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Name: ________________________________________

First Day of School

Directions: Read the story below.
Write numbers to order the sentences correctly.

Frankie was excited about his first day in school. The night before, he chose a blue shirt
and brown pants to wear and laid them on a chair. In his backpack, he placed his new
pencil box with his markers, crayons, and pencils. Frankie left a note for his mom to
make him peanut butter and jelly for lunch. After brushing his teeth, he set his alarm
for 6:00 a.m. and climbed into bed. Frankie lay still for an hour wondering about the
next day. Finally, his eyes shut and he fell asleep, with a smile on his face.
He placed his pencil box into his backpack.

His alarm was set and Frankie climbed into bed.


Frankie was excited about his rst day of school.


He laid out his shirt and pants for school.


Frankie left a note for his mom to make him lunch.


Frankie lay still wondering, then nally fell asleep.


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