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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 15, 2015 Each year on September 17,
Constitution Day is celebrated to commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787.
In 2004, Congress mandated that all federally funded educational institutions provide educational
programming on the history of the Constitution on that day.
Last year, the Judiciary of Guam launched its inaugural Constitution Day outreach event,
sending its attorneys and judicial officers to teach a lesson on the Bill of Rights to hundreds of 8th grade
students at four of the islands public middle schools. The program was well-received by students and
teachers alike, solidifying the Judiciarys resolve to make it an annual event.
With expanded interest in this years program, on September 17, 2015, the Judiciary will again
be presenting to 8th graders at five public middle schools, focusing on the 2015 Constitution Day theme,
Citizenship and the Constitution. This years theme provides an opportunity for students to reflect on
the U.S. Constitution and the role that they as citizens play in bringing to life the cherished principles
enshrined by this great document. This outreach event is one of the many ways the Judiciary provides
law-related education to the islands youth, furthering the Judiciarys goals of increasing public
understanding of the rule of law and fostering civic-mindedness in our future leaders.
For more information, please contact Erica Eschbach at 475-3395.

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