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Review RPB class 1. Total 10 questions in 12 minutes.

1) A volatile mixture of liquid hydrocarbons generally containing small amount of

additives suitable for use as a fuel in a spark-ignition internal combustion engine
=> Gasoline.

(pages 5).

2) Gas phase hydrocarbons, mainly C3, C4

=> LPG.

(pages 5).

3) Blending method require orifice meters must more accuracy :

=> Continous in-line blending.

(pages 10)

4) When products can be transported directly to a pipeline or bulk transport, such

as tankers, which blending method is economically more attractive than the batch
=> Continous in-line blending.

(pages 11)

5) Blending problem: gasoline specifications tendency.

=> Minimum RON & MON

(learn by heart, pages 17).

6) Additives like antioxidants, metal deactivators and stabilizers help in

maintaining the quality of the fuels during:
=> Two of these (storage & transportation).

(pages 17)

7) Same carbon numbers, which is the highest ON?

=> Aromatic

(pages 21).

8) Octane number of n-heptane

=> 0

(pages 21)

9) Volatility is characterized by:

=> Two of these (RVP & Distillation curve).

(pages 24)

10) Which sentence bellow is true:

=> Two of these. (Cetane index (density&mid-boiling point); Diesel index (density
& aniline point)).

(pages 30)

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