoasiens, Students’ prior knowledge and experience: | utine what he students aeady know about histopic) The students have Gn Aaderslordng | Procedures and the larguane Used Tr proce dures. | 7 help shwenb te understand Procedure orifing ning objectives: Evaluation: | On completion of this lesson, students will be | (Explain how you will now that lesson objective have able to: been achieved / monitor student learning) (What will stuclents know and be able to do at the i Sas 4 Har firihed completion of the lesson ~ specifi, concise anc se Ri Products f the imege created, ae © and te diccoce difficathes *9 fen Understanding e Preparation and Resources: (Detail what resources will be used ond what ather prevaration of she learning environment will be required) Alter tht intreduction on te mit, the childnen Lit) qo back by Hein | = chek ent cable the taal papers handed out y [HAT sheaeat> ill Men ViShen FP, ard dra (eal He instrvehons 9) wen be Here. | ‘Wurach University Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments) We catered For diversity by tasucry the Skin. was Cloured geen 1 aveld rreiql der! aahien . Unc albgdOsed Ceelat and: pacitien Retruallans by “enter Ae He slower readers ond dravers. “Warcioch University F Timing: D eniaubts Sines Boninated Learning Experienc 1. Introduction: (How will | engage the learners?) | Le Last Hredece he shident fo AM acuity and explain hat We wi do, 2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and activities wll the students be involved in to help achieve the learning objectives?) Lise Lin Pith wtroduce tle shufeats te the actuity Then ve Lill chotse one shiteat at ag fee fe come vp fad give Hem Instrvctiens fo Clos: | = WE sit then pale de shients up and hand out action cards ond gek one student be read the Cord, eng the otle- be act out fhe Sees of tle action eg. brushing your teeth. | ~ The dhudenb vill then gy buck fe their desks and get thir Prrcil, eleurs and paper ready. ~ Ge eat verbally give an instruction, and usrite the lastvehon on | the board. = After stl insteuctlagemtons fi WM a “Gree Arvind of brckgrmnd. ished, thy shoenb lt Bash | 3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you surnmarise the learning and relate it to the lesson objectives?) Ut GIN ceeclute fe Masog aakina Wa cle tone | Jueshons such at “Ohad cos €a5y?", venkat war diffielt 2” fie “WO as sow pichre the same aS your friends 7” flaurciach University Lesson Evaluation: (Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?) L Wink the lersen went well. All He shident Parheipated | and completed the activity comectly. | abe sercees fully Aemonsteted Dein cur Management with ove student , hey | distmchen suey Com ber, with te mentor teacher previsny fey choice. Next bee ( Wi ensure the children are filing | lens, making the classroom asre— fe cortrl. | Murdoch University 7

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