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Downsell Primary School

Year 3 Newsletter Autumn Term

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the year 3 Newsletter for the Autumn term. We hope you had
an enjoyable summer. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive
time together.

Year 3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Class 10: Miss Memeti
Mrs Mehta (TA)
Class 11: Miss Baird
Ms Abdi (TA)
Class 12: Mr Rogers
Ms Hylton and Mrs Butt (TA)

Topics This Term

Literacy: Familiar settings, report writing, poetry and adventure stories

Numeracy: Place value, addition and subtraction, geometry, statistics,

multiplication and division, fractions and measurements.

Geography: Weather around the world

Music: Voice and percuss and voice

Science: Animals, including humans.

Art: Journeys

Religious Education: Sikhism

Enabling Enterprise: Mange tout

P.E./P.E. Kit
P.E takes place on Tuesday afternoon; please make sure your child has blue/black
shorts or jogging bottoms, a white T shirt and black plimsolls. Please add their name
to the inside labels so we do not lose garments during changing. Your child will need
a bag to carry their kit and hold their uniform when they have changed for P.E.
Homework is based on tasks the children have been working on during the week. If
you need advice on helping your child for their homework, please contact your
teacher. Homework is usually set at the end of the week, but occasionally a short
activity might be given, which links to the following days work.
When spelling is set, the pupils will be tested on it. Please ensure that your child
practises any spelling they are given and learn to use them. There is a timetable for
the Home School reading. Please write comments in their reading diaries concerning
your childs reading at home. We will continue to use My Maths Online for homework
alongside curriculum activities which we have been focusing on in class.
Reading/Library Books
Please encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes a day and
write comments in their reading record books. Ensure all books are
kept in the book bag and that they are returned to school weekly. All
library books must be returned on time and we would like to remind
you that damaged books will incur a fine, usually the full cost of the
Class 10: Wednesday

Class 11: Monday

Class 12: Friday

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Memeti
Class 10

Miss Baird
Class 11

Mr Rogers
Class 12

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