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An establishing shot is usually the

first shot of a new scene; it is

designed to show the audience
where the action is taking place.


There will be very little detail

visible in the shot, as it is meant
to give a general impression
rather than specific information.
This shot shows the audience the
object or human in life size form.

Extreme Long

When referring to a person, a long

shot means they take up almost the
full frame height. This lets the
audience see the full image of the
person from their facial expression
to what shoes their wearing.

Long shot

The medium shot shows some part of

the subject in more detail, whilst still
showing enough for the audience to
feel as if they were looking at the
whole subject. The medium shot
allows room for hand gestures and
movement. The audience would see
the person the same when having a
conversation with them because they
look at the top half of the person.

Medium shot

A close up shot is where the persons

face takes up most of the frame; it
allows the audience to see the
characters facial expressions which
convey emotions. The audience are
drawn into the characters personal
space and shares their feelings.

Close up

This shot normally shows just a

specific part of the face which tends
to be the eyes. It calls attention to
the subject making them more
memorable visually. This shot is
designed to make the audience
enter that characters personal
space. You look at them from a
different perspective.

Extreme close up

This shot is framed from behind a

person who is looking at the subject.
The person looking at the subject
should normally occupy 1/3 of the
frame. This shot helps to establish
the positions of the two subjects and
get the feel of looking at one subject
from the other ones point of view.

Over the shoulder


This shot is mostly used in western

films as it captures the main
character with a detailed background
to give effect. The audience can see
the characters situation and where
they are. Its normally shot from the
mid-thigh up.

Cowboy shot

The camera is made to look like the

subject is pointing at you or like
your standing in front of them. This
makes the audience feel involved
in the film.


This angle makes the subject look

taller and more strong and
confident. It helps give a sense of
confusion to the audience and
makes them seem smaller.

Low Angle

This angle makes the characters

look smaller and insignificant, it
makes their surroundings or
background look huge and like its
swallowing them. This lets the
audience see the bigger picture.

High Angle

This is where the camera is slanted to

one side to give dramatic effect, and
makes the audience feel
disorientated and confused.

Dutch Tilt Angle

This shot puts the audience in a

God like position as they can see all
the action from above. It makes
people and objects look very small
and insignificant.

Birds Eye View


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