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thi hc phn:
Ng m v m v
Hc k :I 2008_2009
Thi gian: 60 pht
1. How are English pure vowels classified?
Illustrate your answer with example.(2 points)
2. What is assimilation? Give example. (2 points)
3. What are the similarities and differences between the English vowels and Vietnamese
vowels?(2 points)
4. Transcribe the following conversation, mark the stressed segments and divide it into
rhythm unit.
Nam: where do you live, Hoa?
Hoa:I live at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
Nam: How far is it from your house to school?
Hoa:It's not far - about one kilometer.
Nam: How do you go to school?
Hoa: I go to school by bike.
------------------- The end------------------

thi hc phn:

Mn: Phng Php Ging Dy

Hc k: II Nm hc: 2008-2009
------------------------1. What is information gap? How do you apply this term in your teaching?
2. Present the principles for the teaching of vocabulary.
3. Create a lead-in and a communicative activity to teach the following grammatical points:
in spite of and because of.
4. Present the steps of teaching the following sound:/p/, /b/
5. Decribe the best technique you use to teach the following words: lazy, elbow, noisy,
impossible, absent.

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