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The Six Signposts

For reading non-fiction...

Again and Again

Again and Again

"Events, images, or particular words that
recur over a portion of the novel".

Again and Again Clues

Repeated words

Red hat, green
So it goes

Repeated images

light, etc

Dr. T.J. Eckleburgs eyes

Valley of Ashes

Again and Again Questions

Why might the author bring this up again
and again?

Memory Moment

Memory Moment
A recollection by a character that
interrupts the forward progress of the

Memory Moment Clues

To the last time something happened to
To another character
Explanations of the past
When I was a child
Last summer

Memory Moment Questions

Why might this memory be important?

Contrasts and Contradictions

Contrasts and Contradictions

A sharp contrast between what we would
expect and what we observe the
character doing; behavior that contradicts
the previous behavior or well-established

Contrasts and Contradictions Clues

Scenario: Susie talks to Kelly about liking
Johnny. When Susie talks to Johnny, she thinks
hes gross. She is acting differently than how
we know she feels.
Scenario: Peter hates broccoli. He eats dinner
at Sallys house and eats broccoli when her
mom puts it on his plate. He is pretending so
he can make a good impression.

Contrasts and Contradictions Qs

Why would a character act or feel this

Aha Moment

Aha Moment
A characters realization of something that
shifts his actions or understanding of
himself, others, or the world around him.

Aha Moment Clues

Suddenly I understood
It came to me in a flash
The realization hit me like a ton of
In an instant I knew

Aha Moment Questions

How might this change things?

Tough Questions

Tough Questions
Questions a character raises that reveal
his or her inner struggle.

Tough Questions Clues

What could I possibly do..?
I couldnt imagine how to cope with
How could I ever understand why
Never had I been so confused about

Tough Questions Questions

What does this questions make me

Words of the Wiser

Words of the Wiser

The advice or insight of a wiser character,
who is usually older, offers about life to
the main character.

Words of the Wiser Clues

Advice comes at a difficult time

Advice helps to solve a problem
Wisdom during a difficult situation
Provides a moment of clarity

Words of the Wiser Questions

Whats the life lesson and how might it
help the character?

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